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Öğe Bazı memeli yaban hayvanlarının potansiyel habitatları için gösterge odunsu bitki türlerinin belirlenmesi(2013) Oğurlu, İdris; Aksan, ŞengülBu çalışma, Isparta-Gölcük Tabiat Parkında, bazı memeli yaban hayvanlarının habitat tercihlerini belirlemede gösterge olabilecek odunsu taksonları tespit etmek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gölcük Tabiat Parkı’nda 213 adet örnek alan alınmıştır. Her örnek alanda memeli yaban hayvanları ve odunsu türlere ait var-yok verileri kaydedilmiştir. Analitik değerlendirme için çeşitli yöntemler arasından muhtelif nitelikler arası ilişki analizi tercih edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda; Toros sedirinin (Cedrus libani) Yaban Tavşanı (Lepus capensis) için, Yabani eriğin (Prunus spinosa) Yaban domuzu (Sus scrofa) için, Yabani erik, Ahlat (Pyrus elaeagnifoli), Doğu çınarı (Platanus orientalis) ve Toros sedirin Porsuk (Meles meles) için, Kuşburnunun (Rosa canina) ise Kaya Sansarı (Martes foina) için pozitif gösterge odunsu türler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yine yaban tavşanı için Kavak (Populus sp.) ve Meşenin (Quercus sp.), porsuk için Anadolu karaçamının (Pinus nigra) negatif gösterge türleri olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlara göre Toros sediri, Yabani erik, Kuşburnu, Ahlat, Doğu çınarı ile Kavakgiller ve Meşegiller gibi meyveli ve tohumlu odunsu türler bakımından zengin sahaların, hedef memeli yaban hayvanları için en uygun habitatlar olduğu söylenebilmektedir.Öğe Sıcak iklim bölgelerinde soğutma yüklerinin karşılaştırılması(Yildiz Technical Univ, Fac Architecture, 2006) Erkmen, F. İlgin; Zorer Gedik, Gülay; Şerefhanoğlu Sözen, MüjganSıcak iklim bölgelerinde sıcak dönem soğuk dönemden daha uzun sürmektedir. Bu nedenle bu bölgeler için baskın olan sıcak dönem şartları soğutma yükü açısından önem taşımaktadır. Son yıllarda çevre kirliliği nedeniyle yaşanan iklimsel değişimler (sera etkisi, küresel ısınma gibi) enerji harcamalarını ve soğutma konusunu ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, sıcak iklim bölgelerinde yapıların soğutma yüklerinin karşılaştırılması ele alınmıştır. Sıcak nemli iklim tipi için Antalya, sıcak kuru iklim tipi için Diyarbakır illeri seçilerek, verileri ve fiziksel özellikleri belirlenen örnek bir yapı ele alınmış ve belirlenen 21 Temmuz tasarım günü için Soğutma Yükü Sıcaklık Farkı Yöntemi ile (Cooling Load Temperature Difference-CLTD) soğutma yükü hesapları yapılmıştır. İki ayrı sıcak iklim tipi için soğutma yükü sonuçları karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir.Öğe Information management roles in real estate development lifecycle: literature review on BIM and IPD framework(Emerald Publishing, 2021) Bilge, Eymen Çağatay; Yaman, HakanPurpose – Integrated project delivery (IPD) and building information modeling (BIM) has begun to be used in real estate development projects over the past decade to improve collaboration, communication and efficiency. However, the use of BIM and IPD in projects does not always imply that the information is well used and managed. This study aims to explain how information management should be carried out in BIM and IPD projects, what activities should be managed by the information manager and which stakeholder should play this role and why? Design/methodology/approach – This study provides a framework on the subject by conducting a comprehensive systematic review in the field of real estate development, BIM, IPD and information management. In this context, the Web of Science and Scopus databases have been systematically reviewed, n = 45 out of a total of n = 1,356 articles and additionally, the BIM documents and standards prepared by public institutions and organizations and industry reports have been examined in detail. Findings – The framework for information management roles was established by reviewing the literature. According to this framework, information management activities of information managers are listed in the table that covers all phases of real estate development. The owner should undertake this role as it is the entity that oversees the built asset from planning to the management of that facility. Originality/value – In terms of acquiring information management roles, there is no research on BIM and IPD projects and who will take over this role. This study desired to close this gap in the literature.