Terörün İstanbul turizmine etkileri
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Son yıllarda ülkemizde ve dünyada artarak devam eden terör eylemleri, küresel olarak terör ve terörizm kavramının daha fazla gündeme taşınarak, ülkeleri farklı tedbirlerle çözüm yolları arayışına itmektedir. Günümüze kadar farklı anlamlar yüklenerek çeşitli şekillerde karşımıza çıkan terör kavramı üzerinde, uzlaşılmış temel bir tanım olmamakla birlikte, içerisinde genel olarak şiddet, korkutma, baskı, yıldırma, taraf olmaya zorlama, tahrip gibi ulusa ve sisteme karşı isteklere cevap alabilme eylemleri olarak ifade edilmektedir. Stratejik amaç ve hedeflere ulaşmak için farklı güçler tarafından maşa olarak kullanılan terör ve terörist eylemlerin ülkemize verdiği zararlar günden güne farklı boyutlara ulaşmakta, bu eylemler, amacı sadece turizm faaliyetine katılmak olan insanları hedef olarak seçtiğinde ise yaptıklarının haklı gerekçe olmadığını daha açık bir şekilde göstermektedir. Terör faaliyetleri tam olarak ortadan kaldırılamasa da ülkemiz açısından yarattığı olumsuz durumları en aza indirmek, ülke imajını özellikle turizm sektörümüze verdiği zararları önlemek adına çeşitli tedbirler alarak yaşanacak olan krizlerin önüne geçmek hedeflenmektedir. Bu çalışmada turizm sektörünün en büyük problemlerden biri olan terör ve terörizm kavramı tanıtılarak, sektördeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Ülkemizde yaşanan terör olayları ve zarar gören turizm sektöründe, atılması gereken adımlar ve alınması gereken önlemler konusunda dikkat çekilmesi çalışmanın temel güdüsü olmuştur. İncelenen istatistiki analizler sonucunda, turizm sektörüne katılan kişi sayısı, artan şiddet ortamına ve meydana gelen eylemlere paralel olarak azaldığı, düzenlenen istatistiki tablolar ile görülmüştür. Araştırmadan, terör faaliyetlerinin gerçekleştiği destinasyon- larda turizmin doğrudan etkilendiği sonucu çıkarılmıştır.
The terrorist actions that have been increasingly going on in Turkey and in the world have caused the becoming of the concepts of terror and terrorism as current issues, and these terrorist actions force countries to seek solutions with various precautions. Terror appears in different shapes by being assigned different meanings until today, and while there is no reconciled basic definition of the concept of terror, it is expressed as the actions in order to receive replies to demands against a nation and system like violence, threatening, repression, intimidation, forcing people to choose a party and ravage. Terror and terrorist actions are used as tools by different powers in order to reach strategic purposes and targets, and the losses that terrorist actions cause in Turkey reach different dimensions day after day; when these terrorist actions choose the people whose only goal is to participate in tourism activities, that state clearly reveals the fact that what terrorists do is not the valid ground. Although terrorist actions cannot be suppressed completely, preventing possible crises is aimed by taking various precautions in order to minimize the negative circumstances that terrorist actions create in Turkey and to prevent the damages to Turkey’s image and especially to the tourism sector in Turkey. In this study, the concepts of terror and terrorism, which are one of the biggest problems of tourism sector, are introduced, and their effects on the sector are examined. The basic motive of the study has been drawing attention to the steps that have to be taken in the tourism sector in Turkey and the relevant precautions that have to be taken due to the ongoing terrorist actions and the damaged tourism sector in Turkey. As a result of statistical analyses, statistical tables were organized and these tables reveal the fact that the number of people who join the tourism sector has been decreased in parallel with the increasing violence atmosphere and the ongoing terrorist actions. It has been concluded from the research that tourism is directly affected in the destinations where terrorist actions take place.
The terrorist actions that have been increasingly going on in Turkey and in the world have caused the becoming of the concepts of terror and terrorism as current issues, and these terrorist actions force countries to seek solutions with various precautions. Terror appears in different shapes by being assigned different meanings until today, and while there is no reconciled basic definition of the concept of terror, it is expressed as the actions in order to receive replies to demands against a nation and system like violence, threatening, repression, intimidation, forcing people to choose a party and ravage. Terror and terrorist actions are used as tools by different powers in order to reach strategic purposes and targets, and the losses that terrorist actions cause in Turkey reach different dimensions day after day; when these terrorist actions choose the people whose only goal is to participate in tourism activities, that state clearly reveals the fact that what terrorists do is not the valid ground. Although terrorist actions cannot be suppressed completely, preventing possible crises is aimed by taking various precautions in order to minimize the negative circumstances that terrorist actions create in Turkey and to prevent the damages to Turkey’s image and especially to the tourism sector in Turkey. In this study, the concepts of terror and terrorism, which are one of the biggest problems of tourism sector, are introduced, and their effects on the sector are examined. The basic motive of the study has been drawing attention to the steps that have to be taken in the tourism sector in Turkey and the relevant precautions that have to be taken due to the ongoing terrorist actions and the damaged tourism sector in Turkey. As a result of statistical analyses, statistical tables were organized and these tables reveal the fact that the number of people who join the tourism sector has been decreased in parallel with the increasing violence atmosphere and the ongoing terrorist actions. It has been concluded from the research that tourism is directly affected in the destinations where terrorist actions take place.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi -- Basılısı mevcuttur. -- Kaynakça var.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turizm_Türkiye_İstanbul, Tourism_Turkey_Istanbul, Türkiye_Siyaset ve yönetim_21. yüzyıl, Turkey_Politics and government_21st century
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Demirci, Yavuz. (2018). Terörün İstanbul turizmine etkileri. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Turizm İşletmeciliği, İstanbul