Dijital İletişim Çağında Teknolojinin Açığa Çıkardıkları: Gözetim Ve Mahremiyet
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İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi
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Gözetim ve mahremiyet sorunsalı, dijital iletişim araçlarına özgü olmamakla birlikte, son yıllarda teknolojik inovasyonlarla birlikte yaygınlaşmakta ve tüm insani faaliyet alanını etkisi altına almaktadır. Bu durum, kamusal ve özel alan arasındaki sınırların silikleşmesine neden olmaktadır. Gelinen noktada özel alan, öz seçime bağlı gerçekleşen teşhir ve dijital gözetim pratikleri aracılığıyla siber uzamda kamusallaşmaktadır. XXI. Yüzyılda mahremiyet sorunsalının yoğunlaşmasının merkezinde, binlerce yıldır gelişim halindeki fiziksel uygarlığımız ile henüz oluşum aşamasındaki sanal uygarlığımızın birbiri içerisindeki çatışması yer almaktadır. Bu çatışmanın itici kuvveti ise dijital alanın ve onun teknik yeterliliklerinin kullanıcılar tarafından iletişim sürecinde tam anlamıyla içselleştirilememesidir. Bu durumun sonucunda kullanıcılar siber uzamda var olmak gayesiyle fiziksel dünyada değer taşıyan mahremiyet, güvenlik, kişisel veri gibi bireye özgü enformasyonu siber alanda erişilebilir hale getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada; gözetim olgusu, toplumsal denetim ve iktidar ilişkileri çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, gücü elinde bulunduran egemenlerin, bireylerin gündelik yaşamlarını denetim mekanizmaları aracılığıyla kontrol altında tutarken, bu süreçte dijital gözetim tekniklerine başvurması konusunda ortaya çıkan mahremiyet sorunsalları, literatür taraması yöntemiyle tartışılmaktadır.
The question of surveillance and privacy is not exclusively restricted to the digital communication tools and has recently become widespread with technological innovations and taken the human actions under control. This results in the borders between public and private spheres becoming vague. At present, private sphere is publicized in the cyber space through self-preferred exhibitions and digital surveillance practices. At the vey heart of the ever-intensifying question of privacy in the 21st century lies the inner conflict between our physical civilization which has been developing for thousands of years and the cyber civilization which is still in the making. The motive of this conflict is that the users fail to totally internalize the digital space and its technical capabilities during communication. As a result, users make the personal information, which is important in the physical world, such as privacy, security and personal data available to others in order to be present in the cyber space. The present study deals with the concept of surveillance in terms of social control and power relations. In the same vein, this study discusses, based on literature review, the questions of privacy emerging as a result of the sovereigns, which hold the power, resorting to digital surveillance techniques while keeping the individuals’ daily lives under their control through control mechanisms.
The question of surveillance and privacy is not exclusively restricted to the digital communication tools and has recently become widespread with technological innovations and taken the human actions under control. This results in the borders between public and private spheres becoming vague. At present, private sphere is publicized in the cyber space through self-preferred exhibitions and digital surveillance practices. At the vey heart of the ever-intensifying question of privacy in the 21st century lies the inner conflict between our physical civilization which has been developing for thousands of years and the cyber civilization which is still in the making. The motive of this conflict is that the users fail to totally internalize the digital space and its technical capabilities during communication. As a result, users make the personal information, which is important in the physical world, such as privacy, security and personal data available to others in order to be present in the cyber space. The present study deals with the concept of surveillance in terms of social control and power relations. In the same vein, this study discusses, based on literature review, the questions of privacy emerging as a result of the sovereigns, which hold the power, resorting to digital surveillance techniques while keeping the individuals’ daily lives under their control through control mechanisms.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gözetim Pratikleri, Mahremiyet Sorunsalı, Dijital İletişim, Mobil İletişim Teknolojileri, Surveillance Practices, Question of Privacy, Digital Communication, Mobile Communication Technologies
The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication
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