China's new diplomacy for global hegemony: İran and the Silk Road initiative
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çin, küresel arenada mühim bir ekonomik ve siyasi aktör oldukça dış politikası da kayda değer bir değişime uğradı. "Çin'in Yeni Diplomasisi" olarak bilinen plan, Çin'in ekonomik bütünleşme ve stratejik ittifak yoluyla dünyadaki hâkim gücünü tahkim etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu stratejiye örnek teşkil eden İpek Yolu Girişimi, Avrasya genelinde ve küresel ölçekte ekonomik bağlantı ve işbirliğini artırarak Çin'in jeopolitik nüfuzunu genişletme peşindedir. Bu girişimin kilit ortaklarından biri olan İran, Çin'in Orta Doğu ve ötesine erişimini güçlendirme hususunda önem arz etmektedir. Çin'in İran'ın kullanılmamış petrol ve doğalgaz rezervlerine ihtiyacı vardır ve İran'ın Hürmüz Boğazı üzerindeki kontrolü, Çin'in buradan geçen petrol tankerlerinin güvenliğini garanti altına alabilir. Ancak İran'la etkileşim içinde olmak, Çin'i ikincil ABD yaptırımlarına maruz bırakabilir ve Çin hegemonyasını kurma çabalarını sekteye uğratabilir. Bu çalışma, Çin'in 1990'lardaki ekonomik değişimi takip eden politikalarını ve özellikle Yeni İpek Yolu programı aracılığıyla küresel hegemonya arayışında sert ve yumuşak gücünü artırmasını analiz ederek Çin'in yeni diplomasisinin anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır. Buna ek olarak, çalışma, Çin-İran yakınlaşmasının imkân ve zorluklarını değerlendirerek, uluslararası ilişkilerin dinamik ortamında diplomasi, ekonomi ve jeopolitik arasındaki karmaşık etkileşimi açıklığa kavuşturmaktadır.
China's foreign policy has undergone a significant transition as it becomes a major economic and political player in the global arena. Known as "China's New Diplomacy," the plan aims to strengthen China's position as the world's dominant power through deep economic integration and strategic alliances. As an example of this strategy, the Silk Road Initiative, seeks to boost geopolitical influence for China by enhancing economic connectivity and collaboration throughout Eurasia as well as globally. Iran, one of the key partners in this initiative, offers significant importance to strengthen China's access to the Middle East and beyond. China is in need of Iran's untapped oil and gas reserves and Iran's control over the Strait of Hormuz can guarantee the security of its oil tankers transiting through this strait. Yet interaction with Iran may expose China to secondary US sanctions and undermine its efforts to establish Chinese hegemony. By analyzing China's policies following the economic changes of the 1990s and the growth of hard and soft power in the quest for global hegemony, especially through the New Silk Road program, this study contributes to understanding of China's new diplomacy. Additionally, it clarifies the intricate interplay between diplomacy, economics, and geopolitics in the dynamic environment of international relations by evaluating the prospects and challenges of China-Iran engagement
China's foreign policy has undergone a significant transition as it becomes a major economic and political player in the global arena. Known as "China's New Diplomacy," the plan aims to strengthen China's position as the world's dominant power through deep economic integration and strategic alliances. As an example of this strategy, the Silk Road Initiative, seeks to boost geopolitical influence for China by enhancing economic connectivity and collaboration throughout Eurasia as well as globally. Iran, one of the key partners in this initiative, offers significant importance to strengthen China's access to the Middle East and beyond. China is in need of Iran's untapped oil and gas reserves and Iran's control over the Strait of Hormuz can guarantee the security of its oil tankers transiting through this strait. Yet interaction with Iran may expose China to secondary US sanctions and undermine its efforts to establish Chinese hegemony. By analyzing China's policies following the economic changes of the 1990s and the growth of hard and soft power in the quest for global hegemony, especially through the New Silk Road program, this study contributes to understanding of China's new diplomacy. Additionally, it clarifies the intricate interplay between diplomacy, economics, and geopolitics in the dynamic environment of international relations by evaluating the prospects and challenges of China-Iran engagement
Dış Ticaret Enstitüsü, Ticari Diplomasi Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science