Sosyal psikoloji ve dijitalleşme ilişkisine apokaliptik distopya üzerinden bir yaklaşım: Avenue 5 dizisi

dc.contributor.authorYegen, Ceren
dc.departmentİstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractBilim kurgu türde sıkça gözlenen distopya, teması ve kurgusu çerçevesindeki alt bağlamıyla bir eleştiridir. Karamsarlık, olumsuzluk üzerinden bir hikâye anlatan ya da (olası) görünüm sunan distopik medya çıktıları toplumun, sistemin bulunduğu ya da vardığı noktayı korku, panik gibi argümanlar üzerinden yordadığı gibi zaman zaman absürtlükler üzerinden de yordar. Distopik evrenin yarattığı gelecek apokaliptik ve post-apokaliptik nitelikler taşır. Teknoloji ile yaratılan sona ilişkin çıkış yolu, kurtulma aracı da yine teknolojidir. Diyalektik görünen bu ilişki, zaman zaman fantazmagorik anlatıları da kullanır. Nitekim bazı distopik medya çıktılarında aldatıcı görüntüler, sonu gelen ya da gelmiş olan evrende olan biteni hakikat algısını sorgulatarak verir; distopazlar, otoriter karakterler dikkat çeker, simüle edilmiş bir evren tasvirinde bireyin içsel yabancılaşma gibi kaçınılmaz sonda otorite karşısında itaate yöneldiği de görülür. Entropik bir süreç olarak distopik kurguda krizler ve kaos vardır ve toplum korku, panik ile yordanır. Bu çalışmada, Milgram’ın “Otoriteye İtaat Deneyi”nden hareketle sosyal psikoloji ve dijitalleşme ilişkisi, gezegenler arası yolculuğun işlendiği bir dizi olan Avenue 5 örnekleminde otoriteye itaat ve grup psikolojisini anlamak amacıyla betimsel analiz tekniği ile incelenmiştir. İnceleme sonucunda, dijitalleşmenin sayısız olanağının gösterildiği Avenue 5’da yaratılan distopik geleceğin absürd olduğu, bireyin büründüğü rol çerçevesinde kendisine yabancılaşabildiği, otoriteye itaat ve grup psikolojisi noktasındaki uyma davranışının ise bireyler arası kolektif unsurlar ile ilişkili olduğu söylenebilir.en_US
dc.description.abstractUtopia, which imagines a life and order with ideals such as perfection, flawlessness, and trouble-freeness, is not just an imagination of a place or space; It is a fiction, an idealized post-truth, and also a loss of truth. That’s why it creates surreal arguments and puts dystopia in front of it. This tendency makes dystopia attractive and striking. It is known that phantasmagoria is used in utopia and dystopia. When dystopia is considered as a narrative, it has a critical quality with its theme and fiction. Indeed, critical dystopia also refers to this. Dystopian media outputs draw critical attention to the point where society and the system are or have reached, with the story they tell through pessimism and negativity, or the (possible) views they point to. In this context, dystopia predicts the situation through arguments such as fear and panic, but also sometimes through absurdities. When criticizing the situation in question, society can be portrayed as having evolved and become alienated from itself. This paradigm observed more in the case of cyberpunk, also uses fear and appeal in meta-narratives. Dystopia, which is known to criticize an order or system in a slightly exaggerated and imaginary way, also re-establishes the relationship between the future and reality. While oppressive control, the decisiveness of technology, surveillance, fear, panic, and pessimism are the arguments used to characterize it, criticisms regarding the environment of trust also attract attention. It is often portrayed in favor of the individual behaving by the group rather than individually. In dystopian outputs, various forms of control are seen. For example, a control related to public administration, such as a rule-based control or a technology-based control, is observed. The dystopian order that regulates society can also use belief as a control tool. An imaginary order is established through the collective memory and various commonalities of the society, and elements that have an impact and trace on the individual are used. While oppression and fear are tried to be attractive, the costs of breaking the rules are shown. This constructed reality reconstructs identities and selves, as well as the perception of truth. It even problematizes them and pushes them to adapt to the form of a dystopian order. Utopian or dystopian outputs sometimes present the moment, place, and situation in the form of deceptive images. This deception is sometimes attractive, often it is fiction, imaginary. However, phantasmagoria, which can be accepted as the reality or construction of that moment, is quite impressive. Deceptive images that highlight the ambiguity of the bond established between the real and the unreal are aimed at the viewer’s perception of truth. These images ask the viewer to question reality and wonder about the moment and the aftermath. While many areas affected by the developments in communication technologies are becoming digital, digital fantasy has also begun to be used in many media types and outputs in the relationship between moment and reality. The effect and appeal of the understanding that virtualizes reality aims to ensure being in the moment. For this purpose, it uses various technological techniques and moves. The digital form of deceptive images used in video games or media productions also offers a revision of new generation media consumption habits. However, digital phantasmagoria does not deviate from its main purpose and makes the truth problematic and questioned. This tendency, also observed in apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic media outputs, occasionally increases pessimism by assembling moments and facts within the dystopia and mediates an urgent technology-based solution. Social psychology evolves in various ways in digitally evolving fields. For example, it is possible to see all these details in Avenue 5, a dystopian series about interplanetary travel examined in this study. This study, which touches on the relationship between social psychology and digitalization, based on Milgram’s “Obedience to Authority Experiment”, shows the primitiveness of many impulses or tendencies of the individual in the grip of pleasure or detachment, whether in an apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic process, through the example of Avenue 5. Obedience to authority or submission to technology for the sake of survival are pragmatic and primitive tendencies, and although digitalization changes the forms of collective life, the issue of benefits must be discussed on a public basis. The direct reflection of the role of the individual on behavior can be discussed within the framework of the effects of digitalization in post-postmodern discussions and shows the tendencies of the individual, who consumes reality as well as the moment, such as parasitism and alienation, as well as various norms of the digital. As a result of the study, it can be said that the dystopian future created in Avenue 5 is absurd, the individual can become alienated from himself within the framework of the role he assumes, and obedience to authority and compliance behavior at the point of group psychology are related to collective elements between individuals.en_US
dc.publisherIstanbul Commerce Universityen_US
dc.relation.ispartofIntermedia International e-Journalen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarıen_US
dc.subjectDistopya, Apokalips, Sosyal Psikoloji, Dijitalleşme, Avenue 5en_US
dc.subjectDystopia, Apocalypse, Social Psychology, Digitalization, Avenue 5en_US
dc.titleSosyal psikoloji ve dijitalleşme ilişkisine apokaliptik distopya üzerinden bir yaklaşım: Avenue 5 dizisien_US
dc.title.alternativeAn approach to relationship between social psychology and digitalization through apocalyptic dystopia: Avenue 5 TV seriesen_US


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