Öğe Antalya Düzlerçamı Yaban Hayatı Geliştirme Sahası’nda yayılış gösteren karakulak (Caracal caracal Schreber, 1776)’ın populasyon durumu, günlük aktivite deseni ve habitat tercihi(Isparta Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, 2019) Ünal Yasin; Koca, Ahmet; Kısaarslan, Yunus; Yelsiz, Mehmet Şirin; Süel, Halil; Oğurlu, İdrisBu araştırma, 2016-2017 yılları arasında Antalya ilinde yer alan Düzlerçamı Yaban Hayatı Geliştirme Sahası’nda yapılmıştır. Karakulak (Caracal caracal)’ın populasyon durumu, günlük aktivite deseni ve habitat tercihinin belirlenebilmesi için fotokapan yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Fırsat noktasi yöntemi ile 444 noktaya fotokapan kurulmuş, bunlardan 19’unda 35 adet karakulak görüntüsü kaydedilmiştir. Görüntülerinin değerlendirilmesi sonucunda karakulağın fotokapana yakalanma oranı 0.08-0.83 olarak bulunmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda, karakulağın 450 m rakıma kadar olan kızılçam ormanlarını daha çok tercih ettiği, kum taşı ve volkanik sediment alanların habitat tercihinde daha fazla yer tuttuğu, kireç taşının ise karakulak tarafından kullanılmayan bir anakaya cinsi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma alanında doğal yayılış gösteren alageyik (Dama dama), yaban keçisi (Capra aegagrus), yaban domuzu (Sus scrofa) ve yaban tavşanı (Lepus europaeus)’nın karakulağın önemli besin kaynakları arasında yer aldığı görülmüştür. Genel itibariyle gün boyu aktif olduğu, fakat en yoğun aktivitesini akşam havanın kararmasından itibaren gece 24.00-06.00 saatleri arasında yaptığı gözlenmiştir.Öğe Using indicator fauna elements in biotope maps for urban landscape planning(Global Research & Development Services Publishing, 2020) Sözgen, Ömer Taha; Aksu, Gül Aslı; Oğurlu, İdris; Ayaşlıgil, Tülay ErbeslerWith the developing technology and increasing population, cities are rapidly and unplanned growing around the world and therefore the natural environment and species are under threat. To eliminate the negative effects of this treatment, qualified tools and data are needed to make appropriate planning decisions. To benefit from the biotope maps, which are important data sources, they should be prepared rapidly in parallel with the speed of urbanization. Detection of sensitive ecosystems in urban landscapes can be achieved by mapping biotopes. These maps are also important for the development, management, and continuity of ecological infrastructures. From this point of view, to obtain a biotope map that will be prepared for urban landscape planning, it is thought that the determination of the required biotope classes with indicator fauna elements may be more practical. In this study, the literature based on indicator fauna elements was examined and evaluated concerning urban landscape planning. As a result, it was determined that biotope maps, prepared based on indicator fauna elements, could be obtained rapid and qualified data.Öğe Assessing Imageability of Port Cities Through the Visibility of Public Spaces: The Cases of Famagusta and Limassol(Sage, 2020) Özgece, Nezire; Edgü, Erincik; Ayıran, NezihCharacteristics of port cities are significantly different than inland cities since they have a spatial relation with water. Waterfronts, main urban squares, and major streets are specified as the predominant components affecting socio-spatial configurations. The research assumes that the imageability of port cities, which refers to “port city identity” in this research, is associated with the visibility of these key public spaces. The port cities of Famagusta and Limassol—the current major port cities of divided Cyprus—were selected to be evaluated on the specified public spaces to reveal this association. The specified spaces are scrutinized through both the space syntax methodology and landuse and movement patterns in relation to visibility parameters. The results show that Limassol is more successful than Famagusta in terms of imageability, as it presents higher spatial and social visibility of public spaces, which also strengthens its port city identity.