Çalışanların Temel Benlik Değerlendirmeleri ve Politik Becerileri Arasındaki İlişkiler Üzerine Kesitsel Bir Araştırma
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Melih Topaloğlu
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç – Politik beceriler çalışanların çeşitli tutumlarını ve davranışlarını açıklayabilen ve öngörülmesine katkı sağlayan bir olgu olduğundan çalışanların politik beceri düzeylerine etki edebilen unsurların araştırılmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışmada çalışanların temel benlik değerlendirmeleri ile politik becerileri arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Yöntem – Oluşturulan kuramsal modele politik beceriler bağımlı değişken olarak, temel benlik değerlendirmeleri ise bağımsız değişken olarak dâhil edilmiştir. Araştırmanın amacı doğrultusunda İstanbul’da çeşitli sanayi kollarında faaliyet gösteren 27 firmanın çalışanları üzerinde kesitsel bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Örneklem söz konusu firmalarda çalışan 414 katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın verisi anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır ve kısmi en küçük kareler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular – Elde edilen bulgulara göre katılımcıların temel benlik değerlendirmeleri; ilişki ağı kurma yeteneği, kişiler arası etki, sosyal zekâ ve samimi görünme boyutlarından oluşan politik becerileri olumlu ve anlamlı bir şekilde öngörmektedir. Tartışma –Elde edilen bulguların politik beceriler ve temel benlik değerlendirmeleri ile ilgili yazına yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmış olması nedeniyle kuramsal açıdan, bireysel ve örgütsel performansın artırılmasına yönelik çıkarımlarda bulunulmasına katkı sağlaması nedeniyle de uygulamaya dönük olarak faydalı olduğuna inanılmaktadır.
Purpose – Since political skills are a phenomenon that can explain and predict various attitudes and behaviors of employees, there is a need to investigate the factors that can affect employees' political skill levels. From this point of view, in this study, it was investigated whether there was a relationship between the core self-evaluations of the employees and their political skills. Design/method/approach – Political skills were included as the dependent variable, and core self-evaluations were included as the independent variable in the theoretical model. For purpose of the research, a cross-sectional survey has been conducted on the employees of 27 companies operating in various industries in Istanbul. The sample consisted of 414 participants working in these companies. The data were collected through a questionnaire technique and analyzed through a partial least square structural equation modeling technique. Findings – According to the findings, the core self-evaluations of participants positively and significantly predicted their networking ability, interpersonal influence, social astuteness, and apparent sincerity that constitute their political skills. Discussion – It is believed that the findings are worthwhile in terms of theory since they have brought a new perspective to the literature on political skills and core self-evaluations. They are also useful in terms of practice, as they contributed to making inferences about increasing individual and organizational performance.
Purpose – Since political skills are a phenomenon that can explain and predict various attitudes and behaviors of employees, there is a need to investigate the factors that can affect employees' political skill levels. From this point of view, in this study, it was investigated whether there was a relationship between the core self-evaluations of the employees and their political skills. Design/method/approach – Political skills were included as the dependent variable, and core self-evaluations were included as the independent variable in the theoretical model. For purpose of the research, a cross-sectional survey has been conducted on the employees of 27 companies operating in various industries in Istanbul. The sample consisted of 414 participants working in these companies. The data were collected through a questionnaire technique and analyzed through a partial least square structural equation modeling technique. Findings – According to the findings, the core self-evaluations of participants positively and significantly predicted their networking ability, interpersonal influence, social astuteness, and apparent sincerity that constitute their political skills. Discussion – It is believed that the findings are worthwhile in terms of theory since they have brought a new perspective to the literature on political skills and core self-evaluations. They are also useful in terms of practice, as they contributed to making inferences about increasing individual and organizational performance.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Temel benlik değerlendirmeleri Politik beceri Öz saygı Öz yeterlilik Duygusal denge, Core self-evaluations Political skills Self-esteem Self-efficacy Emotional stability
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