İşletme Fakültesi, İşletme (İngilizce) Bölümü Koleksiyonu
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Öğe Family firms and innovation: Examining the role of management structure on R&D investment and outcomes(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2025) Özkara, Sena; Keleş Tayşir, NurgülThis study investigates the effect of managerial structure—specifically, only-family-managed, mixed-managed (involving family members and external managers), and external-managed—on innovation inputs and outputs in family firms. Based on four years of panel data from the Mannheim Innovation Panel (MIP) and investigates how managerial structures influence innovation inputs, covering total innovation expenditure and R&D expenditure, as well as innovation outputs like revenue from new or improved products and market novelties. Decker and Günther (2017) have conducted research on the relationship between management and innovation in family firms. However, this study extends this work by integrating both Socio-Emotional Wealth (SEW) theory and Agency Theory. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive view of how different governance structures in family firms affect innovation in time.It provides insights into innovation inputs and outputs across multiple sectors, highlighting the role of family dynamics and control in driving these outcomes. Finally, the study contributes to the existing literature by providing both theoretical and empirical evidence on the relationship between governance structures and innovation performance, emphasizing the unique characteristics of family firms.Öğe The impact of leadership on the effective implementation of organizational change(Istanbul Commerce University, 2024) Saidykhan, Lamin W.; Keleş Tayşir, NurgülThe study investigates the influence of leaders’ behavior on the effective implementation of organizational change. ‘The study also examines ‘the mediating role of followers’ response to change and the moderating role of leaders’ behavior on followers’ dispositional resistance to change in the change process.’ Data was collected from 238 academic staff working in higher education institutions in the Gambia and analyzed with the help of SmartPLS using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).’ The results indicate a positive relationship between leaders’ behavior and change effectiveness. Furthermore, followers’ response to change mediates the relationship between leaders’ behavior and change effectiveness. ‘However, the results do not provide support for the moderating role of leaders’ behavior on the relationship between dispositional resistance to change’ and followers’ response to change.’ The article is concluded with implications and directions for future research.Öğe Intergroup discrimination towards migrants and refugees in labor market hiring decisions(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2024) Nakay, Ekin; Keleş Tayşir, NurgülThis article deals with two fundamental global issues the world has been deeply engaged in; the worldwide refugee/migration surge, and as its potential outcome, racial/ethnic discrimination across multiple contexts, such as employment, housing, education, welfare, healthcare, and civil rights. Ethnicity triggered by Similarity and Realistic Threat stimulated by conflict and competition has been used to analyze the causality with two criterion variables; Hiring Intention and subsequently Ranking. Ethnic cognition for Turks and perceived realistic threat for migrants were the determining constructs. The online self-reporting survey was conducted using Qualtrics with 232 participants (166 women, 66 men). Purpose: This study aims to understand the extent of intergroup discrimination responsible for consequences on labor market selection processes, by analyzing the hiring and selection challenges the migrants - Syrians (nearly 3,7 million, 2023) and Uzbeks (nearly 60 thousand, 2022) likely to encounter when competing with Turkish candidates. We aim to reveal the determinants of bias related to ethnic exclusionism driven by ethnic similarities and perceived threat and moderated by job status. The study also digs out the attitude of women in general, but particularly those who are stigmatized by gender will demonstrate their attitudes when applicants' ethnicities are so salient as a discriminatory stimulant. Method: The questionnaire has listed two job postings for each high and low-status job vacancy, and equally qualified CVs of Turks, Syrians, and Uzbeks relating to postings. The questionnaire has been available online in two different time frames, the first between March 12th and May 27th and the second phase between August 2nd and September 17th, 2023. These dates have coincided with a very notable part of the sociopolitical and sociopsychological period when the Syrian migrant issue was at its climax. Findings: Analysis indicated that; Ethnic Identity overall, had demonstrated a