“Turizmin her araçla özendirilmesi” bağlamında gazeteci Yunus Nadi’nin başyazılarında turizm konusu (1930-1940)
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
1930’lu yıllar Türkiye’de dünya ekonomik buhranının etkilerinin şiddetli biçimde hissedildiği yıllardır. Bu dönemde liberal anlayıştan vazgeçilerek devletin ekonomik hayata tam müdahalesi gerçekleşmiş, krizi atlatmaya yönelik kararlar uygulamaya konulmuştur. Sanayiden bankacılığa kadar uzanan önlemler dizisinde turizm de unutulmamıştır. İktisadi Programa göre turizm, mümkün olan her araç ile teşvik edilecektir. Söz konusu araçlar arasında dönemin en önemli kitle iletişim aracı olan gazeteler de vardır. Bu çalışmada, turizmin teşvik edilmesi ve tanıtılması kapsamında Cumhuriyet gazetesinin sahibi Yunus Nadi’nin 1930-1940 tarihleri arasında kaleme aldığı turizm içerikli yazılar, betimsel analiz yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Bu sayede turizme ilişkin döneme ait düşünceler ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Nadi’nin turizme büyük önem verdiği, turizm konusunda bir taraftan okuyucusunu bilgilendirirken diğer taraftan da hükümeti ve yerel yönetimleri harekete geçirmeye çalıştığı fark edilmiştir.
1930’s are the years that the effects of world economic crisis were drastically felt in Turkey. During this period, abandoning the liberal concept; full intervention of the state in economic life took place, and decisions that would overcome the crisis were put into practice. In a series of measures ranging from the banking industry tourism was also not forgotten. According to the economic growth policy, tourism, would be encouraged in every possible way including newspapers which were the most important mass communication tool of the era. Descriptive analysis has been conducted to the articles published during the years of 1930-1940 by Yunus Nadi, the owner of Cumhuriyet Newspaper. In terms of this, the thoughts that are related to the development of Tourism have been revealed. It has been realized that Yunus Nadi gave a great deal of importance to tourism and he was trying to encourage the government and the local agencies to support the tourism industry.
1930’s are the years that the effects of world economic crisis were drastically felt in Turkey. During this period, abandoning the liberal concept; full intervention of the state in economic life took place, and decisions that would overcome the crisis were put into practice. In a series of measures ranging from the banking industry tourism was also not forgotten. According to the economic growth policy, tourism, would be encouraged in every possible way including newspapers which were the most important mass communication tool of the era. Descriptive analysis has been conducted to the articles published during the years of 1930-1940 by Yunus Nadi, the owner of Cumhuriyet Newspaper. In terms of this, the thoughts that are related to the development of Tourism have been revealed. It has been realized that Yunus Nadi gave a great deal of importance to tourism and he was trying to encourage the government and the local agencies to support the tourism industry.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cumhuriyet Gazetesi, Yunus Nadi, Turizm, Ekonomik Buhran, Cumhuriyet Newspaper, Yunus Nadi, Tourism, Economic Depression
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