Radyo kanallarında yayınlanan popüler müzik eserleri üzerine bir değerlendirme
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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1920’li yılların başında düzenli yayınlara başlayan ve televizyonun icadına kadar popülerliğini sürdüren radyo, geçirdiği sektör yaşam eğrisi içinde farklı dönemlerde farklı misyonlara sahip olmuştur. İlk düzenli yayınlara başladığı dönemlerde müziğin söze göre daha önde olduğu bir yayıncılık stratejisi benimsenen radyoda özellikle ikinci dünya savaşında söz yayınları müzik yayınlarının önüne geçmiştir. Radyonun propaganda amaçlı kullanıldığı yıllar olan ikinci dünya savaşı yıllarından sonra ardı ardına yapılan icatlar radyonun müzik yayıncılığında dominant olmasına neden olmuştur. FM Bandının ortaya çıkması, stereo yayınların başlaması radyoda müzik dinlemeyi daha cazip hale getirmiştir. Müzik yayıncılığının ön plana çıkmasında bir diğer önemli faktör de televizyonun popülerliğinin artması olmuştur. Görsel bir şölen sunan televizyon mecrası radyoya olan ilginin azalmasına neden olmuş, radyo işletmelerini sahipleri çareyi müzik yayıncılığını arttırmakta bulmuştur. Dünyada DJlerin ortaya çıktığı ve popüler olmaya başladığı 1960lı yıllarda yaygınlaşan Top 40 formatı, radyoda müzik yayıncılığının söz yayıncılığının önüne geçmesine neden olmuştur. Müzik yayıncılığı dünyada 1960lı yıllarda daha fazla önem kazanırken, Türkiye’de bu süreç tecimsel radyo kanallarının faaliyete geçtiği 1990lı yıllarda başlamıştır. Türkiye’de radio yayıncılığı TTTAŞ döneminde eğlence ve müziğin ön planda olduğu bir misyon üstlenirken, devlet yayıncılığında söz, müziğin önüne geçmiş ve radyo haber – bilgi verme ve eğitme gibi fonksiyonları ile de dikkatleri çekmiştir. TRT Döneminin başlaması ile beraber Türkiye’de radyoda söz programları müzik programlarından daha fazla yayınlanmıştır. Bu, 1990lı yılların başında ardı ardına Yayın hayatına başlayan tecimsel radyo kanallarının artmasına kadar böyle devam etmiştir. Tecimsel radio kanalları 1990lı yıllar boyunca müzik yayıncılığı ile söz yayıncılığı arasında bir denge gözetmeye çalışsa da bu denge iki binli yıllarda müzik yayıncılığının lehine doğru bozulmuştur. 2003 yılından 2013 yılına kadar IPSOS KMG tarafından yürütülen radyo dinleme alışkanlıkları araştırmalarında ve RTÜK’ün gerçekleştirdiği kamuoyu araştırmalarında hep radyonun müzik için dinlendiği ortaya çıkmıştır. İki binli yıllar ile beraber radyo bir müzik kutusuna dönüşmüş ve özellikle tecimsel radyolarda müzik yayıncılığı yüzde 90lara kadar oranlarla ifade edilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu durum radyoda müzik yayıncılığını önemli hale getirmiş ve radyo mecrası ile müzik mecrasının birbirleriyle olan etkileşimlerini tetiklemiştir. Müzik endüstrisinde üretilen eserler ve onların yorumcuları radyolar sayesinde popülerliklerini arttırmış, bunun sonucunda radyo popüler müzik endüstrisine yön veren bir mecra olmuştur. Bu araştırma Türkiye’de yayın yapan en geniş erişimli radyo kanallarının yayınladıkları müzikler ile popüler müziği nasıl şekillendirdiğini betimlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yapılan bu araştırmanın evrenini Türkiye sınırları içinde yayın yapan tecimsel radyolar ile TRT Radyoları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi radyolarda reklam ve müzik yayınlarının dijital ölçümünü yapan Telifmetre adlı araştırma şirketinin ölçümleme kapsamında olan radyo kanalları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma Türkiye’de yayın yapan ve Telifmetre adlı araştırma şirketinin ölçme ve değerlendirme kapsamına aldığı radyo kanalları ile sınırlıdır. Bu radyo kanalları Türkiye’de yayın yapan tüm ulusal lisanslı radyo kanalları ve en fazla dinlenen bölgesel ve yerel radyo kanallarıdır. Erişim olarak Türkiye’nin yüzde 90ına ulaşan radyo kanalları ile sınırlıdır. Araştırmada Telifmetre araştırma şirketinin 2018 yılının Ocak ve Şubat aylarında radyolarda yayınlanan şarkıları incelenmiştir. İkincil verilerin analizi olarak kurgulanan araştırmada veriler SPSS İstatistik programı vasıtasıyla incelenmiştir. Yapılan analizde yayınlanan şarkılar içinde ilk kırk şarkının içerik temasına, yorumcuların cinsiyetine, solist veya grup olmasına yönelik kırılımlar incelenmiş ve radyolarda yayınlanan şarkılar özelliklerine göre sayısal olarak gruplandırılmıştır. Radyolarda yayınlanan eserlerin büyük bir bölümünün çok yüksek tekrarlarla dinleyiciye sunulduğu ve bunun da popüler müzik endüstrisinde müzik dinleme alışkanlıklarını şekillendirdiği görülmüştür. Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda radyoların medyanın diğer mecralarında daha fazla görünen yorumcuların eserlerine daha fazla yayın vererek popülist bir müzik yayın stratejisi benimsediği görülmüştür. Radyo kanalları popüler yorumcuların eserlerine daha kolay adapte olmakta ve bu şarkıların yayınlarına daha fazla yer vermektedir. Radyo kanalları video klipi olan eserleri yayınlamayı tercih ederken, video klipi olmayan ya da müzik piyasasına yeni giriş yapan solist ve grupların şarkılarını daha az yayınlamaktadır. Çalışma sonunda, radyo mecrasının müzik yayıncılığında popülist bir bakış açısıyla eser ve solist seçiminde bulunduğunun altı çizilmiştir. Belirli bir popülaritesi olan veya klipi çekilmiş bir şarkının radyo kanallarında yayınlanması diğerlerine göre daha hızlı gerçekleşmektedir. Bu durum radyo kanallarında eserleri yayınlanması istenen yorumcular için bir sermaye gerekliliğini öne çıkartmaktadır. Popüler kültür içinde olmak, şarkıya klip çekmek ve şarkı veya albüm ile solistin diğer mecralarda daha fazla görünür olması bir başka deyişle bir popüler ikon olması o eser ve sahibinin radyoda yer alması (yayınlanması) için bir avantaj olmaktadır. Bu durum radyo mecrasının özgünlüğünü ve özgürlüğünü yok etmiştir. Mecra popüler kültürün bir esiri gibi davranan, popüler müziğin şekillenmesi için popüler kültürün emirlerine uyan bir mecraya dönüşmüştür.
