Covid-19 pandemisinin Türkiye’de mecralara göre medya yatırımlarına etkisi: Karşılaştırmalı bir analiz

dc.contributor.authorÖzsalih, Aygün
dc.departmentİstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
dc.description.abstractCovid-19 pandemisi hem dünyada hem de Türkiye’de birçok sektörü ciddi şekillerde etkilemiştir. Covid-19’un önemli ölçüde etkilediği sektörlerden biri olan medya sektörü, özellikle mecralara yapılan medya yatırımları açısından büyük bir dönüşüm yaşamıştır. Bu çalışma, Covid-19 pandemisi öncesi ve sonrasında Türkiye’de medya yatırımlarındaki değişimleri analiz etmekte ve iki dönemi birbiriyle karşılaştırmaktadır. 2017-2023 yıllarını kapsayan incelemede, Deloitte Danışmanlık Şirketi tarafından elde edilen ve Reklamcılar Derneği tarafından yayınlanan veriler kullanılarak Türkiye’de mecralara göre medya yatırımları nicel vaka analizi yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, pandemi öncesinde televizyonun toplam medya yatırımları içinde en büyük paya sahip mecra olduğunu, ancak pandeminin etkisiyle dijital medyanın hızla yükseldiğini göstermektedir. Pandemi ile birlikte dijital medya toplam medya yatırımları içinde her geçen yıl daha çok pay almış ve birinci sıraya yerleşmiştir. Pandemi sürecinde insanların dijital platformlara olan ilgisinin artması, reklamverenlerin dijitale daha fazla yatırım yapmasına yol açmıştır. Televizyon hala önemli bir mecra olarak kalsa da, dijital medyanın yükselişi karşısında geleneksel medya kanalları ikinci planda kalmıştır. Sinema, açıkhava, basın ve radyo gibi diğer geleneksel mecraların payı ise pandemi dönemi ile birlikte ciddi bir düşüş yaşamıştır. Bu durum, dijitalleşmenin Türkiye’de medya yatırımlarında belirleyici bir rol oynadığını ortaya koymaktadır.
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to reveal the changes in media investments in Turkey on a media basis before and after the Covid-19 pandemic and, in this context, to compare media investments before and after the pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted global balances and has had an impact in many areas, from economy to ed ucation, from social life to trade. Crises can be expected to have some effects not only during the period they occur but also after they are over. In recent years, digitalization has accelerated with the development of information and communication technologies, and the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this process even more. With the pandemic, traditional methods have been abandoned in many sectors and new methods based on digitalization have been developed to reduce contact and sustain life (Marangoz & Özen, 2021, p. 65). One of the sectors most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic is the media sector. With the quarantine that occurred with the pandemic, the closure of many businesses and the increase in the time spent at home, the tendency towards digital media has increased and this situation has significantly affected and changed media investments according to the medium. In this respect, this study attempts to find answers to the following research questions: Research Question 1: What are the most invested media channels in Turkey before the Covid-19 pandemic? Research Question 2: What are the most invested media channels in Turkey during and after the Covid-19 pandemic? This study examines the changes in media investments by medium in Turkey before and after the Covid-19 pandem ic. Therefore, the method of this study is quantitative case analysis. Media and advertising investments in Turkey are prepared annually by the Deloitte Consulting firm and published by the Advertisers Association. In this study, the years 2017-2023 were examined, and considering that the year the pandemic was officially declared in the world and in Turkey was 2020 (March 11), the three years before the pandemic (2017-2019) and the three years after the pandemic (2021-2023) were taken into ac count and compared. In the study, media investments obtained from Deloitte for each year and for each medium (television, press, outdoor, radio, cinema, digital) were expressed both numerically and in percentages, and the findings were shown in graphs. According to the findings, before the pandemic, television constituted a large portion of total media investments in Turkey and stood out as the first medium invested in, while with the pandemic, digital took the first place by taking over a significant portion of total media investments. The share of digital in media investments in Turkey has increased every year. Although media investments in other media outlets, such as press, outdoor, radio and cinema, were below television and digi tal, they were on a course that could be called normal before the pandemic. However, with the pandemic, media investments in these outlets, especially in cinema, have experienced a serious decline. Therefore, the pandemic process has directed media investments to digital in Turkey to a significant extent and has greatly increased the share of this area in media investments. In particular, according to 2023 data, digital media investments constituted 72.7% of total media investments with 86,500 billion TL and took the largest share. This increase is directly related to the acceleration of demand for digital platforms with the pandemic. People spending more time at home has increased the interest in online content and digital media, thus advertisers tend to invest more in digital platforms.With the pandemic, although television investments continued to have a significant share in traditional media after digital, traditional media channels, including television, fell behind digital in terms of investment in the face of the rapid rise of digital. The share of traditional media channels such as outdoor, press, radio and cinema remained quite low. This shows how dominant digitalization has become in media consumption in the post-pandemic period and how traditional media are facing economic difficulties in terms of sectors. Thus, this study revealed that the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly increased digital media investments in Turkey. People spending more time at home, social distancing measures and reduced face-to-face interactions have rapidly expanded the use of digital platforms. While advertising and marketing strategies have shifted from traditional media to digital media, investments in social media, video content, online shopping and digital services have accelerated. The pandemic has trans formed digital media platforms into primary communication, entertainment and commerce tools and has also caused signifi cant increases in the revenues of companies in this field. As a result, the pandemic has significantly changed the structure of media investments in Turkey, with digital platforms coming to the forefront while traditional media outlets have faced economic difficulties. This trend has reinforced the dominant role of digitalization in the media sector. Future studies can compare media investments worldwide on a per-medium basis with the pre-pandemic and post-pandemic periods, reveal media investments on a per-country basis, or examine advertising investments, thus making significant contributions to the literature in this field.
dc.identifier.citationÖzsalih, A. (2024). Covid-19 Pandemisinin Türkiye’de Mecralara Göre Medya Yatırımlarına Etkisi: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz. Intermedia International e-Journal, 11(21) 258-272.
dc.publisherIstanbul Commerce University
dc.relation.ispartofIntermedia International e-Journal
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarı
dc.subjectCovid-19 Pandemisi
dc.subjectMedya Yatırımları
dc.subjectNicel Vaka Analizi
dc.subjectCovid-19 Pandemic
dc.subjectMedia Investments
dc.subjectQuantitative Case Analysis
dc.titleCovid-19 pandemisinin Türkiye’de mecralara göre medya yatırımlarına etkisi: Karşılaştırmalı bir analiz
dc.title.alternativeThe impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on media investments by medium in Turkey: A comparative analysis


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