6570 sayılı gayrimenkul kiraları hakkında kanuna göre konut ihtiyacı nedeniyle tahliye davası
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kira bir malın kullanım hakkının bir bedel karşılığında karşı tarafa bırakılması olarak tanımlanabilir. Ülkemizde âdi kira sözleşmeleri Borçlar Kanunu ve 6570 saylı Gayrimenkul Kiraları Hakkında Kanun ile düzenlenmiştir. Kanun koyucu, konut ve işyeri niteliğindeki taşınmazların ihtiyacı karşılayamamasını göz önünde tutarak, 6570 sayılı Kanun ile, belediye sınırları içinde veya belediye sınırları dışında olmakla birlikte, iskele, liman ve istasyonlarda bulunan çatılı taşınmazların kiralanmasını özel olarak düzenlemiştir. 6570 sayılı Kanun, 7. maddesinde tahliye sebepleri sınırlayıcı biçimde sayılmıştır. Bu makalemizde, konut ihtiyacı nedeniyle tahliye davası incelenecektir (6570 sayılı Kanun m.7/b).
Lease is defined that one party conveys the right of the exclusive use and enjoyment of a thing to another party in exchange for a price. In our Cou ntry, ordinary lease contracts have been regulated by the Code of Obligations and the Statute Concerning Real Property no: 6570. The legistor, considering that real estate which is residene and place of employment can’t servet he need enough, with the Statute no:6570, has particularly regulated renting roofed real estate within the district of municipality or whorves, horbours and stations that are located out of municipality borders. In the articles 7 and 12 of the Statute Concerning Real property no: 6570, reasons of termination of lease contract has been contuned and limited these ones. In this work, we, the Statute Concerning Real Property no:6570 in articles 7/ (b)housing needs to be looked at discharge than lease.
Lease is defined that one party conveys the right of the exclusive use and enjoyment of a thing to another party in exchange for a price. In our Cou ntry, ordinary lease contracts have been regulated by the Code of Obligations and the Statute Concerning Real Property no: 6570. The legistor, considering that real estate which is residene and place of employment can’t servet he need enough, with the Statute no:6570, has particularly regulated renting roofed real estate within the district of municipality or whorves, horbours and stations that are located out of municipality borders. In the articles 7 and 12 of the Statute Concerning Real property no: 6570, reasons of termination of lease contract has been contuned and limited these ones. In this work, we, the Statute Concerning Real Property no:6570 in articles 7/ (b)housing needs to be looked at discharge than lease.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kira, Konut İhtiyacı, Tahliye, Lease, Need for Residence, Ejectmen Case
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