Radio, having started broadcasting on a regular basis in the beginning of 1920’s and maintaining its popularity until the invention of television, had different missions at different times. In the first years of the radio, the general strategy was to broadcast music more than talk shows. However, especially during the Second World War, a period when radio was used for propaganda purposes, talk programs took precedence over music broadcasts. After the war, as a result of the inventions that came one after the other, radio became the dominant medium in music broadcasting. It became even more appealing to listen to music on the radio with the introduction of stereo FM broadcasting. The increased popularity of television was another factor that led radio stations to place more emphasis on music broadcasts. The visual feast offered by television led to a decline in the popularity of radio and the owners of radio stations resorted to increase music broadcasts. The Top 40 format, which became widespread in 1960’s, when DJ’s were emerging and becoming popular all around the world, caused music broadcasting take precedence over talk program broadcasting. While it was in the 1960’s that music broadcasting gained importance in the world, in Turkey, this process only started in 1990’s when the first commercial radio stations started. While, during the TTTAŞ period, the mission of radio broadcasting was mostly to present entertainment and music, during the state broadcasting period, talk programming came before music and radio became a source of news and information and also education. With the beginning of TRT Period, there has been more talk programs on radio compared to music shows until a lot of new commercial radio stations were established in the beginning of the 1990’s. Although the commercial radio stations tried to keep a balance between music and talk programs during the 1990’s, music broadcasting ultimately became more dominant. The radio listening habits surveys made by IPSOS KMG and opinion researches conducted by RTÜK between 2003 and 2013 showed that radio was used to listen to music. With the 2000’s, the radio medium was transformed to a music box, and especially on commercial radio stations, the ratio of music broadcasting climbed up to 90%. As a result, music broadcasting on radio became even more important and the interaction between the radio medium and the music medium was stimulated. The works produced in the music industry and their performers increased their popularity thanks to the radio stations and as a result, the radio became a medium that shaped the music industry. The aim of this study is to portray the ways the radio stations with the widest reach in Turkey shaped the popular music through the music they broadcast. The universe of the study are the commercial radio stations and TRT radios broadcasting within the borders of Turkey. The sampling of the study comprises of the radio stations which are within the measuring scope of Telifmetre, a research company that monitors and reports advertisements and music broadcasted. The study is limited to the radio stations that broadcast in Turkey and are within the scope of Telifmetre. These radio stations are all radio stations with a national license and the most popular local and regional radio stations. It is limited to the radio stations that can reach 90% of Turkey. The songs of Telifmetre Company that were broadcasted in January – February 2018 were examined in the study, which was an analysis of the secondary data. The data was analyzed with the SPSS Statistics program. The first forty songs among the broadcasted songs were analyzed based on the content theme, the gender of the performers, whether it was performed as solo or as a group and the songs broadcasted on the radio stations were grouped numerically based on their specifications. It was seen that the majority of the musical pieces broadcasted on the radio stations are presented to the audience with high repetitions and this leads to the shaping of the music listening habits in popular music industry. The results obtained illustrated that the radio stations adapts a populist music broadcasting strategy by broadcasting the pieces of the performers who appear on other mediums more than the others. The radio stations adapt to the works of popular performers more and broadcast these songs more than others. The radio stations prefer to broadcast songs with a music video, as they broadcast songs of the performers who does not have a music video, or who entered the music industry recently, less. At the end of the study, it was highlighted that the pieces and the performers to be broadcasted on the radio are selected with a populist perspective. It takes less time for a song with a certain popularity or with a music video to be broadcasted on the radio stations. This brings forth the necessity of capital for the performers who want their songs to be broadcasted on the radio stations. It is to the advantage of the music piece or the performer to be a part of the popular culture, to have a music video for that song and to be more visible on other media, in other words, to be a popular icon, in order to be broadcasted on the radio. As a consequence, the authenticity and the freedom of the radio has been destroyed. It has been grown into a medium that behaves as the slave of the popular culture and obeys the commands of the popular culture in order to shape the popular music.
