Bireyin aile değerlendirme ve problem çözme değerlendirme düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki
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Bu araştırma, ailenin işlevselliği ile problem çözme değerlendirme düzeyi arasındaki ilişkiyi görebilmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, Aile Değerlendirme Ölçeği, Problem Çözme Beceri Envanteri ve kişilere ait bilgileri toplamak üzere Bilgi Formu kullanılmıştır. Örneklemi, İstanbul’da Fatih, Başakşehir, Üsküdar ilçelerinde faaliyet gösteren bazı sivil toplum kuruluşlarında çalışan ve kuruluşlardan yönlendirilen %68’i kadın ve %32’si erkek olmak üzere 252 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma, ilişkisel tarama modelinde nicel bir çalışma olarak tasarlanmıştır. Veriler, SPSS 25.0 ile çözümlenmiştir. Spearman korelasyon testi değerleri incelendiğinde, aile işlevleri ile problem çözme becerileri arasında tüm alt ölçeklerde pozitif yönde çok güçlü düzeyde ilişki bulunmuştur. Katılımcıların aile değerlendirme ölçeğinin gereken ilgiyi gösterme alt grubu ile problem çözme algısı envanterinin alt grubu olan problem çözme güveni arasında (r=.169, p<.05) .05 anlamlılık düzeyinde, diğer tüm alanlarda ise .01 düzeyinde istatiksel olarak anlamlılık gözlenmiştir. Buna göre, aile değerlendirme düzeyi, problem çözme algısı puanını pozitif korelasyonda etkilemektedir. Ailesini sağlıklı değerlendiren bireyler, kendi problem çözme konusundaki yeterliliklerini de iyi durumda bulmaktadır, ailesini genel olarak sağlıklı bulmayan bireyler ise kendi problem çözme becerilerini de yetersiz düzeyde algılamaktadır.
The study is constructed to evaluate the relation between the family functions and problem solving apprasial of the individuals. The Family Assessment Device, Problem Solving Appraisal are used to collect the data also with a form to receive personal information. The data from 252 participants which are 68 % female and % 32 male are collected from the NGOs founded in İstanbul Fatih, Başakşehir, Üsküdar and evaluated by SPSS 25.0. The research is conducted by the correlational survey model by using quantitative data. In order to observe the relations, Pearson correlation test is applied to evaluate the relation between the scores of scales and personal information. The obtained values indicate a strong relation between family assesment and problem solving appraisal with all the subscales. Between Affective Involvement subscale of Family Assesment Device and Problem Solving Confidence subscale of Problem Solving Appraisal, a significant relation (r=.169, p<.05) by the 0.5 significance level is found and the other subscales also revealed a statistically significant relation by .01 significance level. Based on findings, the family assessment is in a positive correlation with the problem solving appraisal. It indicates a relation between the evaluation of family functions and problem solving appraisal. The individual who thinks his/her family is not in a healthy state, also evaluates personal problem solving capacity as inefficient. However, if the scores for the family functions indicate a healthy family, individual’s problem solving skills are evaluated as efficient.
The study is constructed to evaluate the relation between the family functions and problem solving apprasial of the individuals. The Family Assessment Device, Problem Solving Appraisal are used to collect the data also with a form to receive personal information. The data from 252 participants which are 68 % female and % 32 male are collected from the NGOs founded in İstanbul Fatih, Başakşehir, Üsküdar and evaluated by SPSS 25.0. The research is conducted by the correlational survey model by using quantitative data. In order to observe the relations, Pearson correlation test is applied to evaluate the relation between the scores of scales and personal information. The obtained values indicate a strong relation between family assesment and problem solving appraisal with all the subscales. Between Affective Involvement subscale of Family Assesment Device and Problem Solving Confidence subscale of Problem Solving Appraisal, a significant relation (r=.169, p<.05) by the 0.5 significance level is found and the other subscales also revealed a statistically significant relation by .01 significance level. Based on findings, the family assessment is in a positive correlation with the problem solving appraisal. It indicates a relation between the evaluation of family functions and problem solving appraisal. The individual who thinks his/her family is not in a healthy state, also evaluates personal problem solving capacity as inefficient. However, if the scores for the family functions indicate a healthy family, individual’s problem solving skills are evaluated as efficient.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Aile, Aile işlevleri, Problem, Problem çözme değerlendirilmesi, Family Functions, Family Assesment, Problem Solving Appraisal
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