İşletme Fakültesi, İşletme (İngilizce) Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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Güncel Gönderiler

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  • Öğe
    Çalışanların Temel Benlik Değerlendirmeleri ve Politik Becerileri Arasındaki İlişkiler Üzerine Kesitsel Bir Araştırma
    (Melih Topaloğlu, 2022) Başar, Ufuk
    Amaç – Politik beceriler çalışanların çeşitli tutumlarını ve davranışlarını açıklayabilen ve öngörülmesine katkı sağlayan bir olgu olduğundan çalışanların politik beceri düzeylerine etki edebilen unsurların araştırılmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışmada çalışanların temel benlik değerlendirmeleri ile politik becerileri arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Yöntem – Oluşturulan kuramsal modele politik beceriler bağımlı değişken olarak, temel benlik değerlendirmeleri ise bağımsız değişken olarak dâhil edilmiştir. Araştırmanın amacı doğrultusunda İstanbul’da çeşitli sanayi kollarında faaliyet gösteren 27 firmanın çalışanları üzerinde kesitsel bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Örneklem söz konusu firmalarda çalışan 414 katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın verisi anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır ve kısmi en küçük kareler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular – Elde edilen bulgulara göre katılımcıların temel benlik değerlendirmeleri; ilişki ağı kurma yeteneği, kişiler arası etki, sosyal zekâ ve samimi görünme boyutlarından oluşan politik becerileri olumlu ve anlamlı bir şekilde öngörmektedir. Tartışma –Elde edilen bulguların politik beceriler ve temel benlik değerlendirmeleri ile ilgili yazına yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmış olması nedeniyle kuramsal açıdan, bireysel ve örgütsel performansın artırılmasına yönelik çıkarımlarda bulunulmasına katkı sağlaması nedeniyle de uygulamaya dönük olarak faydalı olduğuna inanılmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Yenilikçi insan kaynakları yönetim uygulamalarının örgütsel çeviklik üzerindeki etkisi: Savunma sanayi işletmelerinde bir araştırma
    (Seymur AĞAZADE, 2021) Aktaş, Burak Nedim; Ülgen, Beliz
    Günümüz iş dünyası kavram ve uygulamaları ve buna bağlı gelişen akademik çalışmalar önemli bir değişim sürecinden geçmektedir. Bu değişim sürecinde, insan kaynakları rekabet avantajı sağlayan en önemli faktör haline gelmiştir. Buna paralel olarak, örgütlerin hızlı değişim ve dönüşüm sürecine ayak uydurmaları ve cevap verebilmeleri çeviklik kavramını ön plana çıkarmıştır. Bu bilgiler ışığında bu araştırma, Savunma Sanayi’nde yenilikçi insan kaynakları yönetim uygulamalarının örgütsel çeviklik üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymak amacı ile hazırlanmıştır. Araştırma, Türkiye Savunma Sanayi’nde faaliyet gösteren 10 büyük ölçekli işletmede, 498 beyaz yakalı çalışan ve yönetici üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ölçüm için kullanılan anketlerin güvenilirlik ve geçerliliği analiz edilmiş, iddia hipotezini test etmek üzere regresyon analizi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre; ülkemiz savunma sanayinde, yenilikçi insan kaynakları yönetim uygulamalarının örgüt çeviklik üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi vardır. Araştırmanın hem yönetsel anlamda hem de bundan sonra yapılacak akademik çalışmalar için önemli bir ön adım niteliğinde olduğu ve sektöre farklı bir bakış açısı kazandıracağı düşünülmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Multi-period travelling politician problem: A hybrid metaheuristic solution method
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021) Shahmanzari, Masoud; Aksen, Deniz; Salhi, Saïd
    This paper studies the multi-period travelling politician problem whose objective is to maximise the net benefit accrued by a party leader during a fixed campaign period. The problem is also characterised by flexible depots since the daily tours realised by the party leader may not start and end at the same city. A hybrid multi-start Iterated Local Search method complemented with a Variable Neighbourhood Descent is developed to solve the problem heuristically. Two constructive procedures are devised to generate initial feasible solutions. The proposed method is tested on 45 problem instances involving 81 cities and 12 towns in Turkey. Computational results show that the hybrid metaheuristic approach outperforms a recently proposed two-phase matheuristic by producing 7 optimal solutions and 17 new best solutions. In addition, interesting practical insights are provided using scenario analysis that could assist campaign planners in their strategic decisions.
