Yasak cihaz veya programlar suçu
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Teknolojinin ilerlemesi ve internet vasıtasıyla veri barındıran, işleyen ve paylaşan ürünlerin (bilişim) gündelik hayatta daha fazla yer edinmesi devletleri bu sahada hukuki altyapı hazırlamaya mecbur kılmıştır. Çünkü bu ürünlerin kötü niyetli kişilerce ele geçirilmesi telafi güç zararların doğmasına neden olacaktır. Avrupa Konseyi Siber Suç Sözleşmesi (2001) uluslararası alanda akdedilmiş çok önemli bir sözleşmedir. Bu sözleşme ile üye devletler, bilişim alanında işlenen suçlarla mücadele etmek amacıyla ulusal mevzuatlarını yakınlaştırma ve bazı suçları kanunlaştırma gibi taahhütlerde bulunmaktadır. Türkiye mezkûr sözleşmeyi 2010 yılında imzalamış ve 2014 yılında Sanal Ortamda İşlenen Suçlar Sözleşmesi adıyla yürürlüğe sokmuştur. Sözleşmenin gereği olarak birtakım değişiklikleri iç hukukuna yansıtmıştır. Bahsi geçen değişikliklerden bir tanesi de TCK 245/A olarak düzenlenmiş yasal cihaz veya programlar suçudur. Yasak cihaz veya programlar suçu sistematik açıdan, doğal olarak, bilişim alanında suçlar bölümüne eklenmiştir. Madde kendisine kaynaklık eden sözleşme madde 6 ile genel olarak, uyumludur. Öğretide maddenin başlığı ve içyapısı (anlaşılmaktan uzak olması) sıkça eleştirilmektedir. Yasak cihaz veya programlar suçu birçok yönü ile incelemeye değerdir. İlk olarak, bağımsız bir madde ile düzenlenmiş en yeni suçlardan biridir. İkincisi, Türk ceza hukukunda yer alan hazırlık işlemlerinin doğrudan cezalandırılmaması ilkesine aykırılık teşkil etmesidir. Gerçekten bu madde sayesinde bazı suçları işlemek için harekete geçilmesi bağımsız bir suç haline getirilmiş ve böylelikle bu suçların hazırlık işlemleri cezalandırılabilecektir. Son olarak, suç kapsamının geniş tutulmasının pratikte bir sıkıntıya sebebiyet verip vermeyeceği henüz tecrübe edilmemiştir. Bu bağlamda yargının vereceği kararlar oldukça önemli olacaktır.
Following the mass advances in technology and with the help of the internet, devices that process, involve, and share information (i.e. informatics) have taken much more places in our daily lives. As a result of this, states have been obliged to build legal infrastructures; considering the very likelihood for such devices to be captured by individuals with bad intentions, which would result in some unrepairable damages. The Council of European Convention on Cybercrime (2001) is an essential covenant that has been signed on international level. Member states, under the responsibility that this act brings with it, have promised to re-organize their national criminal codes similarly in the fight against cybercrimes and to legislate certain cybercrimes. Turkey signed the above-mentioned convention in 2010 and ratified it in 2014. In accordance to the covenant, Turkey has adopted various changes to its national legal system. One of the reforms that have been brought into the legal system is TCK (Turkish Criminal Code) 245/A, also known as Article 245/A - Prohibited Devices and Programs. Prohibited Devices and Programs Article has systematically been, by its nature, categorised under the topic of cybercrimes. This article is, generally speaking, parallel to the Article 6 of the Convention. In the literature, the title, and the content (its ambiguity) of the article is oftentimes criticised. Prohibited Devices and Programs crime is worth analysing from a number of perspectives. Firstly, it is one of the newest crimes that are regulated under a separate Article. Secondly, it differentiates from one of the very fundamental principles in the Turkish Criminal Code that signifies “preparations to a crime cannot be punished.” With the help of this Article, some preparations to crimes were identified as non-dependant crimes, and in this way, preparation steps to crimes may, currently, be punished. Lastly, whether the fact that crime’s range is too wide is going to cause various problems or not has not yet been experienced. From this perspective, decisions given by the Turkish courts are going to be significant.
Following the mass advances in technology and with the help of the internet, devices that process, involve, and share information (i.e. informatics) have taken much more places in our daily lives. As a result of this, states have been obliged to build legal infrastructures; considering the very likelihood for such devices to be captured by individuals with bad intentions, which would result in some unrepairable damages. The Council of European Convention on Cybercrime (2001) is an essential covenant that has been signed on international level. Member states, under the responsibility that this act brings with it, have promised to re-organize their national criminal codes similarly in the fight against cybercrimes and to legislate certain cybercrimes. Turkey signed the above-mentioned convention in 2010 and ratified it in 2014. In accordance to the covenant, Turkey has adopted various changes to its national legal system. One of the reforms that have been brought into the legal system is TCK (Turkish Criminal Code) 245/A, also known as Article 245/A - Prohibited Devices and Programs. Prohibited Devices and Programs Article has systematically been, by its nature, categorised under the topic of cybercrimes. This article is, generally speaking, parallel to the Article 6 of the Convention. In the literature, the title, and the content (its ambiguity) of the article is oftentimes criticised. Prohibited Devices and Programs crime is worth analysing from a number of perspectives. Firstly, it is one of the newest crimes that are regulated under a separate Article. Secondly, it differentiates from one of the very fundamental principles in the Turkish Criminal Code that signifies “preparations to a crime cannot be punished.” With the help of this Article, some preparations to crimes were identified as non-dependant crimes, and in this way, preparation steps to crimes may, currently, be punished. Lastly, whether the fact that crime’s range is too wide is going to cause various problems or not has not yet been experienced. From this perspective, decisions given by the Turkish courts are going to be significant.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Avrupa Konseyi Siber Suç Sözleşmesi, Sanal Ortamda İşlenen Suçlar Sözleşmesi, Bilişim Suçları, Yasak Cihaz, Yasak Program, The Council of European Convention on Cybercrime, Convention on Cybercrimes Committed Via the Internet, Informatics Crimes, Prohibited Device, Prohibited Program
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
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38 (Hukuk Sayısı)