stronger predictor than Realistic Threat, especially when Turkish candidates were rated, and Realistic Threat emerged as a stronger predictor on migrant candidates' selection assessments where Ethnic Identity has also predicted to some extent; All the estimations in all cases indicating a dominant bias for Turkish candidates and discriminate against the migrants; Job status did not moderate any decision; Gender was not effective in controlling discriminations. Women who have experienced gender discrimination have scored stronger ethnic bias favoring Turks, and stronger realistic threat against minorities, designating Syrians as stigmatized outgroups; and Uzbeks face much lighter form of discrimination than Syrians, supporting the "Prejudice Distribution Account" arguments. Originality: This project is novel in that; it is the first in Turkiye, to explore the hiring considerations when migrants compete with Turkish applicants, taking into account ethnicity coupled with anxiety and conflict constructs, moderated by job status. It is original in that it compares the raters' gender differentiations in attitudes toward the assessment of candidates having ethnic diversities. It is a rare, possibly only example of exploring the attitudes of people who have experienced discrimination, particularly women who experienced gender discrimination, predicting entitative arguments to the literature, given the conceptual framework.Öğe How do household coping strategies evolve with increased food insecurity? An examination of Nigeria's food price shock of 2015–2018(Wiley, 2024) Quinton, Justin; Jenkins, Glenn P.; Olasehinde‐Williams, GodwinFaced with a significant devaluation of its currency and a surge in food prices, the Nigerian government prohibited the use of foreign currency for food imports. This essentially blocked the importation of numerous food items under the guise of stimulating the domestic output of these staples. Consequently, food prices in Nigeria increased despite a global decline in food prices, and the incidence and severity of food insecurity escalated. This study examines the changes in the types and severity of coping mechanisms for food insecurity resulting from the food price shock caused by the oil price crash, currency devaluation, and restrictions on foreign exchange. Nigeria's General Household Survey Panel data from 2012 and 2015, during periods of high oil prices, is compared with data from 2018 when oil prices had remained low, the currency had been devalued, and the treasury had been depleted. Alongside detailed descriptive statistics, logistic and hurdle regressions are employed for statistical analysis. Findings indicate a rise in the percentage of Nigerian households grappling with food insecurity from 2015 to 2018. During this period, 68.7% of households resorted to at least one coping mechanism, 31.8% adopted six or more coping strategies, and 43.2% resorted to severe coping strategies. The issue stems not primarily from natural disasters or conflicts but from a failure in macroeconomic and agricultural economic policies. Our findings confirm that these policies come at great cost, particularly to female‐headed households, single‐parent households, households headed by elderly people, and other vulnerable populations, pushing them deeper into food insecurity.Öğe Dönüştürücü ve otantik liderliğin örgütsel yaratıcılık üzerindeki etkisinde pozitif psikolojik sermayenin aracı rolü: Hava kargo taşımacılığı sektöründe bir araştırma(2022) Kanmaz, Ümit; Karabulut, Ahu TuğbaBu çalışmada çağdaş yönetim yaklaşımlarından dönüştürücü ve otantik liderlik kavramlarının örgütsel yaratıcılık üzerindeki etkisinde pozitif psikolojik sermayenin (PPS) aracı rolünün incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren 7 havayolu kargo işletmesinde çalışmanın araştırması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Havayolu kargo işletmelerinde çalışan 580 beyaz yakalı çalışandan veri toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın verilerine frakans dağılımı analizleri, açıklayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri, güvenilirlik analizi, korelasyon analizi ve yapısal eşitlik modeli uygulanmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, Dönüştürücü ve Otantik Liderliğin PPS ve Örgütsel Yaratıcılık üzerinde anlamlı etkisi bulunmaktadır. PPS’nin Örgütsel Yaratıcılık üzerinde anlamlı etkiye sahip olduğu da belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, Dönüştürücü ve Otantik Liderliğin Örgütsel Yaratıcılık üzerindeki etkisinde PPS’nin kısmi aracılık etkisi bulunmuştur.