Küresel ve ulusal etkiler ekseninde Tbmm’nin 100’üncü yılı medya yansımalarının analizi
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Ulus-devletlerde milli bayramlar uzun yıllar boyunca büyük coşkularla ve eksilmeyen heyecanlarla kutlanmaktadır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti de milli bayramlarını kuruluşundan bugüne dek kutlamaktadır. Ancak özellikle 1980’lerde tüm dünyada ve Türkiye’de etkili olmaya başlayan serbest piyasa modeli ile kapitalizm kök salmış ve tüm yaşam deneyimlerinde olduğu gibi ulus-devlet egemenliği konusunda da medya politikalarına yönelik algı ve anlayışlarda birtakım değişimler yaratmıştır. Kültürel ve kimliksel olarak dönüşen medya, yerli veya ulusal değerlere olduğu kadar küreselleşme düşüncesinin etkisi ile de gelişen küresel yapıya ilişkin farklı eğilimler göstermeye başlamıştır. Bu eğilimlerin temelinde ise küreselleşmenin toplumların gündelik yaşam pratiklerinde yarattığı bazı değişiklikler ve bu değişiklikler sonucunda ulusal değerlerin yaşadığı anlamsal değer kayıpları bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye tarihinde ulusal egemenliğin en büyük somut göstergesi olmuş olan Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi ve açılış günü olan 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı’nın 100’üncü yılında, haber medyasının yaptığı haberler ele alınmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemine göre gerçekleştirilen araştırmada haber kuruluşlarının YouTube haber kanallarında yayınlanmış olan görüntülü haberler incelenmiştir. İçerik analizi gerçekleştirilen haberlerde medya kuruluşları, genellikle milli, ulusal, etnik ve dini söylem ve ifadeleri bir arada kullanarak popülizm denebilecek düşünceler çerçevesinde haberler yayınlamışlardır.
National holidays in nation-states have been celebrated for many years with great enthusiasm and constant excitement. The Republic of Turkey also celebrates its national holidays since its establishment. But capitalism has taken root all over the world and especially in the 1980s and began free-market model in Turkey. Later, as in all life experiences, it created some changes in perception and understanding of media policies regarding nation-state sovereignty. The media, which has transformed culturally and identity, has begun to show different tendencies regarding the global structure developing with the effect of globalization as well as domestic or national values. Based on these trends, there are some changes caused by globalization in the daily life practices of societies and the loss of value of the characteristics of national sovereignty because of these changes. In this study the news, which are made by news media on the 100th anniversary of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day and the 100th anniversary of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and in the year, were discussed. In the research conducted according to the qualitative research method, the video news published on YouTube news channels of news organizations were examined. In the news, whose content analysis was conducted, media organizations generally published news within the framework of ideas that could be called populism by using national, ethnic, and religious discourses and expressions together. The concept of nation can be studied in a wide range from definitions shaped around the concept of ethnicity originating from German romanticism, to descriptions of territorial nations that highlight geographical boundaries, in which French nationalism is adopted (Bakan & Tuncel, 2012, p. 56). Globalization, on the other hand, is that capitalism, which was based in the 16th century, but penetrated the world societies significantly in the 19th century, covers the globe and spreads to the whole world today. According to Kızılçelik (2003, p.89), capitalism, which camouflages itself under the name of globalization, mainly cares about capital and profit rather than people. In capitalism, the aim is to increase the capital as much as possible. In this study, the systemic characteristics of the concepts of globalization and nation are examined, their basic features and the most frequently used descriptive expression and application areas are discussed. First of all, in the study in which the dimensions of globalization are discussed, it is tried to understand how mainstream media organizations present the idea and practice of parliament as a political manifestation of the nation-state structure in their publications. The purpose of this study makes the comparison and analysis on language of the news, national and global structural properties used in the news media concerning on the centenary of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. In other words, the aim of this study is to understand how media in Turkey constructs its beliefs, defenses and perspectives on the nation system and the issue of national sovereignty, which concepts them generally chooses and in what direction he offers messages. For this purpose, the following research questions have been determined: Q1. Which concepts have media organizations preferred in video news? Q2. Are there messages that specifically refer to nation-building or global structures? Q3. Which political identities’ discourses or what kind of issues are highlighted by media organizations? The population of this study is Turkey news media. The YouTube channels of 5 news organizations selected as Cumhuriyet TV, İHA (İhlas News Agency), DHA (Demirören News Agency), TRT News and NTV were determined as a purposeful sample. From the news published by these channels regarding the Turkish Grand National Assembly and April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, the video news between April 20 and April 25, 2020 have been reviewed. In the study, which was carried out within the framework of the case study with qualitative research method, the data obtained through the You- Tube platform were analyzed. As a result, it can be said that media organizations use national, ethnic, and religious discourses and expressions together to follow a policy within the framework of what some call populism. The expressions used in the video news, the events preferred for news organizations are expressions and events in the direction of the continuation and construction of the official ideology that defends the understanding of unity and solidarity. Therefore, official, or religious holidays, which attribute value to the whole society, are still tried to be kept alive and continuous within the framework of national values and beliefs. The dichotomy between practice and theory created by sub-processes stemming from global and national structures continues to exist in this way.
