Küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerde üretim, kalite ve teknoloji sorunları: Türkiye'den bir örnek
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerde (KOBİ) üretim, kalite ve teknoloji faaliyetleri incelenmekte ve İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren 28 KOBİ kapsanmaktadır. Bu amaçla bir anket hazırlanmış ve KOBİ’lerin genel müdürleri veya sahipleri ile yüz yüze görüşülerek yanıtlanmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre teknolojik gelişmelerin izlenmesi, işletmenin gelişmesi için gereklidir. Mevcut teknolojiler yabancı kaynaklardan karşılanmaktadır. Mevcut üretim donanımı ve araçları ithal edilmek suretiyle elde edilmiştir. Mühendislik danışmanlığı, teknoloji yatırımlarının başarıyla sonuçlandırılması için en iyi yoldur. Teknoloji transferi, teknoloji yaratma ile kıyaslandığında daha az maliyetlidir. Mevcut teknolojileri değiştirmektense geliştirmek daha akılcıdır. Genel olarak aynı ürünün farklı modelleri üretilmektedir. Talep, farklı miktarlarda farklı ürünlerin üretiminde belirleyici etkendir. Genel olarak, diğer imalat ve hizmet firmalarına parça/girdi üretilmektedir. Ara girdiler yerine nihai mamul ve hizmet üretimi daha karlıdır. Sermaye, teknoloji ve üretim tesisleri, nihai mamul/hizmet üretiminde yeterli değildir.
In this study, production, quality, and technology problems in SME’s are analyzed and 28 SME’s operating in the Istanbul area are included. In this pursuit, a questionnaire is prepared and face-to-face interviews are conducted with the owners and general managers of the SME’s. According to the findings of the research, following technological developments is necessary for the growth of enterprise. Current technologies are transferred from foreign sources. Current production equipment and tools are acquired by importing from foreign sources. It is reported that engineering consultancy is the best way to accomplish technological investments. Technology transfer is less costly when compared with technology production. Developing current technologies is more rational than changing them. Generally, different models of the same product are manufactured. Demandis the determinig factor for producing different products at different quantities. Generally, inputs and/or components are produced for other manufacturing service companies. Final product or service production is more profitable than producing inputs. Capital, technology, and production facilities are not sufficient for final product or service production.
In this study, production, quality, and technology problems in SME’s are analyzed and 28 SME’s operating in the Istanbul area are included. In this pursuit, a questionnaire is prepared and face-to-face interviews are conducted with the owners and general managers of the SME’s. According to the findings of the research, following technological developments is necessary for the growth of enterprise. Current technologies are transferred from foreign sources. Current production equipment and tools are acquired by importing from foreign sources. It is reported that engineering consultancy is the best way to accomplish technological investments. Technology transfer is less costly when compared with technology production. Developing current technologies is more rational than changing them. Generally, different models of the same product are manufactured. Demandis the determinig factor for producing different products at different quantities. Generally, inputs and/or components are produced for other manufacturing service companies. Final product or service production is more profitable than producing inputs. Capital, technology, and production facilities are not sufficient for final product or service production.
Anahtar Kelimeler
KOBİ, Üretim, Kalite, Teknoloji, Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, Production, Quality, Technology, Total Quality Management
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
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