Türkiye’de bir endüstriyel kalkınma etmeni olarak yönetim danışmanlığı sektörüne bakış
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Endüstriyel kalkınma konusu günümüzde serbest piyasa ekonomilerinin en fazla kafa yordukları konuların başında gelmektedir. Türkiye de bu konunun dikkate alındığı dünyanın önde gelen ekonomilerindendir. Türkiye 80’li yıllarda serbest piyasa ekonomisini benimsedikten sonra özel sektörün endüstriyel kalkınma konusundaki rolünün daha fazla farkına varmıştır. Böylece özel sektörün gelişmesi için bazı kavramlar öne sürülmeye başlanmıştır. 90’lı yıllarda üretimde verimlilik ve kalite kontrol kavramı bir endüstriyel kalkınma tetikleyicisi olarak öne sürülürken 200’li yıllarda bunun yeterli olmadığı anlaşılıp araştırma ve geliştirme kavramı verimlilik kavramının yanına konmuştur. Ar-ge olarak nitelendirdiğimiz bu kavram yenilikçilik kavramının vurgulanmasına da sebep olmuştur. Ülke çapında birçok üniversiteye bağlı olarak teknoparklar açılmıştır ve ayrıca ar-ge birimi kuran şirketlere vergi indirimi teşviki yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak endüstriyel kalkınma konusunda gelişim sağlanmasına rağmen bu ilerlemeler yeterli görülmemiştir. Bu çalışmamızda endüstriyel kalkınma konusunda faydalı olacağına inandığımız bir sektörü tanıtıp bu konu ile bağlantısını anlatacağız.
In this decade, industrial development is one of the primer subject that makes think hard free market economies. Turkish economy is an important one which considers this subject deeply. In the years 80’s, by increasing the adaptation level of free market economy, impact of private sector on industrial development was started to be considered more than before. Thus, some concepts suggested for improving the private sector. In 90’s, while productivity and quality control notations were assumed as key drivers of industrial development, in 2000’s it was realized that they were not sufficient and research and development concept was added next to productivity and quality control. R&D concept also caused the emphasis of innovation concept in Turkey. After all, technoparks were established all over the country that are integrated with universities. Besides that government incentives (tax relief) were provided to firms which have R&D department. Actually, there has been achieved important improvements but these progresses are not sufficient. In this study, we introduce a sector (Management Consultancy) which we believe it is favorable for industrial development and also we stress the link between those subjects. Namely, we are going to explain “Management Consultancy Sector” that.
In this decade, industrial development is one of the primer subject that makes think hard free market economies. Turkish economy is an important one which considers this subject deeply. In the years 80’s, by increasing the adaptation level of free market economy, impact of private sector on industrial development was started to be considered more than before. Thus, some concepts suggested for improving the private sector. In 90’s, while productivity and quality control notations were assumed as key drivers of industrial development, in 2000’s it was realized that they were not sufficient and research and development concept was added next to productivity and quality control. R&D concept also caused the emphasis of innovation concept in Turkey. After all, technoparks were established all over the country that are integrated with universities. Besides that government incentives (tax relief) were provided to firms which have R&D department. Actually, there has been achieved important improvements but these progresses are not sufficient. In this study, we introduce a sector (Management Consultancy) which we believe it is favorable for industrial development and also we stress the link between those subjects. Namely, we are going to explain “Management Consultancy Sector” that.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Verimlilik, Yönetim Danışmanlığı, Endüstriyel Kalkınma, Değer Zinciri Analizi, Efficiency, Management Consultancy, Industrial Development, Value Chain Analysis
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