Uluslararası hukukta mülteciler, sığınmacılar ve entegrasyonun yasal göstergeleri
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Devletlerin mültecilere kalıcı çözüm sağlamak konusunda uluslararası hukukta bir yükümlülükleri yoktur. Ancak literatürde sığınmacılar ve mültecilerin normal bir yaşama dönmeleri için birtakım kalıcı çözümler öngörülmüştür. Literatür üç temel kalıcı çözüm (durable solution) üzerinde durur. Bunlardan birincisi gönüllü dönüş (voluntary repatriation), mültecinin kendi menşei ülkesine kendi isteğiyle güvenli bir şekilde dönmesidir, ikincisi yeniden yerleştirme (resettlement),mültecinin sığınma ülkesinden kendisini daimi olarak kabul etmeye hazır üçüncü bir ülkeye gönderilmesi, üçüncüsü ise, yerel entegrasyon (local integration),mültecinin sığındığı ülkesinde kalıcı ve ikamet hakkı elde ederek yaşayabilmesidir. Türkiye, Suriyelilerin mevcut ve ne zaman sonlanacağı belirsiz olan çatışma ortamından gelen kitlesel bir sığınma hareketi ile daha önce deneyimlemediği bir durumla karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Eğer sığınmacılar kaçtığı ülkede temelli kalmak isterlerse, o ülkenin vatandaşları gibi eşit şekilde topluma katılma hakkı onlar için mümkün hale getirilmelidir. Sosyal açıdan entegrasyon gereklidir, çünkü belli gruplara karşı ayrımcılık onların ötekileştirilmesine yol açabilir. Bu da sonuç olarak yasadışı aktivite ya da toplumsal huzursuzluk gibi sosyal açıdan istenmeyen davranışları ortaya çıkarabilir. Türkiye'de sayıları 4 milyonu bulan Suriyeli sığınmacıların burada kalış statülerinde hukuki durumları ve gönüllü dönüşleri şu an için mümkün görünmeyen belirsiz gelecekleri neticesinde entegrasyon, üzerinde konuşulması gereken bir konudur.
States are not under the obligation to provide permanent solutions to refugees under international law. However in international law literature, there are some solutions provided for refugees and asylum seekers to be oriented to a normal life. There are three main durable solutions. First one is the voluntary repatriation which is the the refugee’s departure to the country of origin safely and voluntarily. Second one is local integration which grants the refugee the right to stay in the country where he seeks asylum. The third one is resettlement which means that the refugee will be sent to a third country that is willing to take him permanently. With the mass flow of Syrians fleeing from a conflict that has no clear end in sight, Turkey is against a situation which it has never experienced before. If asylum seekers wish to stay permanently in the country where they fled to, right to be a part of the society equally should be made possible to them. Integration is necessary socially, because discrimination against a certain group of people would result in marginalization of that gorup. Consequently this will lead to illegal activity or social unrest which are not desired in social life. Integration of almost 3 million Syrians in Turkey is an issue that needs to be discussed as there is uncertainty regarding their legal status and their desire for voluntary repatriation.
States are not under the obligation to provide permanent solutions to refugees under international law. However in international law literature, there are some solutions provided for refugees and asylum seekers to be oriented to a normal life. There are three main durable solutions. First one is the voluntary repatriation which is the the refugee’s departure to the country of origin safely and voluntarily. Second one is local integration which grants the refugee the right to stay in the country where he seeks asylum. The third one is resettlement which means that the refugee will be sent to a third country that is willing to take him permanently. With the mass flow of Syrians fleeing from a conflict that has no clear end in sight, Turkey is against a situation which it has never experienced before. If asylum seekers wish to stay permanently in the country where they fled to, right to be a part of the society equally should be made possible to them. Integration is necessary socially, because discrimination against a certain group of people would result in marginalization of that gorup. Consequently this will lead to illegal activity or social unrest which are not desired in social life. Integration of almost 3 million Syrians in Turkey is an issue that needs to be discussed as there is uncertainty regarding their legal status and their desire for voluntary repatriation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Suriyeli sığınmacılar, Mülteci, Hukuki statü, Entegrasyon, Geçici koruma, Syrian asylum seekers, Refugee, Legal status, İntegration, Temporary protection
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