Öğe Indicator species of habitat preferences to wildlife animals in Köprüçay district(GEOMED, 2013) Süel, Halil; Ertuğrul, Emrah Tagi; Aksan, Şengül; Ünal, Yasin; Akdemir, Doğan; Cengiz, Gökhan; Bayrak, Hatice; Ersin, Mustafa Önder; Oğurlu, İdris; Ozkan, Kürşat; Özdemir, İbrahimWildlife animals prefer various habitats. Environmental factors play important roles for habitat preferences of wildlife animals. On the other hand, environmental factors are important for the distributions of plants species as well. On this context, plants species can be directly or indirectly (as indicators) evaluated to obtain data related to habitat preferences of wildlife animals. This study was addressed to determine the indicator plants species for wildlife animals (Red fox-Vulpes vulpes, Cape Hare-Lepus capensis, Badger-Meles meles, Stone marten-Martes fonia, wildboar-Sus scrofa) in the Köprüçay district of the Mediterranean Region, Turkey. In the study, interspecific correlation analysis was applied by using 41 sample plots data. As a results of this statistical analysis, storax (Sytrax officinalis), turbentine tree (Pistacia terebintus) and pyhilleria(Pyhilleria latifolia) with cape hare (Lepus capensis), daphne (Daphne serisian), pyhilleria (Pyhilleria latifolia) with stone marten (Martes fonia), turbentine tree (Pistacia terebintus) with badger (Meles meles), storax (Sytrax officinalis) with wildboar (Sus scrofa) showed significant associations.Öğe Contributions of environment and nature training to geography education: IDE projects case study(GEOMED, 2013) Oğurlu, İdris; Alkan, Hasan; Ünal, Yasin; Ersin, Mustafa Önder; Bayrak, HaticeNature training projects offer great opportunities to eliminate the inadequacies on natureenvironment issues and gain environment friendly individuals in society. Isparta Nature Conservation Areas Nature Training (IDE) projects, the first of which was started in 2007 and the fifth was completed in 2012 are among the significant projects in this sense. In these projects, nature training was given to 312 teachers, prospective teachers and public personnel in 17 weeks of activity periods each of which lasted 7 days; as for the target group of the projects, geography teachers made up 16% of total participants. The participants were given applied training on geographical issues such as location, climate, flora, fauna, ecosystems, conserved areas etc. within the scope of the project. In this document, issues such as the questioning of adequacy of formal training in terms of nature-environment training, determining the current and potential contributions of nature training projects on geography training were researched by means of the information obtained from geography teachers who had participated in the project. Research data was gained from surveys and interviews made at the beginning and end of the training project. These data were entered into the database formed in MS Excel program and the analyzed using SPSS 18.00 packet program. Findings were statistically expressed in terms of frequency-percentage. The presence-absence of correlation was tested using chi-square test. IDE from the viewpoint of the participant texts recorded by the participants and preserved as they were, were also made use of during these assessments. According to research findings, (1) nature-environment trainings given at schools are inadequate. (2) Nature training projects that could be viewed within the scope of non-formal training are beneficial in compensating for this inadequacy. (3) In terms of knowledge levels and attitudes toward the nature, positive developments in were seen in all geography teachers who had participated in the trainings.Öğe Korunan alanların doğa eğitim projelerindeki yeri ve önemi(Ormancılıkta Sosyo-Ekonomik Sorunlar Kongresi, 2012) Oğurlu, İdris; Alkan, HasanÜlkemizdeki örgün eğitim programlarının doğa-çevre eğitimi konusundaki yetersizliklerinin giderilmesi ve doğa dostu bireylerin topluma kazandırılması bakımından önemli fırsatlar sunan Doğa Eğitim Projeleri son yıllarda Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu tarafından önemsenen ve öncelik verilerek desteklenen projeler haline gelmiştir. Diğer taraftan ise, sahip oldukları kaynak değerleri dolayısıyla çeşitli yasal koruma statüsü verilmiş olan birçok korunan alan, canlı birer laboratuvar olmaları ve insanlara kısa sürelerde aktif öğrenme fırsatı sunmaları gibi nedenlerle eğitim projeleri için tercih edilen alanlar olmaya başlamıştır. Bu bildiride, 2007-2010 yılları arasında Isparta’nın Kovada Gölü Milli Parkı, Gölcük Tabiat Parkı, Yazılı Kanyon Tabiat Parkı, Kızıldağ Milli Parkı gibi çeşitli korunan alanlarında birer haftalık sürelerle 11 eğitim döneminde gerçekleştirilen doğa eğitim projelerinin kazanımları ele alınarak, korunan alanların eğitim projeleri bakımından sunmuş olduğu fırsatlar ve bu projelerin korunan alanların tanıtımına yapmış olduğu katkılar değerlendirilmiştir. Konunun irdelenmesinde bu projelerden elde edilen deneyimlerinden anket ve mülakat çalışmaları ile proje katılımcılarından üretilen verilerden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre ; projelerin yürütüldüğü flora ve fauna bakımından zengin kaynak değerlerine sahip olan adı geçen korunan alanların proje içeriği ve aktivite çeşitliliğinin zenginleştirilmesi ve uygun kamp koşullarının sağlanması bakımından eğitici ve katılımcılara önemli avantajlar sağladığı görülmüştür. Öte yandan, korunan alanların eğitim projesi katılımcıları tarafından yeterince bilinmediği ve dolayısıyla bu projelerin korunan alanların tanıtımı ve korunmasına yönelik kamuoyu oluşturulması bakımından da önemli faydalar sağladığı belirlenmiştir.