  • Öğe
    The organizational learning and organizational performance in Mogadishu-Somalia (a case study of Hormuud Telecom Company)
    (IJIRIS, 2021) Hilowle, Hamdi Tifow; Başar, Pınar
    The main purpose of the study is the investigate and explain the organizational learning and organizational performance in Hormuud Telecom, Mogadishu, Somalia. And its specific objectives were to determine the contribution of organizational learning to performance improvement within Hormuud Telecom
  • Öğe
    The effect of innovative strategies on export performance
    (JIPAT, 2021) Başar, Pınar; Hassani, Abderemane
    Export performance depends on the quality of its innovation capabilities. Thus, innovation capabilities play a major role in terms of export performance. There are different types of dimensions in innovation capabilities however, in this study we are focused on the effective capabilities. Effective innovation capabilities cover the subjects of resources allocation, organizational capabilities, strategic capabilities, management capabilities, culture capabilities and learning capabilities. In this study, a survey on construction chemicals, building materials and textile export companies were selected because these industries are biased toward innovation and are considered among the most competitive industries. The model of this research is based on a review of past research studies and from the combination of them. According to the statistical evaluations made within these firms, 208 employees are randomly selected to form the sample. In this study, we use SPSS and Lisrel softwares. Validity and reliability of research variables were evaluated by using confirmatory factors analysis and Cranach’s alpha. Then, by using structural equation modeling in Lisrel software, analysis is conducted on the premises of the primary and secondary hypotheses. As a result, it demonstrates that organizational and learning capabilities have positive effects on export performance.
  • Öğe
    İş geliştirme uzmanlarının mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile duygusal emekleri arasındaki ilişkiler üzerine görgül bir araştırma
    (Pamukkale Üniversitesi, 2021) Başar, Ufuk
    Bu çalışmanın amacı iş geliştirme uzmanlarının mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile duygusal emekleri arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığının ortaya çıkarılmasıdır. Araştırmaya 9 farklı özel güvenlik firmasının İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren birimlerinde çalışan 161 iş geliştirme uzmanı iştirak etmiştir. Kesitsel araştırma tasarımına uygun olarak yürütülen çalışmanın verisi anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın hipotezleri yapısal eşitlik modellemesi tekniği ile test edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre katılımcıların mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile doğal duyguları ve derinden rol yapmaları arasında aynı yönlü, mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile yüzeysel rol yapmaları arasında ise ters yönlü ilişkiler bulunmaktadır. Bilindiği kadarıyla iş geliştirme uzmanlarının mesleki özdeşleşmeleri ile duygusal emekleri arasındaki ilişkiler ilk defa bu çalışma ile ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bu bakımdan elde edilen bulguların örgütlerin iş geliştirme süreçlerinin iyileştirilmesine katkı sağlayacağına ve bu alanda yeni araştırmaların yapılmasını teşvik edeceğine inanılmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Ethical leadership versus perceived organisational politics and work neglect: a time lagged multi-level survey
    (Yusen Akademik Dergi Yayıncılığı, 2020) Başar, Ufuk
    This research aimed to uncover whether ethical leadership had a role in preventing perceived organisational politics and its undesired consequences, such as work neglect through employees' loyalty to the organisation. Data were collected from 418 employees who report to 52 supervisors and work at four different five-star hotels in Antalya, Turkey, using self-report questionnaires in three distinct periods. Because employees were nested in their leaders, data were analysed using Hierarchical Linear Modeling technique. Findings indicated that ethical leadership resulted in loyalty and perceived organisational politics resulted in work neglect. However, there were negative relationships between ethical leadership and perceived organisational politics and ethical leadership and work neglect. Perceived organisational politics mediated the relationship between ethical leadership and work neglect. Moreover, loyalty mediated the relationships between ethical leadership and perceived organisational politics and between ethical leadership and work neglect.
