Anayasal-demokratik bir rejimde özgürlük ve güvenlik
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Bu makalede özgürlük ve güvenlik ilişkisi anayasal-demokratik bir rejim standartları açısından irdelenmektedir. Son yıllarda dünya çapında yaygınlaşan ve yoğunlaşan terörü öne süren birçok devlet özgürlükleri aşırı ölçüde kısıtlama eğilimine girmiştir. Özgürlükleri devlet güvenliği için feda etmeyi onaylayan bu güvenlikçi gidişin frenlenmesi için özgürlükçü-demokratik hukuk devletine öncelik tanıyan yeni bir bakışa ihtiyaç vardır. Bu ise anayasal-demokratik devlet anlayışına uygun olarak, güvenlik mülâhazasıyla özgürlüklerin sınırlanması söz konusu olduğunda yasama ve yargı organlarının “özgürlük karinesi”ni temel ilke olarak benimsemelerini gerektirmektedir.
The subject-matter of this article is to consider relationship between liberty and security from a constitutional-democratic point of view. In recent years as terrorism becomes a world-wide and profound phenomenon, governments incline to overstep the reasonable limits of restricting civil liberties. In order to check this temptation on part of governments that subscribes to sacrifice liberty for state security we need a new perspective that gives priority to liberty. This, in turn, demands, in a constitutional-democratic regime, that in limiting liberties with genuine security concerns legislators and judges adopt “presumption of liberty” as the guiding principle along with proportionality.
The subject-matter of this article is to consider relationship between liberty and security from a constitutional-democratic point of view. In recent years as terrorism becomes a world-wide and profound phenomenon, governments incline to overstep the reasonable limits of restricting civil liberties. In order to check this temptation on part of governments that subscribes to sacrifice liberty for state security we need a new perspective that gives priority to liberty. This, in turn, demands, in a constitutional-democratic regime, that in limiting liberties with genuine security concerns legislators and judges adopt “presumption of liberty” as the guiding principle along with proportionality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Özgürlük-Güvenlik Dengesi, Özgürlük Karinesi, Hikmet-i Hükümet, Waldron, Balance Between Liberty and Security, Presumption of Liberty, Reason of State, Waldron
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