Mimarlıkta Forma Dayalı Algı Kavramı, Metal Malzemeler Üzerine Bir İnceleme
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Özellikle 19. Yüzyılın ikinci yarısında mimari yapılarda çelik başta olmak üzere alüminyum ve titanyum gibi metaller yaygın olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Yeni metallerin de keşfedilmesiyle mimari yapılarda artan malzeme çeşitliliği beraberinde farklı mimari formların ve yüzeylerin de kullanılmasını getirmiş ve yeni algısal çeşitlilklere ve yorumlara zemin hazırlamıştır. Bu sebepten bu çalışmanın amacı çelik, alüminyum ve titanyum gibi mimari uygulamalarda yeni kullanılan metallerle yapılmış yapıların bitmiş ürün olarak dıştan bina ölçeğinde görsel olarak incelenip nasıl algılandığını sorgulamak ve yorumlamaktır. Binalarda algı konusu incelenirken yapının formu ve kullanılan malzeme yönüyle algı sistemine ve algıya olan katkısı, yapının sembolikliği ve sergilediği imajı tartışılıp, yorumlanacaktır. Ayrıca, mimaride gelinen son nokta olan çağdaşlaşma içerisinde form ve malzemenin gelişimindeki ana etken olan teknolojik değerler de göz ardı edilmeyecektir.
Especially in the second half of 19.century, to stand first steel, aluminum and titanium has been started to be used extensively in architectural projects. With the discoveries of new materials, increasing material diversities in the architectural buildings has been carrying with itself the usage of the different forms and surfaces, and also laying a ground for a new perceptional diversities and interpretations. Therefore the aim of the study is investigating on the newly used metals such as steel, aluminum and titanium in the architectural practices and questioning and interpreting how they are percept as an end product through the building scale from exterior. While the perception concept in the buildings is investigating, the contribution of used form and material of the building to the perception system, the buildings’ symbolization facts and displayed image of the buildings will be discuss and interpret. Furthermore within the modernization, the technological values which are the main factor of the development of the form and material will not be unconsidered.
Especially in the second half of 19.century, to stand first steel, aluminum and titanium has been started to be used extensively in architectural projects. With the discoveries of new materials, increasing material diversities in the architectural buildings has been carrying with itself the usage of the different forms and surfaces, and also laying a ground for a new perceptional diversities and interpretations. Therefore the aim of the study is investigating on the newly used metals such as steel, aluminum and titanium in the architectural practices and questioning and interpreting how they are percept as an end product through the building scale from exterior. While the perception concept in the buildings is investigating, the contribution of used form and material of the building to the perception system, the buildings’ symbolization facts and displayed image of the buildings will be discuss and interpret. Furthermore within the modernization, the technological values which are the main factor of the development of the form and material will not be unconsidered.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yapı malzemeleri (Çelik, Alüminyum ve Titanyum), Form, Mimarlıkta algı kavramı, Teknoloji., Construction materials (Steel, Aluminum and Titanium), Form, Concept of perception in architecture, Technology.