  • Öğe
    A multilevel study of relationships between leaders’ dark triad and employee burnout: mediating role of perceived dark leadership
    (İsarder, 2020) Başar, Ufuk
    Purpose – The aim of this research was to determine whether there are relationships between leaders’ dark triad and employee burnout and whether employees’ perception of dark leadership mediates these relationships. Design/methodology/approach – For this purpose, surveys were conducted in the Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Samsun, Ordu, Antalya, Gaziantep, and Mugla provinces of Turkey in units of 12 different private security companies. The sample consisted of 116 leaders and 494 employees who reported to those leaders. Because the sample comprised two levels (i.e., individual and group levels), the data were analyzed through the hierarchical linear modeling technique. Findings – The findings indicated that there were significant relationships between perceived dark leadership and employee burnout, between leaders’ dark triad and perceived dark leadership, and between leaders’ dark triad and employee burnout. Additionally, perceived dark leadership mediated the relationships between leaders’ dark triad and employee burnout. Discussion – This research contributed to the theory by uncovering the mediating role of perceived dark leadership between dark personality traits of leaders and employee burnout. Additionally, significant relationships were discovered between research variables through multilevel analyses that resulted in more robust implications. Moreover, practitioners are able to improve managerial processes by paying attention to undesired consequences of dark leadership and leaders’ dark triad.
  • Öğe
    Hemşirelerde tükenmişlik sendromu: nedenleri, sonuçları ve önleyici stratejiler
    (Logos Tıp Yayıncılığı, 2020) Başar, Ufuk
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, hemşirelerde tükenmişlik ile ilgilenen araştırmacılar için güncel bir kaynak oluşturmak, hemşirelerin yaşadığı tükenmişlik sendromu hakkında bilgiler vermek ve tükenmişlikle baş etme stratejilerini derlemektir. Araştırmada, Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus ve Medline gibi önde gelen dizinlerde yer alan kaynaklar değerlendirilerek bir yazın incelemesi yapılmıştır. Yapılan incelemelerin sonucunda, hemşirelerin tükenmişliğinin yaygınlığına, nedenlerine, hızlandırıcılarına, sonuçlarına, ağırlaştırıcılarına ve tükenmişlikle baş etme yöntemlerine ilişkin saptamalarda bulunulmuştur. Ayrıca, hemşirelerin tükenmişliği için önleyici stratejiler belirlenmiştir. Son olarak, gelecekte yapılacak araştırmalara yönelik değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.
  • Öğe
    The relationships among corporate governance principles and firm performance
    (Maliye ve Finans Yazıları Yayıncılık, 2020) Karabulut, Ahu Tuğba; Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Başar, Pınar; Öz, Sabri; Küçükçolak, Recep Ali
    This study aims to analyse the effects of transparency and responsibility on accountability and fairness respectively and the effects of accountability and fairness on the firm performance. The principles of corporate governance which are fairness, transparency, responsibility and accountability have been studied. The data were collected randomly from 116 companies in Istanbul in 2019 based on field study including five-point Likert scales questionnaire. Structural equation modelling (SEM) method was used to conduct the analyses.Analyses results have been concluded that accountability has a positive effect on the firm performance. Additionally, responsibility has a positive effect on fairness. Conversely, the hypotheses suggested positive relations between transparency and accountability and between fairness and firm performance were not supported.
  • Öğe
    Effects of green product innovation and green strategy on company performance: Arçelik a.ş. case from Turkey
    (DSI, 2020) Karabulut, Ahu Tuğba; Ergun, Esra
    Green innovation has been a popular concept due to scarce environmental resources. Companies should conduct green innovation practices to have a sustainable growth and competitive advantages in the market place. If companies have green innovation strategies which are consistent to their corporate strategies and make green product innovations according to them, they can improve their performances. Green strategy and green product innovation have positive effects on performances of companies. The pupose of this study is to shed a light to the effects of green product innovation and green strategy on the performance of a Turkish company Arçelik A.Ş.
