Die Türkischen gastarbeiter als “aussenseiter” ın der erzählung “wie bei Gogol” von Siegfreid Lenz eine literatursoziologische untersuchung unter der berücksichtigung der homo- duplex theorie
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Avusturyalı yazar Sigfried Lenz’in “Gogol’daki Gibi” adlı kısa öyküsündeki ben anlatıcı Avusturya’da inşaat işçisi olarak yaşayan bir Türk işçi gurubundan biri ile yaşadığı trafik kazası sonucu onlarla sosyokültürel bir iletişim içine girmesini ve yadırgamalarını gözlemleriyle anlatır. Metinde Türk işçileri asosyal ve aykırı-anormal- olarak aktarılmıştır. Yaşadıkları Alman toplumuna, onun kurallarına aykırı ve farklı görülen bu yabancı işçilerin şahsında Alman anlatıcı beynelmilel yabancılaşma, sınıfsal uyumsuzluk ve bireysel anomali gibi sosyolojik problemlerin tümünü aslında bir arada işlemiştir. Bir Avusturyalı öğretmen kırmızı ışıkta yaya geçidinden karşıya geçen Türk işçisi Bay Üzkök’e çarpar. Böylece gelişen olaylarda sürücü başkahramanın değişik farklı bir sosyal tip ve gurupla (Türk işçileriyle) tanıştığı öyküde, nelerin olduğu belirli, ancak neden öyle olduğu, bu makalede Emile Durkheim’in homo-duplex Teorisiyle açıklanmaya çalışıldı ve edebiyat sosyolojisi metodu kullanıldı.
The I-narrator in the short story “Like in Gogol” of Sigfried Lenz from Austrexplains his socio cultural communication and his denial with Turkish workmen group in self observation after a traffic accident. In the text the Turkish workers have been described asasocial and anomie people. German I-narrator treats all of the social problems such as multinational estrangement, class disharmony and individual anomie as a whole in the personality of the foreign workers who seem alienated from the society in which they live and who don’t care about the rules. In the story in which the protagonist (a austrian teacher) hits with his own car on a turkish worker, Mr. Üzkök who is trying to cross the street when the light is red and he meets with a different social type and group (turkish worker) involved in the events. Everything that happens is in text clear, but why happens so will be explained in this article through Durkheim’s homo duplex theory. Literature sociology as a method is employed in the article.
The I-narrator in the short story “Like in Gogol” of Sigfried Lenz from Austrexplains his socio cultural communication and his denial with Turkish workmen group in self observation after a traffic accident. In the text the Turkish workers have been described asasocial and anomie people. German I-narrator treats all of the social problems such as multinational estrangement, class disharmony and individual anomie as a whole in the personality of the foreign workers who seem alienated from the society in which they live and who don’t care about the rules. In the story in which the protagonist (a austrian teacher) hits with his own car on a turkish worker, Mr. Üzkök who is trying to cross the street when the light is red and he meets with a different social type and group (turkish worker) involved in the events. Everything that happens is in text clear, but why happens so will be explained in this article through Durkheim’s homo duplex theory. Literature sociology as a method is employed in the article.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yabancılaşma, Anormallik, Homo-Dublex Problemi, Estrangement, Anomaly, Homo-Duplex Problem
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