Kurumsal kaynak planlama sistemlerine giriş ve uygulamaları
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüz işletmelerinin her alandaki değişim ivmesi karşısında pazarda ki konumunu kaybetmemek ya da sürdürmek için hızlı hareket edebilen, çabuk ve doğru kararlar alabilen, bilgiyle donatılmış organizasyon haline gelmeleri ihtiyaç olmaktan çıkıp bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Güvenilir bilgiyi oluşturmak, bu bilginin iş süreçlerinde kullanılabilmesini ve sürekliliğini sağlamak ve bu sayede küreselleşme, kalite, verimlilik ve büyüme gibi hedeflere destek almak amaçlarıyla organizasyonların çoğu ERP sistemlerinden faydalanmaktadır. İşte bu çalışmamızda ERP sisteminin gelişimi, uygulanması hakkında genel bilgiler verilmiş ve sonuç olarak ERP? nin yönetsel kararlara etkisi tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte Türkiye?de ERP sistemi kurmuş tekstil firmalarından bir anket çalışması yardımıyla veri toplayarak, tekstil sektörünün ERP sistemlerine bakış açıları, bu sistemden beklentileri bu sistem sayesinde elde ettikleri kazanımlar ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması, Tekstil Sektörü, İşletme Kaynakları Planlaması, Anket
It has become an obligation but not a requirement for present enterprises to develop into organizations which are administered by knowledge and which can act fast and take quick and accurate decisions in order to maintain or not to lose its position in the market against acceleration of change in every area. Most of the organizations are taking advantage of ERP systems in order to develop reliable knowledge and to enable this knowledge to have permanency and used in working processes and thanks to this, organizations can receive support on their globalizing, quality, productivity and growing targets. So, in this study, general information about ERP?s development and implementation has been given and as a result of this study, the ERP?s effects on the managerial decisions was determined. In addition, with the help of data collected by means of a survey study from textile enterprises in Turkey, which have set up ERP systems, the approach of this enterprises to ERP,expectations of them from ERP and their benefits from ERP have been analyzed. Key Words : Enterprise Resource Planning, Textile Industry, Survey
It has become an obligation but not a requirement for present enterprises to develop into organizations which are administered by knowledge and which can act fast and take quick and accurate decisions in order to maintain or not to lose its position in the market against acceleration of change in every area. Most of the organizations are taking advantage of ERP systems in order to develop reliable knowledge and to enable this knowledge to have permanency and used in working processes and thanks to this, organizations can receive support on their globalizing, quality, productivity and growing targets. So, in this study, general information about ERP?s development and implementation has been given and as a result of this study, the ERP?s effects on the managerial decisions was determined. In addition, with the help of data collected by means of a survey study from textile enterprises in Turkey, which have set up ERP systems, the approach of this enterprises to ERP,expectations of them from ERP and their benefits from ERP have been analyzed. Key Words : Enterprise Resource Planning, Textile Industry, Survey
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Endüstri Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bilim ve Teknoloji, Science and Technology, Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği