Z kuşağının analog medyayı kullanım nedenleri ve geleneksel medya deneyimi üzerine bir inceleme

dc.contributor.authorKöse, Hüseyin
dc.contributor.authorTaşdelen, Birgül
dc.contributor.authorBalcı Aydoğan, Bahar
dc.departmentİstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
dc.description.abstractGazete, kitap, sinema, televizyon ve radyo gibi analog medya biçimleri ve bunların ürettiği toplumsal ve kültürel deneyime görece uzak olduğu varsayılan Z kuşağının kendini bu medya biçimlerine karşı nasıl konumladığı meselesi, özellikle de medya ekolojisine dair sunacağı veriler açısından araştırmaya değer bir konudur. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada Z kuşağının kendi medya kullanım yatkınlığı içine alamadığı, içinde bulunduğu algılama evreniyle çok da benzer olmayan, dijital medyanın otomatik hızla aktarılabilen enformasyon ve içerik biçimlerine oranla daha yavaş ve seçenek bakımından da görece daha sınırlı olduğu varsayılan analog medyayı kullanma nedenleri ve bu kullanımdan ne tür doyumlar elde ettiğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kullanımlar ve Doyumlar Yaklaşımı’na dayandırılan çalışmanın evrenini Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi ve Atatürk Üniversitesi lisans ve ön lisans programlarında okuyan Z kuşağı öğrenciler oluşturmakta olup, basit tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 853 öğrenciyle elektronik ortamda anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, çevrimiçi medyayı yoğunlukla kullanan Z kuşağının, analog medyayı tamamıyla yok saymadığını, özellikle erkek katılımcıların sinema filmi izlemek gibi eğlenceli zamanlar geçirmek adına analog medyayı tercih ettiği, kadın katılımcıların ise kişisel gelişim/kendini ifade etme gibi nedenlerle analog medyayı kullanmayı daha fazla tercih ettikleri bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır.
dc.description.abstractWhile many studies in the literature have examined whether the Internet has replaced or complemented traditional media, there has been less interest in exploring the factors that explain why people have been using analog media to a greater or lesser extent since they started going online. Thus, this research on the reasons why Generation Z use analog media and their experience with traditional media is based on the assumption that Generation Z are relatively distant from analog media forms such as newspapers, books, cinema, television and radio and the social, cultural, and intellectual expe riences they produce. The purpose of this research was to elucidate the relationship that Generation Z, who have been born into digital communication technologies and shaped largely by their effects, have with analog media types. In other words, the purpose was to determine which motives, variables, or motivations determine the reasons and frequency of the use of these media by the Generation Z. The study aimed to elucidate the relationship that Generation Z have with analog media types. For this purpose, Generation Z individuals were asked about the reasons why they read newspapers or magazines, watch television, listen to the radio, and go to the cinema using the Reasons for Analog Media Use Scale to determine their reasons for using analog media types. In this study, 853 Generation Z individuals were asked questions through the use of a questionnaire. Of the par ticipants, 57.4% were female and 42.6% were male. According to the results of the study, 17.1% of the Generation Z individuals watch television almost every day, while 8.7% never watch television. While 18.5% of the participants read books almost every day, 3.4% never read books. Generation Z individuals seem to not have reading habits and avoid reading especially long texts since they get bored very quickly. The fact that reading newspapers and magazines requires more time, attention, focus, and in-depth knowledge, and is a more linear process that is in contrast to the advantages offered by digital communication media such as the diversity of content and the ability of the user to individualize the content, causes analog media forms to be disregarded by Generation Z individuals. When the item descriptive statistics of the Reasons for Analog Media Use Scale were examined, it was observed that the most common reason for the use of analog media by Generation Z individuals, with the highest frequency of 3.84% among the reasons for use of analog media, was “it provides information about current issues and events”. Following this reason, “it provides information about world events” was the response with the second highest frequency of 3.76%. These results suggest that Generation Z individuals want to be informed about current issues and events, and they follow the events happening in the world. As is evident from the results of this research that Generation Z individuals also prefer analog media for purposes of getting information about world events and current issues and events and derive gratification from the use of analog media for these purposes. In this study, the effectiveness of the Generation Z individuals’ perception of analog media as entertainment on gratification was investigated. According to the findings of the study, 3.59% of the participants stated that they use analog media because “it provides recreation”. In addition, according to 3.46% of the responses given by the Generation Z individuals, analog media is also an option used to “spend leisure time”. Moreover, 3.20% of the participants agreed with the statement that spending time for analog media has become a common habit for them. Accordingly, the results of this study suggest that Generation Z, which use online media intensively, do not completely ignore analog media, but prefer analog media mainly for recreational purposes. Generation Z individuals have stated that using analog media for personal development and self-expression purpos es provides them with a richer perspective and interpretation (3.28%). People argue that they actively engage (such as liking, sharing, and commenting) with fake news rather than news with factual authenticity, and that this phenomenon is a clear sign of the decline in the credibility of traditional news media (Silverman, 2016). As a result, in addition to the positive effects of analog media such as “providing information about current issues and events”, “providing information about world events”, “using an understandable phraseology”, “providing a rich perspective and interpretation towards events”, and “playing a role in expressing ideas”, reasons such as the fact that a considerable part of the participants do not trust the information pro vided by analog media, that they prefer analog media since they attach importance to spelling rules, and that analog media plays a role in self-realization were among those given for the use of analog media by the Generation Z individuals. Therefore, Generation Z are aware of the importance of the pure language and grammar used by analog media, which makes traditional media even more preferable to them. The fact that traditional media does not succumb to haste in the process of content production and that information is presented in a conventional manner based on expert opinions also shows that Generation Z individuals agree with the thesis that traditional media makes an intellectual contribution to them. In conclusion, the media is an important force that affects the lives of individuals and shapes their universes of thought, especially through symbolic messages. It is thought that the argument that media is not a technical device, but an environment that shapes the meaning worlds of individuals, which is frequently discussed within the framework of the concept of media ecology, has also been internalized by Generation Z. Traditional media still provides significant ontological and epistemological benefits to Generation Z individuals. Generation Z individuals still give meaning to their existence through analog media, and their relationship with media is not ambivalent.
dc.identifier.citationKöse, H., Taşdelen, B. ve Balcı Aydoğan, B. (2024). Z Kuşağının Analog Medyayı Kullanım Nedenleri ve Geleneksel Medya Deneyimi Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Intermedia International e-Journal, 11(21) 85-103.
dc.publisherIstanbul Commerce University
dc.relation.ispartofIntermedia International e-Journal
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarı
dc.subjectZ Kuşağı
dc.subjectMedya Deneyimi
dc.subjectAnalog Medya
dc.subjectMedya Tüketimi
dc.subjectKullanımlar ve Doyumlar
dc.subjectGeneration Z
dc.subjectMedia Experience
dc.subjectAnalog Media
dc.subjectMedia Consumption
dc.subjectUses and Gratifications
dc.titleZ kuşağının analog medyayı kullanım nedenleri ve geleneksel medya deneyimi üzerine bir inceleme
dc.title.alternativeA review of generation Z’s reasons for using analog media and their experience with traditional media


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