Otomotiv yan sanayi sektöründe tedarikçi seçiminde ahp, bulanık ahp ve bulanık topsıs yaklaşımı
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İşletmelerin ayakta kalabilmeleri için bulundukları sektörde yüksek performanslar sergilemeleri gerekir. İşletmelerin başarılı olması tedarik zincirlerinin doğru yönetilmesiyle doğrudan ilişkilidir. Tedarik zinciri yönetiminde ürünün hammaddeden başlayarak nihai müşteriye ulaşıncaya kadar, karşılaşılan her halkadaki riskler şirketin geleceği için hayati öneme sahiptir. Tedarikçi seçimi işletmelerde karar vermesi gereken önemli bir problemdir. İşletmeler tedarikçi seçerken çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerini kullanmaları doğru karar vermeleri açısından karar desteği sağlar. Bu çalışmada Covid-19 salgınının otomotiv sektöründe tedarikçi seçimi etkisi üzerinde durulmuştur. İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren bir otomotiv yan sanayi firmasının IATF 16949:2016 otomotiv kalite yönetim sistemi ve firmanın tedarikçi risk analizinden yararlanarak, üç farklı uzman karar vericiyle birlikte 4 aday tedarikçi arasından kendisine en uygun tedarikçiyi seçebilmesi üzerine çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmada çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden AHP, BAHP ve BTOPSIS ile çalışmalar yapılmış ve karar vericilere karar desteği sağlanmıştır. Son olarak, duyarlılık analizi yapılarak farklı durumlar altında tedarikçiler incelenmiş ve yorumlanmıştır.
In order for the enterprises to survive, businesses need to perform high in their sector. Successful businesses are directly related to the correct management of supply chains. In supply chain management, the risks in every ring encountered are vital for the future of the company, starting from the raw material of the product until reaching the final customer. Supplier selection is an important problem that businesses have to decide on. Enterprises provide decision support in order to make the right decision by using multi-criteria, decision making methods when choosing suppliers.In this study, the impact of Covid-19 epidemic on supplier selection in the automotive industry is emphasized. An automotive supplier industry company operating in Istanbul worked on the IATF 16949: 2016 automotive quality management system and the company to select the most suitable supplier among the 4 candidate suppliers with three different expert decision makers. In this study, studies were conducted with AHP, Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS, which are multi-criteria, decision making methods, and decision support was provided to decision makers. Finally, by conducting sensitivity analysis, suppliers were examined and interpreted under different circumstances.
In order for the enterprises to survive, businesses need to perform high in their sector. Successful businesses are directly related to the correct management of supply chains. In supply chain management, the risks in every ring encountered are vital for the future of the company, starting from the raw material of the product until reaching the final customer. Supplier selection is an important problem that businesses have to decide on. Enterprises provide decision support in order to make the right decision by using multi-criteria, decision making methods when choosing suppliers.In this study, the impact of Covid-19 epidemic on supplier selection in the automotive industry is emphasized. An automotive supplier industry company operating in Istanbul worked on the IATF 16949: 2016 automotive quality management system and the company to select the most suitable supplier among the 4 candidate suppliers with three different expert decision makers. In this study, studies were conducted with AHP, Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS, which are multi-criteria, decision making methods, and decision support was provided to decision makers. Finally, by conducting sensitivity analysis, suppliers were examined and interpreted under different circumstances.
Anahtar Kelimeler
AHP, Bulanık AHP, Bulanık TOPSIS, Covid-19, Tedarikçi seçimi, Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy TOPSIS, Supplier Selection
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