Dijital dizilerde ürün yerleştirme: Fi/Çi dizisi örneği
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Küçük veya büyük fark etmeksizin şirketler ve işletmeler yüzyıllardır kendi ürün ve hizmetleri hakkında bilgileri insanlara iletmek, ikna etmek amacıyla farklı reklam araçlarını kullanmaktadırlar. Geleneksel reklamların dışında, kişileri daha çok etkilemek, zihinlerde yer etmek, mesajlarını net bir şekilde iletmek ve imajını olumlu anlamda yönetmek amacıyla pazarlama, reklam ve halkla ilişkiler sektöründe yeni reklam araçları kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu yöntemlerden biri de film, dizi, televizyon programları, oyunlar ve müzik kliplerinde sıklıkla karşılaşılan bir uygulama olan ürün yerleştirmedir. Reklam yayınlarına olan ilginin azalması, reklamcılar için ürün yerleştirme yöntemini faydalı bir mecra haline getirmiştir. Bu noktada, özellikle reklamsız mecra olma sloganı ile yola çıkan dijital yayın platformları açısından önemli uygulamalardan biri olan ürün yerleştirme, sade, anlaşılır ve hedef kitlenin zihninde yer eden mesajlar yoluyla izleyicileri sıkmaması sebebiyle günümüzde reklam verenlerin tercihi olmaktadır. Yapımcılar açısından bakıldığında bir taraftan ürünleri gerekli sahnelerde kullanarak daha gerçekçi bir algı yaratmakta, diğer taraftan ise yapım giderlerini kısmen veya tamamen karşılayabilmesi, kurumlar açısından ise geleneksel reklam uygulamalarından kaçmakta olan tüketiciye daha farklı bir yöntemle mesajlarını ileterek onları etkileme olanağı elde edilmesi bakımından ürün yerleştirmenin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Çalışma, mevcut literatüre katkıda bulunmak ve Türkiye’nin en çok izlenen ve ilk dijital dizilerinden biri olan “Fi/Çi Dizisi” örneği üzerinden ürün yerleştirme uygulamalarının içeriğini ortaya koymak amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışmada, dizinin yayımlanan toplam 22 bölümünde bulunan ürün yerleştirmeler sistematik ve kategorik içerik analizi uygulanarak çözümlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, türler içerisinde en çok görsel ürün yerleştirme yer aldığı saptanmıştır. Dizide karşılaşılan ürün yerleştirme uygulamalarının çoğunluğu, teknoloji, otomotiv, telekomünikasyon ve gıda markalarından oluşmaktadır.
Whether small or large, companies and businesses have been using different advertising tools to communicate with their target audience and trying to convince people about their products and services for centuries. Apart from traditional tools, new advertising techniques have been used in the marketing, advertising and public relations fields to influence people more, to be in the minds, to communicate their message clearly and to manage their image in a positive sense. One of these techniques is product placement, which is frequently used in movies, TV shows, television programs, games and music videos. Decreased interest to traditional advertisement has made the product placement technique for advertisers a useful communication channel. At this point, one of the important concepts in terms of digital broadcasting platforms that are driven by the slogan of being a channel without advertisement – product placement is preferred by advertisers nowadays because of the way that does not squeeze the audience with using the messages that are simple, clear and making place in the mind of the target audience. In terms of producers, one side has the advantage of creating a more realistic perception by using the products in the necessary scenes, while the other side has the advantage of partially or completely covering production costs. For organizations product placement have become an important method in order to influence target audience because they have the opportunity to transmit their messages to them in a different way who are escaping from traditional advertising methods. This work was carried out to contribute to the current literature and to reveal the contents of product placement applications through the “Fi/Ci” TV series - one of the most watched and first digital series in Turkey. In accordance with this purpose, in the study product placement was analyzed by applying systematic and categorical content analysis in the total of 22 streamed episodes. As a result of the research, it was realized that in these series the most used type of product placement was visual one. The majority of the applications of product placement in these episodes were about technology, automotive, telecommunication and food brands.
Whether small or large, companies and businesses have been using different advertising tools to communicate with their target audience and trying to convince people about their products and services for centuries. Apart from traditional tools, new advertising techniques have been used in the marketing, advertising and public relations fields to influence people more, to be in the minds, to communicate their message clearly and to manage their image in a positive sense. One of these techniques is product placement, which is frequently used in movies, TV shows, television programs, games and music videos. Decreased interest to traditional advertisement has made the product placement technique for advertisers a useful communication channel. At this point, one of the important concepts in terms of digital broadcasting platforms that are driven by the slogan of being a channel without advertisement – product placement is preferred by advertisers nowadays because of the way that does not squeeze the audience with using the messages that are simple, clear and making place in the mind of the target audience. In terms of producers, one side has the advantage of creating a more realistic perception by using the products in the necessary scenes, while the other side has the advantage of partially or completely covering production costs. For organizations product placement have become an important method in order to influence target audience because they have the opportunity to transmit their messages to them in a different way who are escaping from traditional advertising methods. This work was carried out to contribute to the current literature and to reveal the contents of product placement applications through the “Fi/Ci” TV series - one of the most watched and first digital series in Turkey. In accordance with this purpose, in the study product placement was analyzed by applying systematic and categorical content analysis in the total of 22 streamed episodes. As a result of the research, it was realized that in these series the most used type of product placement was visual one. The majority of the applications of product placement in these episodes were about technology, automotive, telecommunication and food brands.
2. Uluslararası İletişimde Yeni Yönelimler Konferansı: Eğlence ve Ürün Yerleştirme
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fi Dizisi, Reklam Uygulamaları, Marka Yerleştirme, Advertisement, Fi Series, Brand Placement
2. Uluslararası İletişimde Yeni Yönelimler Konferansı: Eğlence ve Ürün Yerleştirme