Pandemi sürecinde kamu spot reklamları üzerine bir inceleme
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Kamu spotları, toplumu bilgilendirmeyi, bilinçlendirmeyi, farkındalık yaratmayı ve belirli tutum ve davranışlara yönelik harekete geçirmeyi hedefleyen kısa reklamlar olarak değerlendirilebilir. Temel amacı toplumsal yarar sağlamak olan kamu spotlarının hedef kitleye ulaştırılmasında kitle iletişim araçlarının ve sosyal medyanın rolü büyüktür. Kamu kurumları ve sivil toplum kuruluşları ticari bir beklenti olmaksızın toplumu ilgilendiren hemen her alanda kamu spotu hazırlayabilmektedir. Kamu spotunun amacına ve hedef kitlenin ilgi alanına yönelik uygun mesaj çekiciliğinin kullanılması, kamu spotunun iletişim stratejisini ve ikna gücünü güçlendirmektedir. Kamu spotları içinde bulunulan dönemin özelliklerine, kültürüne ve güncel sorunlarına göre tasarlanmaktadır. Bunun en güncel örneği, COVID-19 pandemisine yönelik hazırlanan kamu spot reklamları ile karşımıza çıkmaktadır. COVID-19 pandemisine yönelik alınacak tedbirler konusunda toplumu bilgilendirmek adına en büyük görev başta T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı olmak üzere kamu kurumlarına düşmüştür. Kamu kurumları virüsten korunmak için maske takmak, mesafeyi korumak ve hijyen kurallarını uygulamak çerçevesinde toplumu yeni normale uyum konusunda uyarmak ve ikna etmek için çalışmıştır. Bu kapsamda, T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından Mart-Aralık 2020 tarihleri arasında COVID-19 Bilgilendirme Platformu'nda yayımlanan toplam 88 video ve Aralık 2020 – Şubat 2022 tarihleri arasında COVID-19 Aşısı Bilgilendirme Platformu'nda yayımlanan toplam 62 video nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden içerik analizi kapsamında Clow ve Baack'in (2005) reklam çekicilik yaklaşımına göre derinlemesine incelenmiştir. Yayımlanan kamu spotlarında iletişim stratejileri, ikna teknikleri, söylem farklılıkları, amaç ve çekicilik unsurlarındaki farklılıklar ortaya çıkartılmaya çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, kamu spotlarında rasyonel, duygusal ve korku çekiciliğinin yoğun olarak kullanıldığı ve kamu spotlarının ağırlıklı olarak bilgi vermek, ikna etmek farkındalık yaratmak ve uyarmak amaçlarını taşıdığı yönündedir. Kamu spotlarının hemen hepsinde Aristoteles'in Retorik üçlemesinde yer alan ikna tekniklerinden birinin veya birkaçının uygulandığı görülmüştür.
Public service advertisings can be considered as short advertisements that aim at informing, raising awareness and inducing the public to adopt certain attitudes and behaviors. The main purpose of the public service advertising is to provide social benefits and mass media as well as social media play a major role in the delivery of the message to the target audience. In almost every field of public interest, public institutions and non-governmental organizations can prepare public service advertisings without having any commercial expectations. The use of appropriate message appeal for the purpose of the public service advertising and the target audience's interest strengthens the communication strategy and persuasion power of the public service advertisings. Public service advertisings are designed according to the characteristics, culture and current problems of the current period. The most recent example of this is the public service advertisings prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic. The biggest misson to inform the community about the measures to be taken against COVID-19 pandemic has fallen to public institutions and especially Ministry of Health. They have all worked together to warn and convince the public to adapt to the new normal in wearing masks, keeping personal distance and applying hygiene rules to avoid the propagation of the virus. Within this scope a total of 88 videos published by the Ministry of Health on the COVID-19 Information Platform between March and December 2020 and a total of 62 videos published on the COVID-19 Vaccine Information Platform between December 2020 and February 2022 were thoroughly examined based on content analysis method of qualitative research techniques and Clow and Baack's (2005) advertising appeal approach. In this study, it has been tried to reveal the differences in communication strategies, persuasion techniques, discourse differences, purpose and appeal elements used in the public service advertisings. As a result of the content analysis, it has been found that high level of rational, emotional and fear appeals were used in public service advertisings. It has been concluded that public service advertisings published for the COVID-19 pandemic aimed at informing, persuading, raising awareness and warning the public. It has been observed that one or more of the persuasion techniques in Aristotle's Rhetoric trilogy were applied in almost all of the public service advertisements.
Public service advertisings can be considered as short advertisements that aim at informing, raising awareness and inducing the public to adopt certain attitudes and behaviors. The main purpose of the public service advertising is to provide social benefits and mass media as well as social media play a major role in the delivery of the message to the target audience. In almost every field of public interest, public institutions and non-governmental organizations can prepare public service advertisings without having any commercial expectations. The use of appropriate message appeal for the purpose of the public service advertising and the target audience's interest strengthens the communication strategy and persuasion power of the public service advertisings. Public service advertisings are designed according to the characteristics, culture and current problems of the current period. The most recent example of this is the public service advertisings prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic. The biggest misson to inform the community about the measures to be taken against COVID-19 pandemic has fallen to public institutions and especially Ministry of Health. They have all worked together to warn and convince the public to adapt to the new normal in wearing masks, keeping personal distance and applying hygiene rules to avoid the propagation of the virus. Within this scope a total of 88 videos published by the Ministry of Health on the COVID-19 Information Platform between March and December 2020 and a total of 62 videos published on the COVID-19 Vaccine Information Platform between December 2020 and February 2022 were thoroughly examined based on content analysis method of qualitative research techniques and Clow and Baack's (2005) advertising appeal approach. In this study, it has been tried to reveal the differences in communication strategies, persuasion techniques, discourse differences, purpose and appeal elements used in the public service advertisings. As a result of the content analysis, it has been found that high level of rational, emotional and fear appeals were used in public service advertisings. It has been concluded that public service advertisings published for the COVID-19 pandemic aimed at informing, persuading, raising awareness and warning the public. It has been observed that one or more of the persuasion techniques in Aristotle's Rhetoric trilogy were applied in almost all of the public service advertisements.
Dış Ticaret Enstitüsü, Küresel Pazarlama ve Marka Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı, Küresel Pazarlama ve Marka Yönetimi Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Reklamcılık, Advertising