İnsansız hava araçlarının hareket ve yönlendirme protokollerine göre performans ölçümü
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Kablosuz ağların gelişmesi ve yaygın kullanımındaki artışlar beraberinde küresel ihtiyaçlara göre şekillenen İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) kullanımını yaygınlaştırmıştır. İHA’lar günümüzde askeri ve coğrafi keşifler, sağlık, arama kurtarma ve ulaşımı zor noktalardan görüntü aktarımını sağlamaktadır. Kritik görevler üstlenebilmesinden ötürü İHA’lar hızlı ve dinamik hareketlilik modellerine ve bu hareketlilik modellerine uygun yönlendirme protokollerine ayak uydurabilmeli, kaliteli ve kesintisiz bağlantılar için uygun protokollerle çalışmalıdır. Hareketlilik konusunda sınırı olmayan bu araçların yaygınlaşmasıyla günümüzde kapsama, iletişim ve etkin paket yönlendirmeleriyle ilgili protokoller araştırma konusu olmuştur. Bu araştırma konumuzda mobil İHA’ların farklı hareketlilik modelleri baz alınarak çeşitli yönlendirme protokollerine göre kıyaslamaları yapılmış, çıkan sonuçların paket boyutu ve düğüm sayıları referans alınarak kıyaslamalı grafikler elde edilmiştir. Senaryomuz için AODV, DSDV ve OLSR yönlendirme protokolleri kullanılmış, bu yönlendirme protokolleri için Gauss Markov, Random Waypoint ve Random Walk 2D hareketlilik modelleri kullanılmıştır. Simülasyonumuzdaki trafik modellemesi NS3 Network Simulator yazılımı üzerinde test edilerek gerçekleştirilmiştir.
The development and widespread use of wireless networks have increased the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) that are shaped according to global needs. Today, UAVs provide images from military and geographical discoveries, health, search and rescue and hard to reach places. Because they can undertake critical tasks, UAVs must be able to keep up with the fast and dynamic mobility models and the routing protocols appropriate to these mobility models, and work with the appropriate protocols for quality and uninterrupted connections. With the spread of these tools, which have no limits in terms of mobility, protocols related to coverage, communication and effective packet routing have been the subject of research. In this research topic, mobile UAVs were compared according to various routing protocols based on different mobility models, and comparative graphs were obtained by reference to packet size and node numbers of the results. AODV, DSDV and OLSR routing protocols were used for our scenario and Gauss Markov, Random Waypoint and Random Walk 2d mobility models were used for these routing protocols. The traffic modeling in our simulation was tested on NS3 Network Simulator software.
The development and widespread use of wireless networks have increased the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) that are shaped according to global needs. Today, UAVs provide images from military and geographical discoveries, health, search and rescue and hard to reach places. Because they can undertake critical tasks, UAVs must be able to keep up with the fast and dynamic mobility models and the routing protocols appropriate to these mobility models, and work with the appropriate protocols for quality and uninterrupted connections. With the spread of these tools, which have no limits in terms of mobility, protocols related to coverage, communication and effective packet routing have been the subject of research. In this research topic, mobile UAVs were compared according to various routing protocols based on different mobility models, and comparative graphs were obtained by reference to packet size and node numbers of the results. AODV, DSDV and OLSR routing protocols were used for our scenario and Gauss Markov, Random Waypoint and Random Walk 2d mobility models were used for these routing protocols. The traffic modeling in our simulation was tested on NS3 Network Simulator software.
Anahtar Kelimeler
AODV, DSDV, OLSR, NS3, Random Waypoint, Random Walk 2d, Gauss Markov, İHA, MANET, Drone, UAV
Journal of Technologies and Applied Sciences
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