Yeni medya yeni televizyon: kolektif izlemenin sonu mu?
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Televizyonun geçtiğimiz yüzyılın en belirleyici ev içi aracı olduğunu söylemek abartılı olmayacaktır. Özellikle de “aile televizyonu” kavramsallaştırmasının işaret ettiği gibi ev içi eğlence ve boş zaman etkinliği olarak önemli işlevleri üstlendiği bir gerçektir. Ekrandan akan görüntü ve ses içeriği ne olursa olsun izleyicinin izlediği televizyonun kendisidir. Bu haliyle aracın kitlesel yayıncılığa ve tek taraflı bilgi akışına uygun yapısı uzun yıllar İletişim çalışmalarında “pasif” izleyiciler algısını beslemiştir. 1980’lerle birlikte izleyici araştırmalarında “etnografik dönüş” olarak imlenen dönemeçte, Kültürel Çalışmalar geleneğinden beslenerek, ev içi aktif izleme süreçleri gözlem, görüşme ve alımlama çalışmalarıyla açıklanmaya başlar. Buradan beslenen niteliksel araştırmalarda, izleyici “sonsuz deneyimden oluşan” bir bütün olarak algılanmaya başlar. İzlemenin kendisi yorumlayıcı ve aktif bir süreç olarak ele alınır. 2000’lerle birlikte tüm İletişim dünyasını teknoloji üzerine bir daha düşünmeye davet eden yenilikler hayatımıza girer. Dijitalleşme ve taşınabilir araçlar izleyiciyi, içerik üreticiyi ve içeriğin kendisini dönüşüme uğratır. İşte tam bu noktada şu sorular gündeme gelir; -Aile izlencesi ve kolektif izlemeye uygun bir araç olarak tanımlanan televizyon ve izleyicileri nasıl bir dönüşüm geçirir? -Yeni medya konsepti içinde televizyonun doğasını sarsan yenilikler nelerdir? - Kolektif izlemeden, bireysel izlemeye geçişin yaşandığı bu yeni nesil televizyon ortamında tekno-determinist bakışın dışında bir perspektif geliştirilebilir mi? -Kolektif izleme ortadan kalkıyor mu? -Ve tüm bu sorularda ek olarak yeni televizyon izleyicileriyle ilgili nasıl bir literatür ortaya çıkmıştır? Yeni nesil izleyici araştırmaları nasıl olmalı? Kısacası bu çalışmada televizyon izleyici araştırmaları literatürü gözden geçirilerek, dijitalleşme çağında televizyon izlemenin değişen doğası araştırılacaktır.
It is often said that television was and maybe still the most effective medium of our times. Especially these effects were often concentrated on family watching habits so called “family television” and collective viewing. Television was and still is a crucial and dominant part of domestic free time. Whatever is the program flowing on the screen, audiences kept on watching the “television”. Television as a medium is a one way communicator. It is suitable for mass communicational purposes and not very suitable for interactive communication. These qualities lead researchers to define television as a creator for passive audiences. Researches on audiences concentrated on effects until the “uses and gratifications” formulation. After 1980 with the “ethnographic turn”, researchers emphasizing the cultural and social functions of television changed their research formulations to qualitative research rather than quantitative. We often see that these re searchers use observation, focus group discussion and in-depth interview as technique. They comprehend audience not as an anonymous mass but as a group of people with different watching experiences. Spectators are active and they produce meaning during watching process. After 2000 whole communication world faced new challenges and new questions to think about. Digitalization and portable communication devices force the audience, the content and creator to change. At this point some very tricky questions come to our minds: - What is the direction of change for family television and its audiences? - What are the most crucial novelties of new media that (can) change the nature of television? - Is this new era an end to collective viewing? - In this process of transition to individualist viewing from collective viewing, can we develop a different perspective than techno-determinism? - And more generally what is the path of audience studies in the frame of communication sciences? More specifically, what will be (should be) the nature of audience studies in new media environment? Shortly, this paper aims to overview the current literatüre on television audiences and to realize an actual evaluation on television viewing in the era of digitization.
It is often said that television was and maybe still the most effective medium of our times. Especially these effects were often concentrated on family watching habits so called “family television” and collective viewing. Television was and still is a crucial and dominant part of domestic free time. Whatever is the program flowing on the screen, audiences kept on watching the “television”. Television as a medium is a one way communicator. It is suitable for mass communicational purposes and not very suitable for interactive communication. These qualities lead researchers to define television as a creator for passive audiences. Researches on audiences concentrated on effects until the “uses and gratifications” formulation. After 1980 with the “ethnographic turn”, researchers emphasizing the cultural and social functions of television changed their research formulations to qualitative research rather than quantitative. We often see that these re searchers use observation, focus group discussion and in-depth interview as technique. They comprehend audience not as an anonymous mass but as a group of people with different watching experiences. Spectators are active and they produce meaning during watching process. After 2000 whole communication world faced new challenges and new questions to think about. Digitalization and portable communication devices force the audience, the content and creator to change. At this point some very tricky questions come to our minds: - What is the direction of change for family television and its audiences? - What are the most crucial novelties of new media that (can) change the nature of television? - Is this new era an end to collective viewing? - In this process of transition to individualist viewing from collective viewing, can we develop a different perspective than techno-determinism? - And more generally what is the path of audience studies in the frame of communication sciences? More specifically, what will be (should be) the nature of audience studies in new media environment? Shortly, this paper aims to overview the current literatüre on television audiences and to realize an actual evaluation on television viewing in the era of digitization.
1st International Conference on New Trends in Communication
Anahtar Kelimeler
Televizyon, İzleyiciler, Yeni Medya, Television, Audiences, New Media
1. Uluslararası İletişimde Yeni Yönelimler Konferansı