Öğe An assessment for “quality of life” through “urban poverty” perspective(Ersa, 2013) Koramaz, Elif KısarQuality of Life, as the holistic experience of life, occurs through the interaction of resources and conditions of life and society’s needs, expectations and evaluations concerning those resources and conditions. Land use attributes and their spatial organization, public services and utilization of these services are regarded as the main indicators of Quality of Life (QoL) in an urban environment. As assessments for these indicators bring out the geography of QoL in a city, they also reveal the forms of deprivations faced in the city. In other words, QoL research in urban areas can depict the deprivation forms those the vulnerable social groups suffer in poor neighbourhoods. With a conceptualization of urban poverty as the state of cumulative deprivations which occurs through the interaction of different domains and dimensions of life, this paper aims to discuss, if an urban QoL research can act as a tool to fight against urban inequality and poverty. With this aim, indicators of QoL are analyzed and compared among different neighbourhoods and socio-economic groups in residential areas of İstanbul. The findings of the paper indicate the spatial differentiation of QoL as well as the forms and levels of deprivations which the vulnerable social groups face in Istanbul. Through the assessment of QoL, the results indicate that level QoL differ in Istanbul following the pattern of residential area characteristics such as development type, urban fabric and spatial integration to the infrastructure and public services. In this context, residential areas located on the outskirts and previously started to develop as squatter settlements are subject to urban poverty in terms of multiple deprivations and spatial and social disintegration. The study results lead to spatially addressed policies and strategies which would enhance QoL and defeat urban poverty in deprived neighbourhoods in Istanbul. Finally the paper questions if an understanding of QoL through the perspective of urban poverty offers the possibilities of social equity and integration of the vulnerable social groups to the urban social fabric.Öğe ECoC 2010 – Istanbul: “a commodity” for consumers or “a source” for all citizens(European Network For Housing Research, 2011) Koramaz, Elif Kısar; Koramaz, Turgay KeremThe European Capitals of Culture (ECoC) is one of the prominent cultural programs in European Union, which develops not only local and regional programs related to arts and culture, but also public and private investments with sponsorships and local initiatives those set to work for urban-cultural programs. This paper aims to investigate the cultural infrastructure to what extent it is decentralized and accessible for all residents in order to validate the success of ECoC programs in Istanbul which had been designated as one of the ECoC cities during 2010. This investigation is held whether ECoC programs worked as “a commodity” serving for privileged groups or “an accessible source” for all residents and to what extent spatial pattern of these programs provide availability and accessibility across the city. The most remarkable findings indicate that 2010 experience in Istanbul was not able to contribute the social integration of the centre, periphery and varying social groups.Öğe Coworking spaces and urban quality of life in Istanbul(Real Corp, 2019) Koramaz, Elif Kısar; Öztürk, EdaCo-working spaces can be defined as offices that give the opportunity to carry out individual work in a shared office environment for users from different sectors and disciplines. Co-working spaces provide flexible and alternative working conditions, supported by technical and spatial infrastructures of a working environment. With its spatial characteristics and amenities, co-working spaces promise the users efficient working hours. As well as individual efficiency, co-working spaces are also characterised by their contribution to stimulating social relations and establishing social networks. Worldwide, co-working spaces are expanding through branches, and have the tendency to specialise through the services they offer. Co-working