Katılım bankacılığının reel kesime etkileri
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Yusen Akademik Dergi Yayıncılığı
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Çalışmanın amacı, ülkemizde faaliyet gösteren Katılım bankalarının şu ana kadar reel olarak Türkiye ekonomisine verdiği katkıları incelemek ve gelecekte daha çok katkı verebilmesi için yapılması gerekenler hususunda öneriler sunmaktır. Araştırmada nitel yöntemlerden yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine mülakat yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Mülakat soruları literatür araştırması ve uzman görüşü doğrultusunda hazırlanmıştır. Mülakat yapılan kişiler katılım bankacılığı, reel sektör, danışma kurulu ve devlet otoritesi başlıkları altında gruplandırılmıştır. Bu bağlamda uzmanlık alanları dikkate alınarak her bir gruba farklı sorular yöneltilmiştir. Mülakatlarda alınan cevaplar kaydedilerek daha sonradan yazıya geçirilmiştir. Yazıya geçirilen cevapların detaylı analizi yapılarak belirli başlıklar oluşturulmuş ve çalışma bu başlıklar altında değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda ise nicel olarak Katılım bankacılığının 2009-2019 yılları arasındaki kredi ve katılım hesapları incelenmiştir. Çalışmada özel sektörün katılım bankacılığına bakışı ve memnuniyeti, katılım bankası ile konvansiyonel banka karşılaştırması, katılım bankalarının reel sektörün ihtiyaçlarını karşılayıp karşılayamadığı, borç temelli (banka) sistemden ortaklığa dayalı finansman sistemine geçiş ve katılım bankalarının gelişimi ile ilgili bulgulara yer verilmiştir. Araştırma, Katılım bankacılığının reel sektörü hem derinlemesine mülakat yöntemiyle incelemesi hem de son 10 yıldaki performansını da dikkate alması bakımından önem taşımaktadır.
The aim of this study was operating in our country Islamic finance methods exist for examining the contributions given in real terms, Turkey's economy needs to be done in order to give more contributions in the future to offer suggestions on the matter. Semi-structured in-depth interview method is used in this research. Interview questions are prepared by examining literature and expert opinion. Interviewees are grouped under the headings of participation banking, real sector, advisory board and state authority. In this context, different questions were asked to each group by taking into account the area of expertise. The answers received in the interviews were recorded and then transcribed. A detailed analysis of the responses to the manuscript was made and certain headings were formed and the study was evaluated under these headings. In addition, the study also examined quantitatively the credit and deposit figures of participation banking in 2009-2019. In this study, the view and satisfaction of the private sector, the comparison between the participation bank and the conventional bank, the ability of participation banks to meet the needs of the real sector, the transition from a debt-based (bank) system to a joint-based financing system and the development of participation banks are included. The research is important in terms of the fact that participation banking also examines the real sector both through in-depth interview method and the performance of the banking sector in the last 10 years.
The aim of this study was operating in our country Islamic finance methods exist for examining the contributions given in real terms, Turkey's economy needs to be done in order to give more contributions in the future to offer suggestions on the matter. Semi-structured in-depth interview method is used in this research. Interview questions are prepared by examining literature and expert opinion. Interviewees are grouped under the headings of participation banking, real sector, advisory board and state authority. In this context, different questions were asked to each group by taking into account the area of expertise. The answers received in the interviews were recorded and then transcribed. A detailed analysis of the responses to the manuscript was made and certain headings were formed and the study was evaluated under these headings. In addition, the study also examined quantitatively the credit and deposit figures of participation banking in 2009-2019. In this study, the view and satisfaction of the private sector, the comparison between the participation bank and the conventional bank, the ability of participation banks to meet the needs of the real sector, the transition from a debt-based (bank) system to a joint-based financing system and the development of participation banks are included. The research is important in terms of the fact that participation banking also examines the real sector both through in-depth interview method and the performance of the banking sector in the last 10 years.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Katılım Bankacılığı, Reel Sektör, Finansal Piyasalar, Islamic Banking, Real Sector, Financial Markets
Business & Management Studies: An International Journal
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