Organize sanayi bölgelerinde imalat yapan işletmelerin dijital dönüşüm süreçleri: Bir imalat işletmesinde uygulama
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Günümüzde hemen hemen her sektörde üretim yapan işletmeler, imalat süreçlerinde verimliği ve kaliteyi artırmanın yollarını aramaktadır. Globalleşen Dünya ekonomisinde, rekabet koşulları her geçen gün daha fazla artmakta ve üretilen her bir ürünün maliyeti izlenerek kontrol altında tutulmak istenmektedir. Son yıllarda hızla hayatımıza giren dijital uygulamaların artık imalat süreçlerinde de yer aldığına şahit oluyoruz. Üretimde dijitalleşmenin Endüstri 4.0 olarak tanımlandığı bu yeni teknolojileri, imalat yapan tüm işletmelerde farklı uygulama alanlarında görmek artık mümkündür. İmalat yapan işletmelerin çoğunluğu Organize Sanayi Bölgelerinde (OSB) faaliyet göstermektedirler. OSB, belirli kanun hükümlerine göre işletilen, sınırları daha önceden tahsis edilmiş imar planları dâhilindeki arazilerin gerekli idari, sosyal ve teknik altyapı alanlarında mal ve hizmet üretim yapılan bölgeleridir. OSB, sanayinin uygun görülen alanlarda yapılanmasını sağlamak, kentleşmeyi yönlendirmek, çarpık sanayileşmeyi ve çevre sorunlarını önlemek, kaynakları rasyonel kullanmak amacıyla sanayi çeşitlerinin belirli bir plan kapsamında yerleştirilmesini amaçlar. OSB bölgelerinde faaliyette olan imalat işletmelerinin, bulundukları bölgelere göre sanayide dijital dönüşüm süreçlerinde zorluklarla karşılaştıkları görülmektedir. Yaşanan bu zorlu süreçler birçok imalat işletmesinin sanayide dijital dönüşüme geçmelerini engellemektedir. Oysaki OSB'de bulunan imalat işletmelerinin doğru planlama ve yönetim aracılığıyla sanayide dijital dönüşüm süreçleri çok daha kolay, daha hızlı ve daha az maliyetli olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada; OSB'de imalat yapan bir demir döküm işletmesinin sanayi sektöründeki dijital dönüşüm süreçleri incelenerek yaşanan zorluklar, uygulama metotları ve sanayide dijital dönüşüm sonrası sağlanan avantajlar ele alınacaktır. Ayrıca bu çalışma, OSB'lerde bulunan diğer imalat işletmelerinin sanayi sektöründeki dijital dönüşüm projelerine örnek olmasıyla ve dijital dönüşümü başarıyla tamamlamış imalat şirketlerinin elde ettikleri avantajlarla, uluslararası ticarette rakiplerine karşı sağlayacakları fırsatları göstermesi bakımından faydalı olacaktır. Dijital sanayi çağı olarak nitelendirilen Endüstri 4.0'ın sadece akademik ya da ticari bir girişim olarak başarıya ulaşması mümkün olmadığı için akademi, iş dünyası ve siyaset unsurları içinde doğru bir şekilde planlanması ve aralarındaki koordinasyonun en iyi şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasıyla; yatırım, iş ve akademi dünyası, sivil toplum kuruluşları, dernekler, devlet kurum ve kuruluşları gibi farklı birçok çevre ve kişilerde sanayide dijital dönüşüm farkındalığını oluşturarak, atılacak olumlu adımlarla bu yeni dijital sanayi çağının adaptasyonun başarılı bir süreç içinde gerçekleşmesine yardımcı olunarak ülkemizin geleceğine olumlu yönde katkı sağlaması hedeflenmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Endüstri 4.0, Sanayide Dijital Dönüşüm, Organize Sanayi Bölgeleri, IIoT, Üretim Sistemleri
Today, enterprises producing in almost every sector are looking for ways to increase efficiency and quality in manufacturing processes. In the globalising world economy, competition conditions are increasing day by day and the cost of each product produced is desired to be kept under control by monitoring. We are witnessing that the digital applications, which have rapidly entered our lives in recent years, are now also included in manufacturing processes. It is now possible to see these new technologies, where digitalisation in production is defined as Industry 4.0, in different application areas in all manufacturing enterprises.The majority of manufacturing enterprises operate in Organised Industrial Zones (OIZ). OIZs are goods and service production zones operated in accordance with the provisions of certain laws in the areas of administrative, social and technical infrastructure within the zoning plans of the pieces of land with predetermined boundaries. OIZ aims to ensure that industry is structured in areas deemed appropriate, to direct urbanisation, to prevent distorted industrialisation and environmental problems, and to place industrial types within the scope of a specific plan in order to use resources rationally. It is seen that manufacturing enterprises operating in OIZ regions face difficulties in digital transformation processes according to their regions. These challenging processes prevent many manufacturing businesses from transitioning to digital transformation. However, the digital transformation processes of the manufacturing enterprises in the OIZ are much easier, faster and less costly with the right planning and management. In this study; the digital transformation processes of an iron casting enterprise manufacturing in the OIZ in the industrial sector will be examined and the difficulties experienced, implementation methods and the advantages provided after digital transformation will be discussed.In addition, this study will be useful in terms of setting an example for other manufacturing enterprises in OIZs for digital transformation projects in the industrial sector and showing the opportunities that manufacturing companies which have successfully completed digital transformation will provide against their competitors in international trade with the advantages they have gained. Since it is not possible for Industry 4.0, which is characterised as the digital industrial age, to succeed only as an academic or commercial initiative, it should be correctly planned in the components of academia-business world-politics and the coordination among these 3 components should be realized in the best possible way. With this thesis, it is aimed to contribute positively to the future of our country by creating awareness of digital transformation in industry in many different environments and individuals such as investment, business and academia worlds, non-governmental organizations, associations, government institutions and organizations and to help the adaptation of this new digital industrial age in a successful process with positive steps to be taken. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation in Industry, Organized Industrial Zones, IIoT, Production Systems
Today, enterprises producing in almost every sector are looking for ways to increase efficiency and quality in manufacturing processes. In the globalising world economy, competition conditions are increasing day by day and the cost of each product produced is desired to be kept under control by monitoring. We are witnessing that the digital applications, which have rapidly entered our lives in recent years, are now also included in manufacturing processes. It is now possible to see these new technologies, where digitalisation in production is defined as Industry 4.0, in different application areas in all manufacturing enterprises.The majority of manufacturing enterprises operate in Organised Industrial Zones (OIZ). OIZs are goods and service production zones operated in accordance with the provisions of certain laws in the areas of administrative, social and technical infrastructure within the zoning plans of the pieces of land with predetermined boundaries. OIZ aims to ensure that industry is structured in areas deemed appropriate, to direct urbanisation, to prevent distorted industrialisation and environmental problems, and to place industrial types within the scope of a specific plan in order to use resources rationally. It is seen that manufacturing enterprises operating in OIZ regions face difficulties in digital transformation processes according to their regions. These challenging processes prevent many manufacturing businesses from transitioning to digital transformation. However, the digital transformation processes of the manufacturing enterprises in the OIZ are much easier, faster and less costly with the right planning and management. In this study; the digital transformation processes of an iron casting enterprise manufacturing in the OIZ in the industrial sector will be examined and the difficulties experienced, implementation methods and the advantages provided after digital transformation will be discussed.In addition, this study will be useful in terms of setting an example for other manufacturing enterprises in OIZs for digital transformation projects in the industrial sector and showing the opportunities that manufacturing companies which have successfully completed digital transformation will provide against their competitors in international trade with the advantages they have gained. Since it is not possible for Industry 4.0, which is characterised as the digital industrial age, to succeed only as an academic or commercial initiative, it should be correctly planned in the components of academia-business world-politics and the coordination among these 3 components should be realized in the best possible way. With this thesis, it is aimed to contribute positively to the future of our country by creating awareness of digital transformation in industry in many different environments and individuals such as investment, business and academia worlds, non-governmental organizations, associations, government institutions and organizations and to help the adaptation of this new digital industrial age in a successful process with positive steps to be taken. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Digital Transformation in Industry, Organized Industrial Zones, IIoT, Production Systems
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Sanayi Politikaları ve Teknoloji Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı, Sanayi Politikaları ve Teknoloji Yönetimi Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control, Bilim ve Teknoloji