ABD’nin Afganistan’dan geri çekilmesi ve Taliban’ın Kabil’e girişine ilişkin haberlerin medyada sunumu: azattyk.org, super.kg ve sabah.com.tr, sozcu.com.tr haber sitelerinin analizi
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Medya (dış) politika yapım sürecinde stratejik aktör olarak yer almaktadır. Dış politika alanında gündem medya aracılığıyla oluşturulmakta, medya, kamuoyu ve dış politika ilişkilerinin bütünleştirici bir modelini sunmaktadır. Medya ön plana çıkarmak istediği konular hakkında baskın bir çerçeve çizmekte ve hangi argümanların savunulacağını, kamuoyu algısının nasıl şekilleneceğini belirleyebilmektedir. Çerçeveleme olayların medya tarafından anlamlandırma şeklini ifade etmektedir. Bu makale ABD ve müttefik kuvvetlerinin Ağustos 2021’de Afganistan’dan geri çekilmesinin ve Taliban’ın Kabil’e girişinin Türk ve Kırgız medyası tarafından nasıl ele alındığını incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Robinson’un (2001) medya-politika etkileşim modelini esas alan çalışmada medyadaki baskın çerçevelerin neler olduğunu ve medyanın yaklaşımının ne olduğunu belirlemek amacıyla seçilen dört internet haber sitesindeki (Kırgızistan’dan azattyk.org ve super.kg, Türkiye’den sabah.com.tr, sozcu.com.tr) konuya ilişkin haberler içerik analizi yöntemi ile analiz edilmektedir. Amerika’nın geri çekilmesi ve Taliban’ın 20 yıl sonra yönetimi yeniden ele geçirmesi Afganistan’da iç savaş, terör ve kitlesel göçlerin artacağı yönündeki endişeleri uluslararası boyutta artırmakta, uluslararası toplum ve bölge ülkeleri gelişmeyi politik bir sorun olarak tartışmaktadır. Elde edilen bulgular analiz kapsamına alınan gazetelerdeki baskın çerçevelerin Taliban/Talibanlaşma tehdidi yönünde olduğunu ve istikrarsızlığın giderek arttığı senaryoda hükümetin resmi politikası ekseninde politika belirsizliğine yoğun olarak dikkat çekildiğini ortaya koymaktadır.
Democracy obliges the public opinion to play an active role in shaping all political processes. It provides an integrative model of media, public and foreign policy relations in times of international crisis. Media as a strategic actor is among the makers of foreign policy. The media is an important component of the policy outputs and decisions of governments, as well as an important component of the environment that foreign policy decision makers consider when developing their policies. Media participation is a two-way but complex process. Media plays an important role in gathering, framing and distributing information. Framing is the primary means by which the media shapes the public agenda. News framing is defined as the process by which journalists select and highlight certain aspects of social facts while concealing others, offering the viewer/reader a perspective to understand and evaluate social events. When news reports have critical framework, the government can be forced to develop policies on the subject and the media can significantly influence policy. News content is influenced by the dynamic political environment in which the press is involved. When a country is directly involved in an international conflict, the immediate effects on society encourage the news media to act as alarm systems alerting the public to emerging problems. In the field of foreign policy, the mainstream media does not act independently in framing events, preferring to rely instead on high-level government officials. This study discusses the media framework of the current political situation, which started with the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s entry into Kabul, in the context of foreign policy, on the axis of Pier Robinson’s policy-media interaction model. Analyzes the news in Turkish and Kyrgyz media. The policy-media interaction model assumes that the influence of the media on politics occurs in specific situations, emphasizing these conditions as (1) policy uncertainty and (2) critically framed media coverage that empathizes with people in pain. After the Bonn conference held on December 05, 2001 to decide the political future of Afghanistan, the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, global political actors continued to be undecided about the future of Afghanistan and began to officially recall the US soldiers from Afghanistan under these uncertain policy conditions. New uncertainties have emerged regarding Afghanistan’s internal security. The dominant paradigm in media-government relations is that news in the field of foreign policy follows the leadership of the policy maker elite. The elite influence the media and public’s perception of international relations, and journalists act in line with policy makers. The approach of the media in the field of foreign policy becomes clear depending on the certainty of the policy carried out. The withdrawal of the USA and its allies from Afghanistan and the re-emergence of the Taliban cause political uncertainty in the country and closely affect the policies of the countries in the region. As the Taliban regain power in the country, security concerns about violence/terrorism and mass migration are increasing. The common concern of almost all countries in the region is the neighboring Central Asian countries with porous borders, the inability to prevent unauthorized flow of Afghan refugees at the point of crossing the border, as a result of the Taliban regime will take drastic measures. It is a problem that the media produces news in line with the government’s official policy and supports this policy with elite discussions, rather than an objective journalism approach in the field of foreign policy. From this point of view, the study aims to reveal the prevailing frameworks regarding the withdrawal of US and allied forces from Afghanistan and the entry of the Taliban into Kabul, and the current approach of the media regarding the withdrawal of American and NATO forces from Afghanistan. . It is thought that the study will contribute to the existing literature on state media relations in the context of policy. This study discusses the media framework of the current political situation, which started with the withdrawal of the USA from Afghanistan and the entry of the Taliban in Kabul, in the context of foreign policy, on the axis of Pier Robinson’s policy-media interaction model, and analyzes the news covered by the Turkish and Kyrgyz media. Focuses (azattyk.org and super.kg from Kyrgyzstan; sabah.com.tr and sozcu.com.tr). In addition to their ideological views, the circulation rates in their countries were also determinant in the selection of newspapers. The time frame of the study is between 10-30 August 2021, which covers the period when the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban dominance began to increase. In the research, in which the census sampling technique was used to collect the data, 7 frames were determined to reveal the media-government relationship and a total of 229 news published on four selected internet news sites were analyzed. By emphasizing the importance of the politics-media relationship, the findings obtained in the study, which aims to reveal how foreign policy issues are framed in the Turkish and Kyrgyz media and how the media approaches the issue, showed that the main arguments are as follows. media interaction model. All the newspapers analyzed within the scope of the research reveal that after the entry of the Taliban to Kabul and the withdrawal of the American forces from Afghanistan, the events were mostly framed in the context of instability in parallel with the increase in the threat of Taliban/Talibanization. The fact that the media maintains the understanding of journalism in line with the official policy of the government in line with the national interests of the country and realizes the framed issues through the discussions of the elites has also been clearly found within the scope of the selected topic for analysis. However, this study has limitations as the researchers analyzed only four internet news sites. It will be beneficial in terms of scientificity to repeat the subject with similar studies to be carried out in the future and to reveal whether the main arguments are supported with the findings obtained from the analyzes.