  • Öğe
    The analytic hierarchy process method to design strategic decision making for the effective assessment of supplier selection in construction industry
    (Press Academia, 2018) Başar, Pınar
    Purpose - Endemic uncertainty of the environment within a limited time framework tend to complicate the decision-making process. This study aims to analyze the selection of the optimal supplier that meets the necessary criteria such as product features, supplier features, and delivery conditions. Methodology - Increasing market pressure in the construction industry compels companies to make quick and good decisions conducting strategic analyses. In this regard, information asymmetry is a crucial concept that requires managers to use different models during the decision-making process not only for their own benefit but also for the sake of all stakeholders. Analytic Hierarchy Process Method is used to evaluate suppliers’ characteristics that tend to consist of numerous interdependent variables and complex relationships. Findings - Supplier A has relatively better product features and supplier features. Addressing fundamental issues in supplier selection has been increasingly gaining ground in the construction industry in order to maintain a competitive advantage in regard to both cost and time efficiency as well as sustainability. Conclusion - Companies operate in an environment where decisions are ought to be handled in a rather holistic way. When managers are about to make robust decisions, they are ultimately obliged to feel responsible to both the company and various groups of stakeholders. Overall, decision-making is of vital importance for corporates both in a macro perspective due to existing ecological concerns and also in a micro perspective in terms of sustainability.
  • Öğe
    The diversities of the competitive advantage concepts and understanding sourced by resource-based approach to firm
    (Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2015) Başar, Pınar
    Aim of the study is to investigate the diversities of competitive advantage concepts and how those companies use their sources to provide sustainability and competitive advantage. Competitive advantage; in the information age, intends to aim at inclining to skills and abilities not easily imitated by competitors in order to capture competitive advantage. A semi-structured interview is conducted with three companies. This research allows the classification of resources by industry profile and can demonstrate differences in that profile. The findings show that intangible resources gains prominence as a competitive advantage and have more impact on performance in many companies as mentioned in other studies. A construction company, a food company and an automotive company are examined. The competitive environment pushes the companies to be innovative and to show corporate image in ways like social responsibility, where the know-how and intellectual property is one of the most important way for sustainability. Know – how and experience create deliver tangible results. The learning opportunities engage employees and reinforce company culture, where the companies operate in an environment where new technologies replace many core functions.
  • Öğe
    (Center for Promoting Ideas, 2018) Başar, Pınar
    Nowadays, the space industry has evolved from a governmental structure to a rather public-private cooperative structure in a quite competitive way. The pioneers of the industry have, in a way, changed the frontiers of the space. In this study, both dimensions that affect the nature of space entrepreneurship or, in other terms, astropreneurship and also differences in regard to the definition of investment amongst entrepreneurs due to the unique characteristics of the space industry have been investigated within the framework of industrial and consumer markets. Various processes, innovations, new ideas and outcomes of entrepreneurial activities are regarded as the indispensable elements of the overarching process of industry information in numerous regions and economies. Space offers a number of opportunities for commoditization and monetization. In this regard, the space policies of governments tend to have a prominent role on this novel public procurement
  • Öğe
    Employees’ approaches to human resources from the asset–resource concepts perspective
    (Center for Promoting Ideas, 2017) Şencan, Hüner; Bayraktar, Osman
    This paper aims to clarify how employees of interest-free banks approached to HR practices from the perspective of the asset and resources concepts. The study aims to present the effect of the “asset concept” on the evaluation of human resources practices. The paper is a descriptive analytical study. 351 out of 550 survey forms that were sent to the sample group were chosen to be evaluated and the data was analyzed using SPSS 22. The data was examined based on the theoretical framework of human asset and the human resources conceptual structures. Results showed that there existed a statistically significant and positive relationship between “human assets” orientation and their ways of evaluating “human resources practices”. Although this relationship was positive, it can be evaluated as a weak one. According to the conclusions made based on the findings of the research management and human resources applications that are realized within the framework of human assets in the interest-free banks affect the employees positively and have a feature of increasing their morale and motivation. Therefore, education, consciousness raising applications and adoption of the approach of human values can provide beneficial results to the businesses.
  • Öğe
    Çalışanların insan kaynakları uygulamalarına kıymet-kaynak temelli yaklaşım biçimleri
    (Balıkesir Üniversitesi, 2017) Şencan, Hüner; Bayraktar, Osman
    Yönetim olgusunun bilimsel bir disiplin olarak ele alındığı 19. yüzyılın sonundan itibaren personel yönetimi işlevi farklı aşamalardan geçerek şekillenmiştir. Personel işlevi önceleri muhasebe bölümünün içinde konumlandırılmışken sonraları bağımsız birim halinde örgütlenmiştir. 1924’de başlayan Hawthorne araştırmaları sonucunda insanın duygusal yanının dikkate alınması gerekliliği ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu anlayışla birlikte işletmelerde bağımsız personel bölümleri oluşmuş ve 1980’lerde, insanın da geliştirilebilir bir kaynak olduğu teziyle personel bölümlerinin adı “insan kaynakları” olarak değiştirilmiştir. 2000’li yıllardan sonra farklı görüşler ortaya çıkmaya başlamış, insanın “kaynak” olarak isimlendirilmesinin uygun olmayacağı belirtilmiştir. Bu anlayış daha sonra personel işlevinin isimlendirilmesine yansımıştır. İnsanın “kaynak” değil, bir “değer” olduğu savıyla “insan kaynakları” terimi yerine “insan kıymetleri” ifadesinin kullanılması önerilmiştir. Kaynaklara göre, Türkiye’de sekiz örgüt “insan kıymetleri” adlandırmasını benimsemiş bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, katılım bankaları personelinin insan kaynakları uygulamalarına kıymet-kaynak boyutunda nasıl yaklaştıkları incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın temel hipotezi, “insan kıymetleri” algısı yüksek olan işgörenlerin fiili olarak gerçekleştirilen insan kaynakları uygulamalarına ilişkin algılarının daha olumlu olacağı yönündedir. Veri toplama aracı olarak içinde iki ölçeğin yer aldığı anket yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Ölçüm aracı 500 kişiye gönderilmiş ve geri dönen anketlerden 351’i geçerli sayılmıştır. Veriler SPSS 22 yazılımı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of fringe benefits in Turkey and United Kingdom
    (Bartın Üniversitesi, 2018) Şencan, Hüner; Bayraktar, Osman
    The purpose of this study is to reveal the similarities, differences, and factorial structure of fringe benefit applications in banks in Turkey and the United Kingdom. Data was collected based on the banks’ information available on the Internet. The present study was designed as a kind of online survey. The findings indicate British banks exhibited more successful applications than Turkish banks in the communication of fringe benefits. When fringe benefit applications are evaluated through dual comparisons, the insurance fringe benefit applications of the two countries are compatible on a large scale. Other fringe benefit applications show significant differences. It is understood that local needs, customs, and judicial regulations may determine the creation of fringe benefit application programs in the two countries. This is the first study to compare the employee fringe benefits applied in banks in the UK and Turkey. In addition, the study has the potential to serve as a reference for Turkish banks.
