Gazeteciliğin geleceğini geçmişte aramak: Gazetecilerin perspektifinden haber dergiciliği

dc.contributor.authorBilecen, Nedim Serhat
dc.departmentİstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
dc.description.abstractİnternetin ortaya çıkışıyla yaşanan dönüşüm, medya içeriklerinin üretiminde kullanılan teknolojik gelişmelerle birlikte haberciliğin dönüşmesini beraberinde getirmiştir. Toplumsal, kültürel, teknolojik ve ekonomik değişimlerle paralellik gösteren bu dönüşüm gazetecilik pratiklerini yeni uygulama alanları ve rolleriyle tanıştırmıştır. Geleneksel gazetecilik her ne kadar yeni medyanın etkisiyle gücünü kaybetmiş gibi gözükse de bilgi kirliliğinden uzak olan yapısıyla güven konusunda hala tercih edilebilirliğini sürdürmektedir. Ancak geleneksel gazetecilik pratikleri bir bütün olarak düşünülse de bu pratikleri oluşturan bileşkeler içerisinde mesleki pratiklerin icra edilmesi değişmektedir. Bu noktada bir zamanlar Türkiye’nin nabzını tutan, bütün hafta yaşanan gelişmeleri okuyucularına derinlemesine aktaran, zaman zaman ülkenin gündemini belirleyen ve gazetecilik mesleğini icra etme şekilleriyle gazetelerden ayrılan haber dergileri yayımlanırdı. Her ne kadar basın tarihinde gazetelerin arka planına atılmış olsa da tabiri caizse bir gazetecinin geçebileceği en iyi tezgâh olarak birçok gazetecinin yetişmesinde önemli bir okul görevi gören haber dergileri, okuyucular için her zaman önemli bir alternatif olmuştu. Dijitalin birçok alanı ele geçirmesiyle yaşanan dönüşümden payını alan dergicilik sektörü içinde haber dergileri ise bu dönüşüme beklenen şekilde adapte olamamışlardır. Dünyadaki öncüllerinin yayınlarını hem dijital hem de basılı olarak sürdürdükleri haber dergilerinin günümüzde Türkiye’de kaybolmuş olmalarının nedenlerini ortaya koymak bu çalışmanın ana amacını oluşturmuştur. Bu amaç kapsamında ise haber dergilerinin yaşadıkları süreç yapılan çalışmada düz çizgisel bir tarihsel anlatıdan ziyade bu alanda çalışmış gazetecilerin aktardıkları deneyim üzerine odaklanılmıştır. Deneyimler yazılı tarihte anlatılan olaylardan farklı olarak arka planda yaşananları alanda çalışan gazetecilerin gözünden aktarması yönünden oldukça değerlidir. Bilgiye ulaşan, düzenleyen ve yorumlayan kişi olarak gazetecilerin konumları ve yaşanan dönüşümler mesleğin geçirdiği değişimleri anlamlandırmak açısından önemlidir.
dc.description.abstractIn today’s world, where digital has taken over many fields, journalism has also undergone radical changes, especially in terms of news production and news distribution-publication, as a part of this transformation in recent years. In this new understanding of journalism where space and time are determinants, the phenomenon of speed both determines the quality and content of news and changes the structure of news consumption. However, this does not mean printed com munication tools have lost effectiveness. Many media organizations continue their activities both digitally and in print. At this point, although newspapers generally stand out as the tool people use to access news, magazines should be considered as an old and effective tool as newspapers in the historical process. Magazines have always been a different option for readers with their special/file/research news on different topics, paper quality, original page designs, and illustrations accompanying the news.The transformation experienced with the emergence of the Internet has brought about the transformation of journalism with the technological developments used in the production of media content. This transformation, which is parallel to social, cultural, technological, and economic changes, has introduced journalistic practices to new application areas and roles. Although traditional journalism seems to have lost its power under the influence of new media, it is still preferable in terms of trust with its structure which is far from information pollution. However, although traditional journalism practices are considered as a whole, the execution of professional practices changes within the components that make up these practices. Although the most basic structure in journalism is what the news is, how to find it, and how to verify and present it, the implementation of this practice differs according to the tools. Although the codes and ethical rules of the profession are fixed, journalistic practices vary according to the medium in which they take place, from radio to television, from the internet to social media, and in this sense, there are various distinctions between newspapers and magazines representing traditional journalistic practices.When the history of the Turkish press is analyzed, the first magazines appeared shortly after the publication of the first newspaper and various types of magazines started to be published depending on the conditions experienced over time. News magazine, which is one of these types, is defined as magazines that present the events that develop during a week to its readers with their past, future, and all their details. The most important difference of news magazines, which present multifaceted, complex, long-term events with a certain style and the most striking points, from other magazines is that the news is prioritized and commentary articles or interviews are presented as a complement to the news. The importance of news magazines as a representative of the research-based journalism approach is that they fulfill the news reporting mission undertaken by newspapers in various periods and conditions and are a significant tool in setting the agenda. In addition, news magazines, which seek to answer the question ‘how it happened’ rather than ‘what happened’ and invite their readers who are curious about the behind-the-scenes of the events to think more deeply, have both served as a school in the training of many journalists and have played a role as a critical alternative of polyphony in the press-democracy relationship. News magazines, which were introduced to Turkey in the 1950s, when the country transitioned to multi-party life, are one of the important building blocks of Turkish Press History with both the mission they undertook and the competition with newspapers. News magazines, which have made a significant contribution to the shaping of the field of journalism, could not adapt to the digital environment we are in and could not survive. This study started from this point and analyzed why news magazines disappeared by revealing their position in the field of journalism. In this context, journalists who have worked in the field of news magazine publishing were interviewed and the internal structure of the news magazine publishing field was revealed through their own experiences. In the qualitatively designed study, interviews were conducted with 11 journalists who worked in news magazines. At this point, all components of news magazines were included in the study by paying atten tion to the distribution of journalists as editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, editor, news manager, reporter, and designer. Thus, the experiences of the journalists draw a road map for understanding the transformation of the journalism profession in terms of information pollution, fake news, and trust issues discussed today and the changes in the professional practices of journalism.
dc.identifier.citationBilecen, N. S. (2024). Gazeteciliğin Geleceğini Geçmişte Aramak: Gazetecilerin Perspektifinden Haber Dergiciliği. Intermedia International e-Journal, 11(21) 182-198.
dc.publisherIstanbul Commerce University
dc.relation.ispartofIntermedia International e-Journal
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarı
dc.subjectHaber Dergiciliği
dc.subjectDijital Dönüşüm
dc.subjectNews Magazines
dc.subjectDigital Transformation
dc.titleGazeteciliğin geleceğini geçmişte aramak: Gazetecilerin perspektifinden haber dergiciliği
dc.title.alternativeSearching the future of journalism in the past: News magazine journalism from the perspective of journalist


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