Bellek ve mekanın ilişkisinde ev olgusu üzerine bir araştırma
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Deneyimleri, duyumları, izlenimleri, algıları, kavrayışları yeniden canlandırmak üzere saklayarak tutma yetisi bellek olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Tarih boyunca belleğin saklama yetisi için kullandığı mekan çeşitli yansımalarla gündeme gelmiştir. Bu süreç tabletten başlayarak kağıt, kitap gibi insanoğlunun belleği nesneleştirmesine evrilmiş, bilgi ve kültür aktarımına olanak sağlamıştır. Önceleri 2 boyutlu bir düzlem olarak algılanan bellek, çeşitli yorumlamalar sayesinde mekan olarak algılanmaya başlamıştır. Bellek nesneleştirilirken bu dönüşümlü ilişkide mekanlar belleği düzenlemek ve ona ulaşmak için bir araç olarak kullanılmıştır. Bellek sadece anıları muhafaza eden değil aynı zamanda geri çağırabilen dinamik bir mekanizmadır. Bu sebeptendir ki belleğimiz aktif yaşantımızda, hareketlerimizde, seçimlerimizde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Yaşam alanlarımız belleğimizdeki çeşitli izlerin bir anlamda tezahürüdür. Bu noktada ‘ev’ olgusuna bellek tanımlarının, türlerinin ışığında yaklaşmak ve sonuçlarını gözlemlemek gerekir.
The ability to retain experiences, sensations, impressions, perceptions, and insights to revive them is defined as memory. Throughout history, the space used by memory for storage has come to the fore with various reflections. This process, which started with tablets, evolved from the tablet to the objectification of memory by human beings such as paper and book, and enabled the transfer of knowledge and culture. Memory, which was previously perceived as a 2-dimensional plane, has now begun to be perceived as place thanks to various interpretations. While objectifying memory, places have been used as a tool to organize memory and reach it in this alternatly relationship. Memory is a dynamic mechanism that not only preserves memories but can also recall them. This is why our memory plays an important role in our active life, actions, and choices. Our living spaces are, in a sense, a manifestation of the various traces in our memory. At this point, it is necessary to approach the 'home' phenomenon in the light of memory definitions and types and observe its results.
The ability to retain experiences, sensations, impressions, perceptions, and insights to revive them is defined as memory. Throughout history, the space used by memory for storage has come to the fore with various reflections. This process, which started with tablets, evolved from the tablet to the objectification of memory by human beings such as paper and book, and enabled the transfer of knowledge and culture. Memory, which was previously perceived as a 2-dimensional plane, has now begun to be perceived as place thanks to various interpretations. While objectifying memory, places have been used as a tool to organize memory and reach it in this alternatly relationship. Memory is a dynamic mechanism that not only preserves memories but can also recall them. This is why our memory plays an important role in our active life, actions, and choices. Our living spaces are, in a sense, a manifestation of the various traces in our memory. At this point, it is necessary to approach the 'home' phenomenon in the light of memory definitions and types and observe its results.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bellek, Mekan, Ev, Çocukluk, Eser, Mimari, Memory, Space, Home, Childhood, Work, Architectural
Journal of Technologies and Applied Sciences
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