Anonim şirketlerde yönetim kurulu üyelerinin yükümlülükleri ve tabi olduğu yasaklar
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Yönetim kurulu anonim şirketin zorunlu organlarından biri olup şirketi idare ve temsil eder. Yönetim kurulu tek üyeli olabileceği gibi birden fazla üyeli de olabilir. Yönetim Kurulu üyeleri devredilemeyen münhasır görev ve yetkilerinin yanında kanunda ve esas sözleşme ile öngörülen başka görev ve yetkilere de sahiptirler. 6102 sayılı TTK’ da yönetim kurulu üyelerinin görevi aslen yerine getirme, pay sahiplerine eşit işlem yapma, özen ve sadakat yükümlülükleri düzenlenmiştir. Sadakat yükümlülüğü kapsamı içinde sır saklama yükümlülüğü ve şirketle işlem yapmama, borçlanmama, rekabet etmeme, müzakerelere katılmama gibi bir takım yasakları da barındırmaktadır. Bu yükümlülük ve yasaklar kanunen sınırlı olmayıp esas sözleşme ile başka yükümlülük ve yasaklar da düzenlenebilir. Yönetim kurulu üyelerinin bu yükümlülük ve yasakları ihlal etmesi, sorumluluklarını gerektirir. Çalışmamızda anonim şirket yönetim kurulu üyelerinin yükümlülükleri ve tabi olduğu yasaklar, 6102 sayılı kanun kapsamında ele alınacaktır.
Board of directors is one of the mandatory body of joint stock companies and it manages and represents the company. Board of directors could be structured with one or more members. Besides nontransferable exclusive duty and authority, Board of directors, also beneficiary to other duties and authorizations which are constructed under law and under articles of association. Turkish Commercial Code 6102 designs and constructs essential performance of the duties, like using fair process for the shareholders, care and loyalty liability issues. Under coverage of loyalty, confidentiality obligation covers following prohibitions like not involving in a transaction with the company, not borrowing from company, not regulated and not joining debates. These prohibitions and liabilities are not limited and could be regulate by the articles of association of the company. In case of breach of the obligations and prohibitions will create liability for the members of the board of directors. With in the scape of this Article , liability of the board of directors and applicable prohibitions will be considered parallel to the Turkish Commercial Code article 6102.
Board of directors is one of the mandatory body of joint stock companies and it manages and represents the company. Board of directors could be structured with one or more members. Besides nontransferable exclusive duty and authority, Board of directors, also beneficiary to other duties and authorizations which are constructed under law and under articles of association. Turkish Commercial Code 6102 designs and constructs essential performance of the duties, like using fair process for the shareholders, care and loyalty liability issues. Under coverage of loyalty, confidentiality obligation covers following prohibitions like not involving in a transaction with the company, not borrowing from company, not regulated and not joining debates. These prohibitions and liabilities are not limited and could be regulate by the articles of association of the company. In case of breach of the obligations and prohibitions will create liability for the members of the board of directors. With in the scape of this Article , liability of the board of directors and applicable prohibitions will be considered parallel to the Turkish Commercial Code article 6102.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yönetim Kurulu, Yükümlülükler, Yasaklar, Board of Directors, Liabilities, Prohibitions and restrictions
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