Sultan II. Abdülhamid döneminde yerli üretimi teşvik politikası olarak imtiyazlar
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Osmanlı İmparatorluğu 18. yüzyılda başlayan, 19. yüzyılda iyice ivme kazanan Sanayi Devrimi’nin ülkeleri ve ekonomileri dönüştürmesi karşısında çaresizce bekleyip maruz kalmak yerine günümüzde “çağını yakalamak” şeklinde sıkça kullanan bir hamleye girişti. Kuşkusuz bu hamle, gerek küreselleşme dalgasının ilk evresini yaşayan Batı toplumunu etkisine alan ekonomik kriz ve diğer dış gelişmelerden, gerekse Osmanlıların siyasî ve ekonomik sorunlardan etkilenmişti. Ancak Osmanlı hükümetleri, tüm bu olumsuzluklara ilaveten kapitülasyonlar da mücadele etmesine rağmen yerli üretimi geliştirmek ve Avrupa menşeli mallarla rekabet etmek için 1880’lerde, yani Sultan II. Abdülhamid döneminde yeni bir yöntem geliştirildi. Daha doğrusu mevcut bir yöntem, olgunlaştırılarak uygulamaya sokuldu: İmtiyazlar. İmtiyazlar, yerli girişimciye birçok avantaj sağlamakla kalmadı, aynı zamanda Türkiye’de modern anlamda ilk özel sektör kitlesinin oluşmasına da katkı sağladı. Yerli sanayinin oluşturulması gayreti, yine ilk kez, Türkiye’nin kurucu Odası olarak kabul edilebilecek Dersaâdet (İstanbul) Ticaret Odası gazetesi taranarak adım adım takip edilip haberleştirildi. Bu makalede, bu haberlerden yola çıkılarak, 1885-1887 yıllarını kapsayan 3 yılda verilen imtiyazlar irdelendi. Böylece resmî ve propagandist bir yaklaşımdan nispeten uzak, Türk özel sektörünün bakış açısını da içeren bir imtiyaz incelemesi ortaya çıktı.
The industrial revolution which began in the 18th century, and was fully felt in the 19th century, drastically transformed countries and economies. Instead of waiting in despair and accepting exposure to its dramatic effects, the Ottoman Empire, in order to catch up with the times, made a very smart move. Undoubtedly, this move was influenced by the economic crisis and other external developments, which influenced Western societies that experienced the first phase of the wave of globalization, and the political and economic problems of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman governments, which in addition to all these negativites struggled also with capitulations, developed a new method in the 1880’s during the Sultan Abdulhamid II period in order to improve domestic production and to compete with European goods. More precisely, an already existing method was further developed and implemented successfully: Privileges. Privileges, not only provided many advantages to local entrepreneurs, they also contributed at the same time to the formation of the first private sector audience in the modern sense in Turkey. Creation efforts of the domestic industry were followed step by step and reported for the very first time by scanning the newspapers of the Dersaâdet (Istanbul) Chamber of Commerce. Based on these news, the privileges covering the years 1885-1887 were examined in detail in this article. In this way, a concession study was developed which included the perspective of the Turkish private sector, which is relatively far from an official and propagandist approach.
The industrial revolution which began in the 18th century, and was fully felt in the 19th century, drastically transformed countries and economies. Instead of waiting in despair and accepting exposure to its dramatic effects, the Ottoman Empire, in order to catch up with the times, made a very smart move. Undoubtedly, this move was influenced by the economic crisis and other external developments, which influenced Western societies that experienced the first phase of the wave of globalization, and the political and economic problems of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman governments, which in addition to all these negativites struggled also with capitulations, developed a new method in the 1880’s during the Sultan Abdulhamid II period in order to improve domestic production and to compete with European goods. More precisely, an already existing method was further developed and implemented successfully: Privileges. Privileges, not only provided many advantages to local entrepreneurs, they also contributed at the same time to the formation of the first private sector audience in the modern sense in Turkey. Creation efforts of the domestic industry were followed step by step and reported for the very first time by scanning the newspapers of the Dersaâdet (Istanbul) Chamber of Commerce. Based on these news, the privileges covering the years 1885-1887 were examined in detail in this article. In this way, a concession study was developed which included the perspective of the Turkish private sector, which is relatively far from an official and propagandist approach.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İmtiyazlar, Yerli Sanayi, Özel Sektör, Dersaâdet Ticaret Odası Gazetesi, Privileges, Domestic Industry, Private Sector, Dersaâdet Chamber of Commerce Newspaper
Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Memi̇ş, Ş. (2020). Sultan II. Abdülhamid Döneminde Yerli Üretimi Teşvik Politikası Olarak İmtiyazlar. Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 41(2), 453–472.