Radio, having started broadcasting on a regular basis in the beginning of 1920’s and maintaining its popularity until the invention of television, had different missions at different times. In the first years of the radio, the general strategy was to broadcast music more than talk shows. However, especially during the Second World War, a period when radio was used for propaganda purposes, talk programs took precedence over music broadcasts. After the war, as a result of the inventions that came one after the other, radio became the dominant medium in music broadcasting. It became even more appealing to listen to music on the radio with the introduction of stereo FM broadcasting. The increased popularity of television was another factor that led radio stations to place more emphasis on music broadcasts. The visual feast offered by television led to a decline in the popularity of radio and the owners of radio stations resorted to increase music broadcasts. The Top 40 format, which became widespread in 1960’s, when DJ’s were emerging and becoming popular all around the world, caused music broadcasting take precedence over talk program broadcasting. While it was in the 1960’s that music broadcasting gained importance in the world, in Turkey, this process only started in 1990’s when the first commercial radio stations started. While, during the TTTAŞ period, the mission of radio broadcasting was mostly to present entertainment and music, during the state broadcasting period, talk programming came before music and radio became a source of news and information and also education. With the beginning of TRT Period, there has been more talk programs on radio compared to music shows until a lot of new commercial radio stations were established in the beginning of the 1990’s. Although the commercial radio stations tried to keep a balance between music and talk programs during the 1990’s, music broadcasting ultimately became more dominant. The radio listening habits surveys made by IPSOS KMG and opinion researches conducted by RTÜK between 2003 and 2013 showed that radio was used to listen to music. With the 2000’s, the radio medium was transformed to a music box, and especially on commercial radio stations, the ratio of music broadcasting climbed up to 90%. As a result, music broadcasting on radio became even more important and the interaction between the radio medium and the music medium was stimulated. The works produced in the music industry and their performers increased their popularity thanks to the radio stations and as a result, the radio became a medium that shaped the music industry. The aim of this study is to portray the ways the radio stations with the widest reach in Turkey shaped the popular music through the music they broadcast. The universe of the study are the commercial radio stations and TRT radios broadcasting within the borders of Turkey. The sampling of the study comprises of the radio stations which are within the measuring scope of Telifmetre, a research company that monitors and reports advertisements and music broadcasted. The study is limited to the radio stations that broadcast in Turkey and are within the scope of Telifmetre. These radio stations are all radio stations with a national license and the most popular local and regional radio stations. It is limited to the radio stations that can reach 90% of Turkey. The songs of Telifmetre Company that were broadcasted in January – February 2018 were examined in the study, which was an analysis of the secondary data. The data was analyzed with the SPSS Statistics program. The first forty songs among the broadcasted songs were analyzed based on the content theme, the gender of the performers, whether it was performed as solo or as a group and the songs broadcasted on the radio stations were grouped numerically based on their specifications. It was seen that the majority of the musical pieces broadcasted on the radio stations are presented to the audience with high repetitions and this leads to the shaping of the music listening habits in popular music industry. The results obtained illustrated that the radio stations adapts a populist music broadcasting strategy by broadcasting the pieces of the performers who appear on other mediums more than the others. The radio stations adapt to the works of popular performers more and broadcast these songs more than others. The radio stations prefer to broadcast songs with a music video, as they broadcast songs of the performers who does not have a music video, or who entered the music industry recently, less. At the end of the study, it was highlighted that the pieces and the performers to be broadcasted on the radio are selected with a populist perspective. It takes less time for a song with a certain popularity or with a music video to be broadcasted on the radio stations. This brings forth the necessity of capital for the performers who want their songs to be broadcasted on the radio stations. It is to the advantage of the music piece or the performer to be a part of the popular culture, to have a music video for that song and to be more visible on other media, in other words, to be a popular icon, in order to be broadcasted on the radio. As a consequence, the authenticity and the freedom of the radio has been destroyed. It has been grown into a medium that behaves as the slave of the popular culture and obeys the commands of the popular culture in order to shape the popular music.
2. Uluslararası İletişimde Yeni Yönelimler Konferansı: Eğlence ve Ürün Yerleştirme
Anahtar Kelimeler
Müzik, Radyo Yayıncılığı, Popüler Müzik, Music, Radio Broadcasting, Popular Music
2. Uluslararası İletişimde Yeni Yönelimler Konferansı: Eğlence ve Ürün Yerleştirme