spaces also tend to create a worldwide network through online networks and databases, which contribute to their promotion and communication processes. Today, co-working spaces are a global trend, but they also become specific with their own local dynamics, and gain importance as a contributing factor to the performances of cities in creative sectors within a global network of cities. In this study, the co-working spaces in Istanbul are analysed in terms of services they offer and their spatial characteristics. The aim of the paper is to put forward a description of the character of the co-working space network in the city and its contribution to urban life. This description indicates the role of co-working spaces in improving urban quality of life, in terms of accessibility of alternative working environments and the supportive facilities they offer. In this context, co-working spaces in Istanbul are analysed using their official websites. The results indicate that co-working spaces are particularly prominent in providing social interaction and flexibility characteristics, which are defined as the main components of the services they offer and the identity created for each enterprise. The spatial organisation and design characteristics of the co-working spaces are other prominent factors emphasised when explaining the services of these co-working spaces.Öğe Neighboring as an indicator of social integration in residential areas of Istanbul(IPHS, 2010) Koramaz, Elif Kısar; Türkoğlu, HandanSocial integration is the degree to which people are integrated to the systems of the social structure. The systems of the society process on different domains, such as political, economic, societal and they also occur on different levels, varying from macro level referring to the core institutions such as labour market, political system, to micro level such as the family or neighbourhood. Neighbouring is regarded as an indicator of social integration, as it is a type of a social system processing at the neighbourhood level. Neighbouring can be defined as social relations, based on spatial borders. This paper aims to describe neighbouring characteristics in Istanbul’s residential areas. With this aim, the motivation of this paper relies on the determination of spatial differentiation of social integration level based on neighbouring relations. The research in this paper is based on a household survey conducted in different groups of residential areas in Istanbul. Structural and functional characteristics of social relations in the residential areas and respondents’ evaluations of these issues are considered as neighbouring indicators. The results indicate that differentiating forms and levels of social integration based on neighbouring relations are accommodated in Istanbul’s residential areas those identified with differentiating spatial and socio-economic characteristics. The paper, as evaluated from the framework of social integration concept, clarifies the role of neighbouring in the society and leads us to strategies that would promote in the conditions for improving the effectiveness of neighbouring.Öğe Urban green areas’ contribution to residential quality: cases from Istanbul(European Network For Housing Research, 2010) Türkoğlu, Handan; Koramaz, Elif KısarResidential quality is shaped due to the residential environments’ physical and social attributes and residents’ evaluations for these attributes. Urban green areas are regarded as essential spatial and functional components of residential environments. Urban green areas contribute in residential environments’ quality through their environmental effects and recreational facilities. The level of their contribution to residential quality depends on green areas’ individual characteristics and the relationship between the residential environment and green areas. This paper aims to determine urban green areas’ contribution to residential quality through investigation of the relationships between urban green area attributes and residential quality in residential areas of Istanbul. Within this context, the study is held in residential areas of Istanbul, those differentiate in their socio-economic and spatial structures. Green area attributes and residential quality indicators are measured through a social survey in order to examine the actual neighbourhood characteristics and citizens’ evaluations for their environment and green areas. The study depicts the pattern of relationships between green areas and residential environments in different residential areas of Istanbul, while it reveals the determinant, throughs which green areas contribute in residential quality. Findings of the study lead urban planning and design policies in order to improve the role of green areas in the context of residential quality, in Istanbul.