Öğe Beşinci Disiplin - Öğrenen Organizasyon Sanatı ve Uygulaması, Peter M. Senge, Yapı Kredi Yayınları (2022), 475 Sayfa(2022) Çelik, MerveGünümüzde sürekli değişen ve gelişen bir iş ortamı vardır. Buna bağlı olarak, dünyanın dört bir yanında yeni yönetim tarzları, ürünler ve üretim süreçleri ortaya çıkmaktadır. İşletmelerin bu ortamda hayatlarını devam ettirebilmeleri için öğrenme yeteneklerini geliştirmeleri gerekir. Ancak, bu şekilde değişen çevre koşullarına yenilikçi tepkiler verebileceklerdir. Öğrenen organizasyonlar; yalnızca değişime ayak uyduran değil, aynı zamanda verdikleri yenilikçi tepkiler ile değişime neden olan organizasyonlardır. Peter M. Senge bu değişimin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için “Beşinci Disiplin” adlı eserini yazarak, organizasyonların yönetim sistemlerini baştan yaratmayı amaçlayan “öğrenen organizasyonlar” kavramına önem kazandırmaktadır. “Ağaçlar yüzünden ormanı görememek metaforu bugün hepimizce malum. Ne yazık ki çoğumuz birkaç adım geriye gittiğinde yalnızca ağaçları görüyor. İçlerinden beğendiğimiz bir tanesini seçip bütün ilgimizi ve değişim çabalarımızı onun üstünde yoğunlaştırıyoruz”. Bu metaforun organizasyonlar için de geçerli olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. İçerisinde barındırdığı insan gücünün bireysel öğrenme yeteneği organizasyonlar için önem taşır. Çünkü organizasyonlar sahip oldukları insan gücünün birer yansımasıdır. Ancak, yalnızca bireysel öğrenme veya fonksiyonel öğrenme ile büyük çaplı bir değer yaratılamaz. Bu değerin yaratılabilmesi için öğrenmenin organizasyonun bütününe entegre edilmesi ve sürekli olması gerekmektedir. Senge, Beşinci Disiplin adlı eserinin büyük bir kısmında öğrenen organizasyonların ancak bu düşünce çerçevesinde anlaşılabileceğinin üzerinde durmaktadır. Yönetim bilimine farklı bir açıdan bakması ve günümüzde yeni baskılar ile yayımlanarak popülerliğini koruması eseri incelenmeye değer kılmaktadır. Eser, ilk olarak yöneticilere hitap etmek amacıyla yazılmıştır. Ancak, zaman içerisinde işletme ve psikoloji bilimiyle ilgilenenler önde olmak üzere her kesimden insana hitap etmeyi başarmıştır. Eseri dil ve üslup bakımından sade ve akıcı olarak değerlendirmek mümkündür. Bilimsel kavramlar ise dipnotlar ile açıklanmaktadır. Yazar eseri betimsel bir yaklaşımla ortaya koymaktadır.Öğe The textile and clothing industrialization cycle(2019) Yülek, Murat Ali; Natsuda, Kaoru; Akkemik, K. Ali; Yağmur, Mete HanStarting with the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom in the 18th century, the textile and clothing (TC) sector has shown some streamlined stages and characteristics that seem to reoccur even today in a similar sequence. The TC industry develops capitalizing on the adoption of its industrial technology, creates employment for relatively low skilled labor converting them into industrial workers. At this stage it also triggers the development of other manufacturing industries through positive technical, labor or managerial spillovers. As the TC manufacturing technology is further adopted by the businesses, the sector further grows, enhances productivity and becomes part of an international supply chain. Faced with international competition, the TC sector reaches a bifurcation point when it mostly diminishes or it is transformed into a higher value-added sector through fashion, branding or technical textiles. As such, the TC industry proclaims Kaldor’s growth laws. The idea is supported by several time-bound country experiences which are located on the TC Cycle. The suggested streamlined stages and characteristics of the TC sector provides some valuable development policy recommendations for some African countries that are striving to industrialize as well as for countries that reached to bifurcation point on the TC Cycle, such as Turkey.Öğe How do energy market shocks affect economic activity in the US under changing financial conditions?(Springer International Publishing, 2022) Balcılar, Mehmet; Usman, Ojonugwa; Roubaud, DavidCredit markets play a crucial role in the propagation of shocks through an economy. Both economic uncertainty and oil market shocks transmit through credit markets to various sectors of an economy. However, the transmission of the shocks depends on the state of an economy as crises periods behave quite differently from normal times. We use a nonlinear vector autoregressive (VAR) model to study the transmission of uncertainty and oil market shocks using monthly data over the 1986:M1–2021:M1 period. The nonlinear VAR model allows the transmission of uncertainty and oil market shocks to a change during financial distress periods. We find that economic uncertainty is closely related to financial conditions and transmission dynamic change during financial crises. Uncertainty shocks are recessionary with a stronger effect during financial distress. Oil supply shocks associated with increasing oil prices are also recessionary and stronger during financial distress while positive demand shocks are expansionary. We find strong asymmetry in responses of macroeconomic aggregates across financial regimes and signs of the shocks. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022.