Sanayileşen alanlarda tarım topraklarını koruma güçlüğü: Trakya Bölge planlama deneyimi
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Kocaeli Üniversitesi
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Geçtiğimiz yarım yüzyılda Türkiye’de kırsal nüfus hızla düşerken kentsel nüfus artmıştır. Bu süreçte, doğal kaynak olan tarımsal alanların önemli bir bölümü niteliğini kaybetmiş, kişi başına düşen tarım toprağı yaklaşık 7500 m2 iken, yarı yarıya azalarak 3400 m2/kişi düzeyine gerilemiştir. Diğer yandan, birçok çevre düzeni planında “tarım alanlarının korunması” temel ilke olarak benimsenmiş olmasına rağmen pek başarılı olunamamıştır. Bu planlardan biri de, Trakya Bölgesi için, Çevre Bakanlığı, Trakya Kalkınma Birliği (TRAKAB) ve İstanbul Metropoliten Planlama Merkezi (İMP) işbirliği ile yapılan “Trakya Alt Bölgesi Çevre Düzeni Planı”dır. Önemli tarım topraklarına sahip olan bölgede, sanayinin ve kentsel yapılaşmanın tarım toprakları aleyhine yayılmasının engellenmesini amaçlayan bu plan, 2009 yılında onaylanmıştır. Buna rağmen, mutlak tarım topraklarının yoğunlukta olduğu birçok bölgede olduğu gibi burada da tarım topraklarının yapılaşmalara açılması önlenememiştir. Bu çalışmada, yukarıda sözü edilen plan çerçevesinde, Trakya bölgesinde tarımsal alanlarda yaşanan değişim süreci irdelenerek, kuramsal arka planı ile birlikte değerlendirilmekte, söz konusu plan kapsamında, sanayi kaynaklı kirliliğin önlenmesi ve tarımsal potansiyelin korunarak geliştirilmesine dönük geliştirilen/belirlenen yöntem ve stratejiler tartışılmaktadır. Ayrıca birçok plan çalışmasında tarımsal alanların korunması ve
Agricultural land in Turkey has been diminishing more and more under the pressure of rapid urbanisation since 1950. The most important reason for it is migration of labour force from rural areas to cities where manufacturing and service industries densely clustered, followed by the rapid building induced by industrialization and tourism in regions where agricultural land supply is abundant, such as Thrace, Aegean and Mediterranean regions. Given that the same incident has been experienced by many developing or less developed countries besides Turkey, the fact that the agricultural land has been rapidly diminishing across the world will inevitably too much greater multi-dimensional problems in the future. Despite the decisions formulated under many regional/local plans in accordance with the requirements provided in the Land Protection Law (Law No. 5402) in order to protect the agricultural lands since 2004, no success could have been achieved. Especially in the areas where industrial, residential and tourism functions have been developing rapidly, it is ever becoming impossible to protect, and ensure the agricultural use of, agricultural land despite the law and the plan decisions. One of the regions in Turkey where significant part of the land is agricultural land that experiences this problem is Thrace. This paper analyses the change in the agricultural lands in the Thrace region, defines it along with the theoretical background, and discusses such strategies aiming prevention of pollution induced by industrialisation and development of the agricultural potential in the region. Meanwhile, questioning the issue that while in some societies, where free market economics is valid, the use of land can be regulated on the basis of public interest, in some societies this cannot be achieved.
Agricultural land in Turkey has been diminishing more and more under the pressure of rapid urbanisation since 1950. The most important reason for it is migration of labour force from rural areas to cities where manufacturing and service industries densely clustered, followed by the rapid building induced by industrialization and tourism in regions where agricultural land supply is abundant, such as Thrace, Aegean and Mediterranean regions. Given that the same incident has been experienced by many developing or less developed countries besides Turkey, the fact that the agricultural land has been rapidly diminishing across the world will inevitably too much greater multi-dimensional problems in the future. Despite the decisions formulated under many regional/local plans in accordance with the requirements provided in the Land Protection Law (Law No. 5402) in order to protect the agricultural lands since 2004, no success could have been achieved. Especially in the areas where industrial, residential and tourism functions have been developing rapidly, it is ever becoming impossible to protect, and ensure the agricultural use of, agricultural land despite the law and the plan decisions. One of the regions in Turkey where significant part of the land is agricultural land that experiences this problem is Thrace. This paper analyses the change in the agricultural lands in the Thrace region, defines it along with the theoretical background, and discusses such strategies aiming prevention of pollution induced by industrialisation and development of the agricultural potential in the region. Meanwhile, questioning the issue that while in some societies, where free market economics is valid, the use of land can be regulated on the basis of public interest, in some societies this cannot be achieved.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Planlama, Sanayi Gelişimi, Serbest Pazar, Tarımsal Toprakların Korunması, Planning, Industrial Development, Free Market, Protection of Agricultural Land
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