Öğe The effects of spatial relations in property-led regeneration(Space Syntax Laboratory, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, 2015) Koramaz, Elif Kısar; Koramaz, Turgay Kerem; Özer, ÖzlemIn Turkey, since the entry of the Law on Redevelopment of Areas under Disaster Risk (Law No. 6306) into force in 2012, there has been a significant increase in the number of both property-?led and area-? based renewals. Property-?led regeneration works as an invisible tool of a greater urban regeneration process that creates a broader impact on the city. Although the practice is comprised of singular constructions, as it reflects the renewal of individual buildings, it transforms the general appearance of the urban fabric. This transformation is not as sharp as it is in area-?based urban regeneration practices, but still the individually renewed buildings dramatically affect the quality of urban space. The sole control of local authorities over this renewal process is the construction and utilisation permits they give. In spite of this uncontrolled and unplanned trend, these renewals seem to concentrate in certain areas occasionally, suggesting that there are some determinants. Particularly, the differentiation in areas which have similar building densities and construction permits is remarkable. This paper presents a part of a more comprehensive research that investigates the triggering factors and consequences of property-?led regeneration. The entire central area of Bakirköy, Istanbul that has varying building densities and different settlement layouts has been selected for case study. Within the scope of this paper, the locations of individual renewals are analysed in terms of their spatial relations. This way, it is aimed to understand the role of spatial relations in property-?led regenerations. By defining the factors that affect the locations of these individual constructions, it would be possible to predict the locations that have this tendency. We believe that such an approach would be of significant aid for the local authorities to take necessary precautions to direct this process which considerably affects the quality of urban space.Öğe Tasarım eğitimini kurgularken üst ölçekli planlama sorgulamalarıyla yola çıkmak: Osmaneli Tasarım Atölyeleri deneyimi(TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası, 2016) Koramaz, Elif Kısar; Akpınar, AyşenBu bildiri, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölümü’nde, 2014 – 2015 eğitim döneminde gerçekleştirilen bir dizi öğrenci çalışmasını konu almaktadır. Bildiriye konu edilen çalışmalar, iç mimarlık ve çevre tasarımı eğitimi müfredatında yer alan dersler kapsamında, farklı ölçek ve konulardaki tasarım problemlerinin çözümüne yönelik, Bilecik İli Osmaneli yerleşimi özelindeki uygulamaları içermektedir. Bu çalışmalar, bir araştırma projesi çatısı altında ve Osmaneli yerleşiminin gelişimine yönelik üst ölçekli planlama yaklaşımı çerçevesinde bir araya gelmekte ve kurulan düşünce sistematiği içerisinde birbirini tamamlamaktadır. Bildiride aktarılan eğitim deneyimi, tasarım eğitiminin kurgulanmasında farklı ölçekler ve bunlara uygun bakış açılarının eğitim sürecine etkilerini ortaya koymaktadır. Diğer yandan bu süreç içerisinde şehir planlama disiplinine özgü düşünme, araştırma ve çözümleme yaklaşımlarının farklı ölçeklerdeki çalışmalarda yerleşimlerin bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla ele alınmasına yönelik bir çerçeve oluşturabileceğini göstermekte, tasarım ve planlama alanlarındaki disiplinlerarası çalışma yöntemlerinin önemine işaret etmektedir. Bildiri kapsamında ilk olarak tasarım atölyeleri deneyimine çalışma alanı olarak konu olan Bilecik ili Osmaneli yerleşimi ana özellikleriyle tanımlanmakta, yerleşime yönelik üst ölçekli değerlendirmeler yapılmaktadır. Ardından tasarım atölyeleri deneyimi ve bu deneyimi yönlendiren araştırma projesi açıklanmaktadır. Bildirinin sonuç bölümünde ise tasarım atölyelerine deneyimine ilişkin değerlendirmeler yer almaktadır.