Öğe A cross-sectional survey on the relationship between nurses' fear of COVID-19 infection and burnout: The moderating role of psychological capital(Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2024) Başar, Ufuk; Yalçıntaş, Murat; İyigün, ÖyküThe aims of this research were to uncover whether nurses' fear of catching COVID-19 resulted in burnout, whether their psychological capital remediated the fear of catching COVID-19 and burnout, and whether it moderated the prospective association between fear of catching COVID-19 and burnout. A deductive, explanatory and cross-sectional design has been employed in this research. The sample consisted of 734 nurses from Istanbul, Turkey. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data between 14 April and 11 May 2021. Discrepancies between average scores of variables were investigated according to the pandemic-related criteria through t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The partial least squares structural equation modelling technique was used to analyse proposed relationships. Findings indicated that nurses from public pandemic hospitals reported the highest levels of burnout and fear of infection and the lowest levels of psychological capital components. Fear of COVID-19 infection resulted in burnout more weakly among nurses who had a high level of psychological resilience. Optimism impacted burnout negatively. Hope impacted the fear of catching COVID-19 negatively.Öğe Çalışanların Temel Benlik Değerlendirmeleri ve Politik Becerileri Arasındaki İlişkiler Üzerine Kesitsel Bir Araştırma(Melih Topaloğlu, 2022) Başar, UfukAmaç – Politik beceriler çalışanların çeşitli tutumlarını ve davranışlarını açıklayabilen ve öngörülmesine katkı sağlayan bir olgu olduğundan çalışanların politik beceri düzeylerine etki edebilen unsurların araştırılmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışmada çalışanların temel benlik değerlendirmeleri ile politik becerileri arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Yöntem – Oluşturulan kuramsal modele politik beceriler bağımlı değişken olarak, temel benlik değerlendirmeleri ise bağımsız değişken olarak dâhil edilmiştir. Araştırmanın amacı doğrultusunda İstanbul’da çeşitli sanayi kollarında faaliyet gösteren 27 firmanın çalışanları üzerinde kesitsel bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Örneklem söz konusu firmalarda çalışan 414 katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın verisi anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır ve kısmi en küçük kareler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular – Elde edilen bulgulara göre katılımcıların temel benlik değerlendirmeleri; ilişki ağı kurma yeteneği, kişiler arası etki, sosyal zekâ ve samimi görünme boyutlarından oluşan politik becerileri olumlu ve anlamlı bir şekilde öngörmektedir. Tartışma –Elde edilen bulguların politik beceriler ve temel benlik değerlendirmeleri ile ilgili yazına yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmış olması nedeniyle kuramsal açıdan, bireysel ve örgütsel performansın artırılmasına yönelik çıkarımlarda bulunulmasına katkı sağlaması nedeniyle de uygulamaya dönük olarak faydalı olduğuna inanılmaktadır.Öğe Yenilikçi insan kaynakları yönetim uygulamalarının örgütsel çeviklik üzerindeki etkisi: Savunma sanayi işletmelerinde bir araştırma(Seymur AĞAZADE, 2021) Aktaş, Burak Nedim; Ülgen, BelizGünümüz iş dünyası kavram ve uygulamaları ve buna bağlı gelişen akademik çalışmalar önemli bir değişim sürecinden geçmektedir. Bu değişim sürecinde, insan kaynakları rekabet avantajı sağlayan en önemli faktör haline gelmiştir. Buna paralel olarak, örgütlerin hızlı değişim ve dönüşüm sürecine ayak uydurmaları ve cevap verebilmeleri çeviklik kavramını ön plana çıkarmıştır. Bu bilgiler ışığında bu araştırma, Savunma Sanayi’nde yenilikçi insan kaynakları yönetim uygulamalarının örgütsel çeviklik üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymak amacı ile hazırlanmıştır. Araştırma, Türkiye Savunma Sanayi’nde faaliyet gösteren 10 büyük ölçekli işletmede, 498 beyaz yakalı çalışan ve yönetici üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ölçüm için kullanılan anketlerin güvenilirlik ve geçerliliği analiz edilmiş, iddia hipotezini test etmek üzere regresyon analizi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre; ülkemiz savunma sanayinde, yenilikçi insan kaynakları yönetim uygulamalarının örgüt çeviklik üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi vardır. Araştırmanın hem yönetsel anlamda hem de bundan sonra yapılacak akademik çalışmalar için önemli bir ön adım niteliğinde olduğu ve sektöre farklı bir bakış açısı kazandıracağı düşünülmektedir.