Dijital diplomaside instagramın rolü: Come See Turkey örneği
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Yeni teknolojiler ve yeni medya, iletişim süreçlerine farklı bir boyut getirmiştir. Bu değişim devletlerin uluslararası kamularla olan iletişim sürecini de etkilemiştir. Gelişen teknolojilerle kamu diplomasisi de gelenekselden yeni kamu diplomasisine doğru gelişim göstermiş devletler yeni kamu diplomasisinde uluslararası hedef kitlelerine ulaşmak için kullandıkları strateji ve taktikleri değiştirmişlerdir. Devletlerin uluslararası halkla ilişkileri olan kamu diplomasisi bu kapsamda artık dijital diplomasi uygulamalarına yer vermektedir. Dijital diplomasi ile iletişim süreci devletten bireye ve bireyden bireye olarak gerçekleşmekte ve bu da kültürlerarası iletişime de imkân vermektedir. Yine dijital diplomasi sayesinde devletlerin mesajlarına hedef kitleleri olan yabancı halklar cevap verebilmekte ve farklı uygulamalarla süreç karşılıklı olarak ilerleyebilmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’nin dijital diplomasi uygulamalarından etkin olarak yararlanıp yaralanamadığını ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmada öncelikle yeni kamu diplomasisi kavramı ele alınarak kamu diplomasisinde ilişki inşa etmenin rolüne değinilecektir. Çalışmanın devamında dijital diplomasi kavramı tanımlanarak dijital diplomaside sosyal medya kullanımının rolünden bahsedilecektir. Çalışmanın araştırma aşamasında T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı ve Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı himayesinde Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği Ana sponsorluğunda gerçekleştirilen Come See Turkey kampanyasına hedef kitlelerin nasıl katılım gösterdiği incelecektir. Bu doğrultuda “Dijital diplomasi örneği olarak Come See Turkey kampanyası aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilen iletişim etkileşime olanak vermektedir”, “Come See Turkey kampanyası ile verilen mesajlar doğru hedef kitleye ulaşmaktadır” ve “Come See Turkey” kampanyası ile alınan geri bildirim Türkiye imajının olumlu olarak yansıtıldığını göstermektedir” hipotezleri Come See Turkey Instagram hesabından gönderilen içeriklerin analiz edilmesiyle sınanacaktır.
New technologies and new media have brought a new dimension to communication processes. This transformation has also influenced communication process of governments with international publics. The advancing technologies have transformed traditional public diplomacy into new public diplomacy. Consequently, governments have changed their strategies and tactics to reach their international publics. Being international public relations of governments, public diplomacy now involves digital diplomacy applications. In digital diplomacy, communication process takes place from government to individual and from individual to individual and this process paves the way for intercultural communication. Similarly, thanks to digital diplomacy, foreign societies along with their target publics have the opportunity to respond messages of governments. The mutual interaction thus has been ensured through different practices. The purpose of the paper is to present whether Turkey efficiently benefits from digital diplomacy or not. The paper firstly handles the notion of new public diplomacy, and afterwards the issue of building relations in public diplomacy will be touched upon. The paper will continue defining the concept of digital diplomacy and referring to the role of using social media in digital diplomacy. The paper will seek to answer how target publics participate to the campaign called “Come See Turkey”, organized under the aegis of Presidency of The Republic of Turkey and under the sponsorship of Minister of Culture and Tourism. In this respect, the following hypotheses “The communication performed as an example of digital diplomacy through the “Come See Turkey” campaign allows interaction.”, “The messages conveyed through the “Come See Turkey” campaign reach the right target audience.” and “The feedback conveyed through the “Come See Turkey” campaign reflect the positive country image of Turkey” will be tested analyzing contents shared from the official Instagram account of the campaign.
New technologies and new media have brought a new dimension to communication processes. This transformation has also influenced communication process of governments with international publics. The advancing technologies have transformed traditional public diplomacy into new public diplomacy. Consequently, governments have changed their strategies and tactics to reach their international publics. Being international public relations of governments, public diplomacy now involves digital diplomacy applications. In digital diplomacy, communication process takes place from government to individual and from individual to individual and this process paves the way for intercultural communication. Similarly, thanks to digital diplomacy, foreign societies along with their target publics have the opportunity to respond messages of governments. The mutual interaction thus has been ensured through different practices. The purpose of the paper is to present whether Turkey efficiently benefits from digital diplomacy or not. The paper firstly handles the notion of new public diplomacy, and afterwards the issue of building relations in public diplomacy will be touched upon. The paper will continue defining the concept of digital diplomacy and referring to the role of using social media in digital diplomacy. The paper will seek to answer how target publics participate to the campaign called “Come See Turkey”, organized under the aegis of Presidency of The Republic of Turkey and under the sponsorship of Minister of Culture and Tourism. In this respect, the following hypotheses “The communication performed as an example of digital diplomacy through the “Come See Turkey” campaign allows interaction.”, “The messages conveyed through the “Come See Turkey” campaign reach the right target audience.” and “The feedback conveyed through the “Come See Turkey” campaign reflect the positive country image of Turkey” will be tested analyzing contents shared from the official Instagram account of the campaign.
1st International Conference on New Trends in Communication
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kamu Diplomasisi, Dijital Diplomasi, Instagram, Public Diplomacy, Digital Diplomacy, Instagram
1. Uluslararası İletişimde Yeni Yönelimler Konferansı