Bir üniversite binası için enerji etüdünün finansal analizi ve yatırım karar süreci
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesinin Küçükyalı da bulunan Kampüs Binası için doğal gaz ve elektrik faturalarına göre 3 yıllık enerji tüketim değerleri ve gerekli maliyet bilgileri alınarak bu kampüsteki binaların enerji etüdü yapılmıştır. Bunun için kampüsteki binaların ısıtma, soğutma ve aydınlatma sistemleri ve bunlarla ile ilgili enerji tüketim değerleri incelenmiştir. Binaların mevcut yalıtımsız durumdaki hali için ölçüm ve hesaplamalar yapılmış; daha sonra 01.04.2010 tarih 27539 sayılı RG de yayınlanan Bina Enerji Performans Yönetmeliği ve TS825 standartlına göre yalıtım yapılması önerilmiş; buna uygun olarak hesaplar yenilenmiş; kampüste revizyonla sağlanabilecek enerji tasarrufu için inceleme ve değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma finansal yöntemler işliğin da tablolara yardımıyla hesaplandı. Finansal verilerin karar sürecine etkileri irdelendi. Önerilen verimlilik artırıcı projelerin Hesaplanmış; yapılacak yatırımların basit geri ödeme süreleri ve iç-karlılık değerleri ayrıca belirlenmiş ve gerekli karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Kampüs için mevcut durumda yıllık enerji kullanımının 250 TEP`den az olduğu; fakat kapalı alanının 10.000 m2 den fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Energy Audit study of the Istanbul Commerce University campus building in Kucukyali is established by evaluating the natural gas and electricity bills and 3 years of energy consumption data and the required costs. The heating, cooling, illumination systems and the related energy conspumtion rates are investigated in this study. Measurement and calculations of the current uninsulated state of the campus buildings are accomplished. Required insulation with respect to TS825 standard and the 01.04.2010 dated Building Energy Performance Regulation was advised and the recomputings were done accordingly; investigations and evaluations on the the energy savings rates which can be provided with revisions were analyzed. The required investment costs are calculated by reevaluating the fuel and electricity consumption values for the conditions of utilization of variable frequency drivers, energy efficient systems for the illumination systems and the other efficiency oriented approaches; then CO2 emissions rates for the both conditions are compared; annual energy savings rates computed for each of specific consumptions per m2 and m3 utilization spaces; the payback period of the required investments and in house profitability rates are also computed and also required comparisons are conducted. It is established that the annual energy consumption of the campus buildings without the revisions are less than 250 TEP; however the inner-space-area is larger than 10.000m2.
Energy Audit study of the Istanbul Commerce University campus building in Kucukyali is established by evaluating the natural gas and electricity bills and 3 years of energy consumption data and the required costs. The heating, cooling, illumination systems and the related energy conspumtion rates are investigated in this study. Measurement and calculations of the current uninsulated state of the campus buildings are accomplished. Required insulation with respect to TS825 standard and the 01.04.2010 dated Building Energy Performance Regulation was advised and the recomputings were done accordingly; investigations and evaluations on the the energy savings rates which can be provided with revisions were analyzed. The required investment costs are calculated by reevaluating the fuel and electricity consumption values for the conditions of utilization of variable frequency drivers, energy efficient systems for the illumination systems and the other efficiency oriented approaches; then CO2 emissions rates for the both conditions are compared; annual energy savings rates computed for each of specific consumptions per m2 and m3 utilization spaces; the payback period of the required investments and in house profitability rates are also computed and also required comparisons are conducted. It is established that the annual energy consumption of the campus buildings without the revisions are less than 250 TEP; however the inner-space-area is larger than 10.000m2.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bina Enerji Performansı, Enerji Etüdü, Verimliliği Arttırıcı Proje (VAP), Enerji Verimliliği, Bina Enerji Performansı, Finansal Analiz
13. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi