Kraepelin bugün yaşasaydı dikotomi varlığını sürdürüyor olur muydu?
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Emil Kraepelin’in psikiyatrik sınıflandırma sistemlerinin temelini oluşturan dikotomisi, uzun yıllardır geçerliliğinisürdürmektedir. Öte yandan, genetik, biyolojik ve klinik araştırmalardan elde edilen güncel kanıtlara dayanarakönerilen boyutsal modellemelerin benzerlik göstermesi bu dikotomik görüşün gözden geçirilme gerekliliğiniortaya koymaktadır. Özellikle klinik pratikte, psikiyatrik tanı sistemlerinde kullanılan tanımlayıcı (descriptive)paradigma ile doğada görülen azımsanmayacak sayıdaki psikiyatrik olgunun yeterince iyi tanımlanamaması,klinisyenlerin ortak dil geliştirme gayretlerini engellemekte ve psikiyatrik tanıların stabilitesinin sorgulanmasınaneden olmaktadır. Nitekim, psikotik ve duygudurum belirtilerinin bir arada görüldüğü hasta grubunda tanısalgeçerliliğin oldukça düşük olduğu bildirilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, klinik belirtilerin kümelenme şekillerinifaktör analizi ile değerlendiren çalışmalarda, bipolar bozukluk ve şizofreninin belirli oranlarda ortak belirtikümelerini gösterdiği bildirilmektedir. Ayrıca güncel genetik araştırmalarda her iki hastalığa özgü yatkınlıkoluşturan aday genler olduğu gösterilmekle birlikte, bazı ortak aday genlerin paylaşıldığı ve bir çakışmanın(overlap) olduğu öne sürülmektedir. Genetikçilerin önerdiği boyutsal yaklaşım, klinik araştırmalardan eldeedilen bilgilerle uyumlu gözükmektedir. Tüm bu klinik ve genetik kanıtlar ışığında, ünlü Alman bilim adamı EmilKraepelin’in psikiyatride çığır açan dikotomik yaklaşımının bir asır sonra gözden geçirilmesi gerekmektedir. Kimbilir Kraepelin günümüzde yaşasaydı, belki de kendi modelini bir süre sonra değiştirecekti.
Emil Kraepelin’s dichotomy, which has been providing a basis for psychiatric classification, has been valid for many years. However, dimensional approaches based on the recent evidences from genetic, biological and clinical researches are in agreement, putting forth the need of this dichotomous view’s revision for consideration. In particular, failure of describing many of the psychiatric cases in nature with descriptive paradigm used for psychiatric classification in clinical practice hinders clinicians’ effort for developing a common language and leads to the questioning of psychiatric diagnoses’ stability. In fact, it has been stated that the descriptive validity was low in the patient group with both psychotic and affective symptoms. It has also been informed that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia were presented with common symptom clusters in the studies evaluating the patterns of clinical symptom clustering with factor analysis. Moreover, some of the candidate genes developing susceptibility for each disorder have been shown to be common in the recent genetic studies, suggesting there is an overlap between these disorders. It appears that dimensional approach suggested by geneticists is consistent with the data from clinical researches. In the light of these clinical and genetic evidences, famous German scientist Emil Kraepelin’s ground-breaking dichotomous approach in psychiatry should be revised after a century. Who knows if Kraepelin was still alive, maybe he would change his dichotomous view after a while.
Emil Kraepelin’s dichotomy, which has been providing a basis for psychiatric classification, has been valid for many years. However, dimensional approaches based on the recent evidences from genetic, biological and clinical researches are in agreement, putting forth the need of this dichotomous view’s revision for consideration. In particular, failure of describing many of the psychiatric cases in nature with descriptive paradigm used for psychiatric classification in clinical practice hinders clinicians’ effort for developing a common language and leads to the questioning of psychiatric diagnoses’ stability. In fact, it has been stated that the descriptive validity was low in the patient group with both psychotic and affective symptoms. It has also been informed that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia were presented with common symptom clusters in the studies evaluating the patterns of clinical symptom clustering with factor analysis. Moreover, some of the candidate genes developing susceptibility for each disorder have been shown to be common in the recent genetic studies, suggesting there is an overlap between these disorders. It appears that dimensional approach suggested by geneticists is consistent with the data from clinical researches. In the light of these clinical and genetic evidences, famous German scientist Emil Kraepelin’s ground-breaking dichotomous approach in psychiatry should be revised after a century. Who knows if Kraepelin was still alive, maybe he would change his dichotomous view after a while.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kraepelin, Dikotomi, Genetik, Boyutsal Yaklaşım, Kraepelin, Dichotomy, Genetic, Dimensional View
Düşünen Adam - Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Altınbaş, K., Tunç, S., Yazar, M. S., Özçetinkaya, S., Gülöksüz, S., & Oral, E. T. (2011). Kraepelin Bugün Yaşasaydı Dikotomi Varlığını Sürdürüyor Olur muydu?. Duşünen Adam- Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Dergisi, 24(4), 321-330.