Democracy obliges the public opinion to play an active role in shaping all political processes. It provides an integrative model of media, public and foreign policy relations in times of international crisis. Media as a strategic actor is among the makers of foreign policy. The media is an important component of the policy outputs and decisions of governments, as well as an important component of the environment that foreign policy decision makers consider when developing their policies. Media participation is a two-way but complex process. Media plays an important role in gathering, framing and distributing information. Framing is the primary means by which the media shapes the public agenda. News framing is defined as the process by which journalists select and highlight certain aspects of social facts while concealing others, offering the viewer/reader a perspective to understand and evaluate social events. When news reports have critical framework, the government can be forced to develop policies on the subject and the media can significantly influence policy. News content is influenced by the dynamic political environment in which the press is involved. When a country is directly involved in an international conflict, the immediate effects on society encourage the news media to act as alarm systems alerting the public to emerging problems. In the field of foreign policy, the mainstream media does not act independently in framing events, preferring to rely instead on high-level government officials. This study discusses the media framework of the current political situation, which started with the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s entry into Kabul, in the context of foreign policy, on the axis of Pier Robinson’s policy-media interaction model. Analyzes the news in Turkish and Kyrgyz media. The policy-media interaction model assumes that the influence of the media on politics occurs in specific situations, emphasizing these conditions as (1) policy uncertainty and (2) critically framed media coverage that empathizes with people in pain. After the Bonn conference held on December 05, 2001 to decide the political future of Afghanistan, the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, global political actors continued to be undecided about the future of Afghanistan and began to officially recall the US soldiers from Afghanistan under these uncertain policy conditions. New uncertainties have emerged regarding Afghanistan’s internal security. The dominant paradigm in media-government relations is that news in the field of foreign policy follows the leadership of the policy maker elite. The elite influence the media and public’s perception of international relations, and journalists act in line with policy makers. The approach of the media in the field of foreign policy becomes clear depending on the certainty of the policy carried out. The withdrawal of the USA and its allies from Afghanistan and the re-emergence of the Taliban cause political uncertainty in the country and closely affect the policies of the countries in the region. As the Taliban regain power in the country, security concerns about violence/terrorism and mass migration are increasing. The common concern of almost all countries in the region is the neighboring Central Asian countries with porous borders, the inability to prevent unauthorized flow of Afghan refugees at the point of crossing the border, as a result of the Taliban regime will take drastic measures. It is a problem that the media produces news in line with the government’s official policy and supports this policy with elite discussions, rather than an objective journalism approach in the field of foreign policy. From this point of view, the study aims to reveal the prevailing frameworks regarding the withdrawal of US and allied forces from Afghanistan and the entry of the Taliban into Kabul, and the current approach of the media regarding the withdrawal of American and NATO forces from Afghanistan. . It is thought that the study will contribute to the existing literature on state media relations in the context of policy. This study discusses the media framework of the current political situation, which started with the withdrawal of the USA from Afghanistan and the entry of the Taliban in Kabul, in the context of foreign policy, on the axis of Pier Robinson’s policy-media interaction model, and analyzes the news covered by the Turkish and Kyrgyz media. Focuses (azattyk.org and super.kg from Kyrgyzstan; sabah.com.tr and sozcu.com.tr). In addition to their ideological views, the circulation rates in their countries were also determinant in the selection of newspapers. The time frame of the study is between 10-30 August 2021, which covers the period when the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban dominance began to increase. In the research, in which the census sampling technique was used to collect the data, 7 frames were determined to reveal the media-government relationship and a total of 229 news published on four selected internet news sites were analyzed. By emphasizing the importance of the politics-media relationship, the findings obtained in the study, which aims to reveal how foreign policy issues are framed in the Turkish and Kyrgyz media and how the media approaches the issue, showed that the main arguments are as follows. media interaction model. All the newspapers analyzed within the scope of the research reveal that after the entry of the Taliban to Kabul and the withdrawal of the American forces from Afghanistan, the events were mostly framed in the context of instability in parallel with the increase in the threat of Taliban/Talibanization. The fact that the media maintains the understanding of journalism in line with the official policy of the government in line with the national interests of the country and realizes the framed issues through the discussions of the elites has also been clearly found within the scope of the selected topic for analysis. However, this study has limitations as the researchers analyzed only four internet news sites. It will be beneficial in terms of scientificity to repeat the subject with similar studies to be carried out in the future and to reveal whether the main arguments are supported with the findings obtained from the analyzes.
Anahtar Kelimeler
ABD’nin Geri Çekilmesi, Taliban, Kabil, Medya, Dış Politika, The U.S Withdrawal, Taliban, Kabil, Media, Foreign Policy
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