  • Öğe
    Cinsiyet değişkenine göre özellik temelli duygusal zekânın öz-saygınlık faktörü üzerine etkisi
    (BMIJ, 2018) Şencan, Hüner; Fidan, Yahya; Bayraktar, Osman
    Amaç. Araştırmada öğrencilerin özellik temelli duygusal zekâ puanlarının öz-saygınlık değerlemeleri üzerindeki etkisi belirlenmek istenmiş, cinsiyet faktörüne göre bu etkinin ne şekilde bir gelişme ortaya koyduğu saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Yöntem. Çalışmada 175 öğrenciden veri toplanmış 171’i üzerinde analiz yapılmıştır. Duygusal zekâyı ölçmek için NHS Duygusal Zekâ ve öz-saygınlığı ölçmek için Rosenberg Öz-Saygınlık Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. İki kavramsal yapı arasındaki ilişkileri ve/veya etkiselliği belirlemek için korelasyon, regresyon analizi, t-testi ve ANCOVA yöntemlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Bulgular. Araştırma sonucunda duygusal zekânın öz-saygınlığı yordamada etkisinin olmadığı ve ilişkilerin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadığı anlaşılmıştır (R2 = 0,00). Etkisellik önerti değişken cinsiyet faktörünün kadın ve erkek düzeylerinde de çıkmamıştır. Sonuç. Araştırmanın temel hipotezi olan duygusal zekânın öz-saygınlık puanları üzerinde etkili olduğu savı istatistiksel olarak kanıtlanamamıştır. Önerti değişken cinsiyet faktörünün düzeylerine göre yapılan hiyerarşik regresyon analizinde de etkisellik ilişkisi bulunamamıştır.
  • Öğe
    Eğitim yöneticilerinin bireysel girişkenlik ve etkin iletişim davranışlarının öğretmenlerin dağıtık liderlik algısına etkisi
    (Karabük Üniversitesi, 2018) Şencan, Hüner; Fidan, Yahya; Bayraktar, Osman
    Distributed leadership is a management approach that found itself an application field especially in educational institutions. In the research, the effect of self-assertiveness and effective communication behaviors on the distributed leadership perception in an educational institution that is a lifelong learning center is expected to be specified and how this effect changes according to seniority and education factors is tried to be determined. In the study, an analysis is conducted based on the data collected from 302 people where 151 of them are education center managers and 151 are teachers. The Self-Assertiveness Scale developed by Frese et. Al. (1997) is used to measure the self-assertiveness, and for distributed leadership, the Distributed Leadership scale, which is used by Duif, Harrison, and Dartel (2013) in their researches, is used for the distributed leadership. In order to specify the relationships and/or effects between the variables, correlation, regression analysis, t-test, and ANOVA analysis methods are used. In the examination, it is found that the data that belongs to the composite variables that define the average points of all the three scales that is used in the statistical and graphical evaluations, has a normal distribution (p>0,05). The age average of the participants is 41 and the management duration average is 9 years for the participants where 50% of them are teachers and 50% of them are education managers. The age average of the teachers is 37 and the duration of being a teacher is 10 years. In the research, it is determined that there is no effect of self-assertiveness, effective communication and self-assertiveness/effective communication moderator variables on the distributed leadership perception. The main hypothesis of the research, which is that the moderator variable that consists of self-assertiveness, effective communication, and self-assertiveness/effective communication would have an effect on the distributed leadership perception, is not proved statistically. As the seniority level increases in the management group, the point of the distributed leadership decreases and on the other hand, in the teachers’ group, as the seniority increases the average of the distributed leadership perception point increases. The average of the distributed leadership perception points of the participants has a slight difference according to the education level.
  • Öğe
    Monitoring of educational performance indicators in higher education: a comparison of perceptions
    (Edam, 2015) Şencan, Hüner; Karabulut, Ahu Tuğba
    The purpose of this study is to explore whether there is a statistically significant difference between the ideas of university administrators and faculty members regarding how strictly Educational Performance Indicators for Educators (EPIE) should be monitored in the educational process. The responses of university directors were compared with those of faculty members, and the responses of public universities were compared to those of private universities. Improving the quality of education depends on the performance of teachers. Determining the objective indicators that measure the performance levels of teachers is necessary for maintaining quality assurance. In order for a university to maintain high standards, administrators and faculty members must cooperate with each other. The twelve point EPIE Index used in this study contains three components and nine indicators. No statistically significant relationship was found between the average component scores of university administrators and faculty members, and no statistically significant relationship was found between the average component scores of public and private universities. However, a statistically significant relationship was found between two factors from EPIE’s self-appraisal scores. The model and data do not match the conceptual structure of the three components in the EPIE. Thus, further studies and analyses should be conducted. It was found that most faculty members think like academicians from private universities, and most university directors think like academicians from public universities.