Öğe Urban transformation through property-led regeneration: A case of building renewals in Istanbul(İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 2018) Koramaz, Elif Kısar; Koramaz, Turgay Kerem; Özer, ÖzlemUrban transformation is a prominent topic within Istanbul’s urban planning agenda. Transformation process of the city falls under the scope of academicians and the related authorities; and is a focus of debate from different perspectives in daily life. In this atmosphere, centralised policies promote construction facilities as the leading economic sector, and the legislation sets the legal framework facilitating transformation processes. This transformation in Istanbul occurs in two forms; as area-based regeneration projects and single building renewal processes. Area-based regeneration projects have long been examined due to their widespread effects, however single building renewal also leads to transformation over the long term. The motivation behind this paper is to examine the single building renewal process by means of a case study – Bakirkoy, which is one of the sub-centres of Istanbul. In this context, the paper aims to construct an analytical evaluation of the regeneration process in Bakirkoy and tries to evaluate the process linking it with critiques of property-led regeneration debates worldwide. This paper covers a periodical evaluation of this process by attempting to understand the urban transformation pattern by means of a descriptive spatial analysis, and a discussion of recent policies in Bakirkoy caseÖğe İşleyen ve işi bitmiş taş ve mermer ocaklarının peyzaj rekreasyon ve biyotop tasarım potansiyeli(Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2014) Oğurlu, İdris; Aksu, Gül Aslı; Sözgen, Ömer TahaStone and marble quarries are structures which are altering topography and landscape. They are effecting flora and fauna, whereas increasingly widespread across the country and running away from adequate supervision, active or abandoned marble - stone quarries and the space they occupy become increasingly common. Although they have a negative effect of visual quality and natural structure, if they are planned at the beginning, it is expected that they offer recreational and biotope potentials. In this paper, the possibilities to regulate quarries in favor of human and other organisms and advantages they could offer the naturesociety by integration of rehabilitation and mitigation plans in the operating plan are discussed.Öğe Bir doğa eğitim projesinin katılımcı üzerindeki etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi(Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimeleri Enstütüsü, 2016) Oğurlu, İdrisBu makalede1 çoğunluğu öğretmen 81 katılımcının, 2011 yılı Haziran-Ekim ayları arasında Isparta’nın milli park ve tabiat parkı gibi korunan doğal alanlarında (KDA) birer haftalık 4 dönem halinde gerçekleşen IDE-IV: Isparta Doğa Eğitimi adıyla anılan bir doğa eğitim projesine (URL-1) katılmalarında rol oynayan temel faktörlerin ve katılımcıda eğitim sonunda oluşan değişikliklerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Eğitimin ilk ve son günü yapılan anketler ile projeden 3 yıl sonra yapılan bir izleme anketine ait veriler karma yöntemle değerlendirilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin eğitime katılım kararı üzerinde en etkili faktörün Doğa hakkında daha fazlasını öğrenmek ve öğrendiklerini öğrencileriyle paylaşmak olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İzleme anketleri aldıkları doğa eğitiminin, kendilerine, öğrencilerini eğitmede büyük imkânlar sağladığını ve mesleklerine önemli katkı sağladığının belirten katılımcıların IDE-4 Projesi kapsamında edindikleri müktesebatın onlar için meslek hayatlarında kayda değer yararlar sağladığını göstermiştir.Öğe Üç doğa eğitim projesinin katılımcı üzerindeki etkilerinin nicel ve nitel yoldan değerlendirilmesi(Bartın Üniversitesi, 2017) Oğurlu, İdris; Türkoguz, SuatBu makalede çoğunluğu öğretmen 227 katılımcının, 2007-2010 yılları arasında Isparta’nın milli park ve tabiat parkı gibi korunan doğal alanlarında (KDA) gerçekleşen 3 doğa eğitim projesine (URL-1) katılmalarında rol oynayan temel faktörlerin ve katılımcıda eğitim sonunda oluşan değişikliklerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Eğitimin ilk ve son günü yapılan anketler ile bir izleme anketine ait veriler nicel ve nitel araştırma yöntemleriyle değerlendirilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin katılım kararında en etkili faktörün doğa hakkında daha fazlasını öğrenmek ve öğrendiklerini öğrencileriyle paylaşmak olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İzleme anketleri aldıkları doğa eğitiminin, kendilerine, öğrencilerini eğitmede büyük imkânlar sağladığını ve mesleklerine önemli katkı sağladığının belirten katılımcıların IDE Projelerinde edindikleri müktesebatın meslek hayatlarında kayda değer yararlar sağladığını göstermiştir.
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