National holidays in nation-states have been celebrated for many years with great enthusiasm and constant excitement. The Republic of Turkey also celebrates its national holidays since its establishment. But capitalism has taken root all over the world and especially in the 1980s and began free-market model in Turkey. Later, as in all life experiences, it created some changes in perception and understanding of media policies regarding nation-state sovereignty. The media, which has transformed culturally and identity, has begun to show different tendencies regarding the global structure developing with the effect of globalization as well as domestic or national values. Based on these trends, there are some changes caused by globalization in the daily life practices of societies and the loss of value of the characteristics of national sovereignty because of these changes. In this study the news, which are made by news media on the 100th anniversary of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day and the 100th anniversary of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and in the year, were discussed. In the research conducted according to the qualitative research method, the video news published on YouTube news channels of news organizations were examined. In the news, whose content analysis was conducted, media organizations generally published news within the framework of ideas that could be called populism by using national, ethnic, and religious discourses and expressions together. The concept of nation can be studied in a wide range from definitions shaped around the concept of ethnicity originating from German romanticism, to descriptions of territorial nations that highlight geographical boundaries, in which French nationalism is adopted (Bakan & Tuncel, 2012, p. 56). Globalization, on the other hand, is that capitalism, which was based in the 16th century, but penetrated the world societies significantly in the 19th century, covers the globe and spreads to the whole world today. According to Kızılçelik (2003, p.89), capitalism, which camouflages itself under the name of globalization, mainly cares about capital and profit rather than people. In capitalism, the aim is to increase the capital as much as possible. In this study, the systemic characteristics of the concepts of globalization and nation are examined, their basic features and the most frequently used descriptive expression and application areas are discussed. First of all, in the study in which the dimensions of globalization are discussed, it is tried to understand how mainstream media organizations present the idea and practice of parliament as a political manifestation of the nation-state structure in their publications. The purpose of this study makes the comparison and analysis on language of the news, national and global structural properties used in the news media concerning on the centenary of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. In other words, the aim of this study is to understand how media in Turkey constructs its beliefs, defenses and perspectives on the nation system and the issue of national sovereignty, which concepts them generally chooses and in what direction he offers messages. For this purpose, the following research questions have been determined: Q1. Which concepts have media organizations preferred in video news? Q2. Are there messages that specifically refer to nation-building or global structures? Q3. Which political identities’ discourses or what kind of issues are highlighted by media organizations? The population of this study is Turkey news media. The YouTube channels of 5 news organizations selected as Cumhuriyet TV, İHA (İhlas News Agency), DHA (Demirören News Agency), TRT News and NTV were determined as a purposeful sample. From the news published by these channels regarding the Turkish Grand National Assembly and April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, the video news between April 20 and April 25, 2020 have been reviewed. In the study, which was carried out within the framework of the case study with qualitative research method, the data obtained through the You- Tube platform were analyzed. As a result, it can be said that media organizations use national, ethnic, and religious discourses and expressions together to follow a policy within the framework of what some call populism. The expressions used in the video news, the events preferred for news organizations are expressions and events in the direction of the continuation and construction of the official ideology that defends the understanding of unity and solidarity. Therefore, official, or religious holidays, which attribute value to the whole society, are still tried to be kept alive and continuous within the framework of national values and beliefs. The dichotomy between practice and theory created by sub-processes stemming from global and national structures continues to exist in this way.
Anahtar Kelimeler
23 Nisan, Küreselleşme, TBMM, Ulusal Egemenlik, 100’üncü Yıl, April 23, Globalization, National Sovereignty, 100th Year
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