Öğe Multi-period travelling politician problem: A hybrid metaheuristic solution method(Taylor & Francis, 2021) Shahmanzari, Masoud; Aksen, Deniz; Salhi, SaïdThis paper studies the multi-period travelling politician problem whose objective is to maximise the net benefit accrued by a party leader during a fixed campaign period. The problem is also characterised by flexible depots since the daily tours realised by the party leader may not start and end at the same city. A hybrid multi-start Iterated Local Search method complemented with a Variable Neighbourhood Descent is developed to solve the problem heuristically. Two constructive procedures are devised to generate initial feasible solutions. The proposed method is tested on 45 problem instances involving 81 cities and 12 towns in Turkey. Computational results show that the hybrid metaheuristic approach outperforms a recently proposed two-phase matheuristic by producing 7 optimal solutions and 17 new best solutions. In addition, interesting practical insights are provided using scenario analysis that could assist campaign planners in their strategic decisions.Öğe The organizational learning and organizational performance in Mogadishu-Somalia (a case study of Hormuud Telecom Company)(IJIRIS, 2021) Hilowle, Hamdi Tifow; Başar, PınarThe main purpose of the study is the investigate and explain the organizational learning and organizational performance in Hormuud Telecom, Mogadishu, Somalia. And its specific objectives were to determine the contribution of organizational learning to performance improvement within Hormuud TelecomÖğe The effect of innovative strategies on export performance(JIPAT, 2021) Başar, Pınar; Hassani, AbderemaneExport performance depends on the quality of its innovation capabilities. Thus, innovation capabilities play a major role in terms of export performance. There are different types of dimensions in innovation capabilities however, in this study we are focused on the effective capabilities. Effective innovation capabilities cover the subjects of resources allocation, organizational capabilities, strategic capabilities, management capabilities, culture capabilities and learning capabilities. In this study, a survey on construction chemicals, building materials and textile export companies were selected because these industries are biased toward innovation and are considered among the most competitive industries. The model of this research is based on a review of past research studies and from the combination of them. According to the statistical evaluations made within these firms, 208 employees are randomly selected to form the sample. In this study, we use SPSS and Lisrel softwares. Validity and reliability of research variables were evaluated by using confirmatory factors analysis and Cranach’s alpha. Then, by using structural equation modeling in Lisrel software, analysis is conducted on the premises of the primary and secondary hypotheses. As a result, it demonstrates that organizational and learning capabilities have positive effects on export performance.Öğe İş geliştirme uzmanlarının mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile duygusal emekleri arasındaki ilişkiler üzerine görgül bir araştırma(Pamukkale Üniversitesi, 2021) Başar, UfukBu çalışmanın amacı iş geliştirme uzmanlarının mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile duygusal emekleri arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığının ortaya çıkarılmasıdır. Araştırmaya 9 farklı özel güvenlik firmasının İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren birimlerinde çalışan 161 iş geliştirme uzmanı iştirak etmiştir. Kesitsel araştırma tasarımına uygun olarak yürütülen çalışmanın verisi anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın hipotezleri yapısal eşitlik modellemesi tekniği ile test edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre katılımcıların mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile doğal duyguları ve derinden rol yapmaları arasında aynı yönlü, mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile yüzeysel rol yapmaları arasında ise ters yönlü ilişkiler bulunmaktadır. Bilindiği kadarıyla iş geliştirme uzmanlarının mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile duygusal emekleri arasındaki ilişkiler ilk defa bu çalışma ile ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bu bakımdan elde edilen bulguların örgütlerin iş geliştirme süreçlerinin iyileştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağına ve bu alanda yeni araştırmaların yapılmasını teşvik edeceğine inanılmaktadır.Öğe Ethical leadership versus perceived organisational politics and work neglect: a time lagged multi-level survey(Yusen Akademik Dergi Yayıncılığı, 2020) Başar, UfukThis research aimed to uncover whether ethical leadership had a role in preventing perceived organisational politics and its undesired consequences, such as work neglect through employees' loyalty to the organisation. Data were collected from 418 employees who report to 52 supervisors and work at four different five-star hotels in Antalya, Turkey, using self-report questionnaires in three distinct periods. Because employees were nested in their leaders, data were analysed using Hierarchical Linear Modeling technique. Findings indicated that ethical leadership resulted in loyalty and perceived organisational politics resulted in work neglect. However, there were negative relationships between ethical leadership and perceived organisational politics and ethical leadership and work neglect. Perceived organisational politics mediated the relationship between ethical leadership and work neglect. Moreover, loyalty mediated the relationships between ethical leadership and perceived organisational politics and between ethical leadership and work neglect.Öğe A multilevel study of relationships between leaders’ dark triad and employee burnout: mediating role of perceived dark leadership(İsarder, 2020) Başar, UfukPurpose – The aim of this research was to determine whether there are relationships between leaders’ dark triad and employee burnout and whether employees’ perception of dark leadership mediates these relationships. Design/methodology/approach – For this purpose, surveys were conducted in the Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Samsun, Ordu, Antalya, Gaziantep, and Mugla provinces of Turkey in units of 12 different private security companies. The sample consisted of 116 leaders and 494 employees who reported to those leaders. Because the sample comprised two levels (i.e., individual and group levels), the data were analyzed through the hierarchical linear modeling technique. Findings – The findings indicated that there were significant relationships between perceived dark leadership and employee burnout, between leaders’ dark triad and perceived dark leadership, and between leaders’ dark triad and employee burnout. Additionally, perceived dark leadership mediated the relationships between leaders’ dark triad and employee burnout. Discussion – This research contributed to the theory by uncovering the mediating role of perceived dark leadership between dark personality traits of leaders and employee burnout. Additionally, significant relationships were discovered between research variables through multilevel analyses that resulted in more robust implications. Moreover, practitioners are able to improve managerial processes by paying attention to undesired consequences of dark leadership and leaders’ dark triad.Öğe Hemşirelerde tükenmişlik sendromu: nedenleri, sonuçları ve önleyici stratejiler(Logos Tıp Yayıncılığı, 2020) Başar, UfukBu çalışmanın amacı, hemşirelerde tükenmişlik ile ilgilenen araştırmacılar için güncel bir kaynak oluşturmak, hemşirelerin yaşadığı tükenmişlik sendromu hakkında bilgiler vermek ve tükenmişlikle baş etme stratejilerini derlemektir. Araştırmada, Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus ve Medline gibi önde gelen dizinlerde yer alan kaynaklar değerlendirilerek bir yazın incelemesi yapılmıştır. Yapılan incelemelerin sonucunda, hemşirelerin tükenmişliğinin yaygınlığına, nedenlerine, hızlandırıcılarına, sonuçlarına, ağırlaştırıcılarına ve tükenmişlikle baş etme yöntemlerine ilişkin saptamalarda bulunulmuştur. Ayrıca, hemşirelerin tükenmişliği için önleyici stratejiler belirlenmiştir. Son olarak, gelecekte yapılacak araştırmalara yönelik değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.Öğe The relationships among corporate governance principles and firm performance(Maliye ve Finans Yazıları Yayıncılık, 2020) Karabulut, Ahu Tuğba; Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Başar, Pınar; Öz, Sabri; Küçükçolak, Recep AliThis study aims to analyse the effects of transparency and responsibility on accountability and fairness respectively and the effects of accountability and fairness on the firm performance. The principles of corporate governance which are fairness, transparency, responsibility and accountability have been studied. The data were collected randomly from 116 companies in Istanbul in 2019 based on field study including five-point Likert scales questionnaire. Structural equation modelling (SEM) method was used to conduct the analyses.Analyses results have been concluded that accountability has a positive effect on the firm performance. Additionally, responsibility has a positive effect on fairness. Conversely, the hypotheses suggested positive relations between transparency and accountability and between fairness and firm performance were not supported.Öğe Effects of green product innovation and green strategy on company performance: Arçelik a.ş. case from Turkey(DSI, 2020) Karabulut, Ahu Tuğba; Ergun, EsraGreen innovation has been a popular concept due to scarce environmental resources. Companies should conduct green innovation practices to have a sustainable growth and competitive advantages in the market place. If companies have green innovation strategies which are consistent to their corporate strategies and make green product innovations according to them, they can improve their performances. Green strategy and green product innovation have positive effects on performances of companies. The pupose of this study is to shed a light to the effects of green product innovation and green strategy on the performance of a Turkish company Arçelik A.Ş.