MVTF, Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü, Makale Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Qualifications frameworks in the transition to knowledge community
    (Macrothink Institute, 2020) Yazıcıoğlu, Osman; Borat, Oğuz
    In the transition to the knowledge community, the disciplines of knowledge management have necessitated the revision of education and employment issues. As a result, more than 140 countries around world have had to set their national priority to review their own education and employment policies considering the individual developments, community expectations and international practices associated with the “lifelong learning”. The overall goal of Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF) is to provide an integrated structure which describes and classifies all qualifications available in Turkey, allowing for links such as transfer or progression among qualifications to be determined. Thus, transparency will be improved in education and training systems, which will enable national and international comparability, recognition and validation. TQF will ensure to link all qualifications achieved either at classroom of a school, university, training center, or in a laboratory, workshop and workplace of a research center or company through formal, non formal or informal learning. TQF structure comprises of levels described by level descriptors and supported by qualification types. Qualification types are described through qualification type specifications.
  • Öğe
    OHS Problems of Migrants in Turkey and the Order of Importance: Pareto Analysis
    (MDPI, 2020) Akyıldız, Cengiz; Ekmekçi, İsmail
    In Turkey, no studies have been conducted on the listing of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) problems of legal and illegal migrant workers, especially of Syrian origin, in the order of importance and the need to address solution suggestions according to this order. This study aims to list the OHS problems of migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers, migrants under international protection, and irregular migrants employed in the production and service sectors in the order of importance and show their e ect on solutions. The 40-item list of problems created by performing the literature review was weighted with the expert opinions of stakeholders related to migrants in Turkey, namely, universities, migrant NGOs, Syrian academicians, government units, migrant workers, and OHS specialists, and checked using Pareto analysis. In the table created by experts through the evaluation and weighting of the problems obtained from the literature review, the first eight questions (20%) constituted 79%, the next 12 questions (30%) constituted 16%, and the last 20 questions (50%) constituted 5%. When the first eight problems are analyzed, it is observed that the OSH problems of migrants are caused by the laws that are not enacted, the fact that the state institutions ignore migrant workers, and that migrant workers are completely vulnerable to OSH risks. Afterward, the same expert team was asked about solution proposals within the scope of the existing problems, and they were put in the order of importance via Pareto analysis. In Turkey, there is no law or legislation regarding OHS legislation for migrant workers. Migrant workers experience serious security and health problems. The state especially ignores illegal migrant workers. Illegal migrant workers are deprived of their security rights and the right to access health care. It is observed that 80% of the migrant workers’ problems will be resolved when the most important eight problems identified are resolved.
  • Öğe
    A Novel Project Risk Assessment Method Development via AHP-TOPSIS Hybrid Algorithm
    (Ital Publication, 2020) Baylan, Emir Başar
    In project planning, risk assessment method plays vital role. Poorly assessed project risks cause degeneration at project cost, project completion time, and project output quality and project scope. Each project activity risk influence these project success factors. Implementation performance of a project activity triggers or smooth of its successor’s activity risks. Because of this; employing robust and detailed risk assessment methods is important to reach those project goals. In project risk assessment literature, when it is investigated, it is noticed that risk assessment and evaluation methods are only developed at whole project level. Actually, they are not comprehensive enough to evaluate the project risks at activity level. Besides that traditional risk assessment methods such as risk matrix does not able analyze project risk quantitatively. With this motivation, main aim of this study is developing a multi-criteria based decision method which prioritizing project risks at activity level. AHP and TOPSIS method are combined to developed novel method. In this hybrid method, Constructing AHP model is to prioritize work packages with respect to relative importance of project time, project output quality and project cost. Broken down structure of these work packages are used as input for weighted criteria for TOPSIS method. In second layer of this decision method, TOPSIS model is used for prioritizing predetermined activity risks according weighted project work packages success criteria. In the application of this method, a case study approach is followed. In this sense, “Global Furniture Ltd.” which is established in Istanbul, Turkey is chosen as a case to apply newly developed model. Results showed that application of AHP-Stochastic TOPSIS Hybrid Algorithm provides a platform that project risks could be analyzed as quantitative and also at project activity level.
  • Öğe
    A study on shopping malls performance criterias analysis using AHP method
    (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2020) Nebati, Emine Elif; Ekmekçi, İsmail
    In recent years, with the increase in the number of shopping centers and consumer expectations, comprehensive research on the performance evaluation of shopping centers has started to be needed. In the performance evaluation process, it is very important to determine the correct measurement criteria. In this study, the performance measurement criteria were determined by reviewing the literature and interviewing experts and managers in the shopping center sector. In the next step, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method, was used to determine the significance levels of these criteria and a new performance index model was hereby developed. The proposed method consists of a total of 140 criteria including six main criteria (green building, investors, visitors, tenants, shopping mall turnover, and social life) and 134 sub-criteria. As far as we know, this study is the first to propose a model for measuring the performance of shopping malls.
  • Öğe
    İnsan kaynaklarının geliştirilmesi ve umem projesi
    (Mimar ve Mühendisler Grubu, 2014) Borat, Oğuz
    Türkiye’nin orta gelir tuzağından çıkışını sağlayacak önemli iki etkenden birisi ileri teknoloji kullanımı, diğeri de insan kaynaklarının geliştirilmesidir. İş piyasasında 25.544.000 çalışanın takriben %57,5 u orta öğretimi terk edenlerden oluşmaktadır. İstihdam edilen ve işsizler içinde orta öğretimi terk edenlerin nüfusu 15,6 milyon civarındadır. Uzmanlaşmış Meslek Edindirme Merkezleri (UMEM)” isimli proje kapsamında sadece işsiz kişilere uygulamalı eğitim ve işbaşı eğitim (staj) imkânı sağlanmaktadır. Bu makalede işverenlerin istihdam ettiği insan gücüne uygulamalı eğitim sağlamasının UMEM Projesi kapsamına alınması teklif edilmektedir. İnsan kaynaklarının niteliğinin yükseltilmesiyle ürün ve hizmet kalitesi arttırılacak ve mevcut ekonomik konumdan bir sıçrama yapılabilecektir. Bireylerin bilgi ve beceri kazanımlarını gösteren belgelerin Türkiye Yeterlilikler Çerçevesine girebilmesini sağlamak için Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu (MYK) tarafından hazırlatılan Ulusal Meslek Standartları ve Mesleki Yeterlilikler veya bunları kazandıracak birim yeterlilikler şeklinde hazırlanması ve bu süreçlerin kalite güvencesinin sağlanması önerilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Türkiye yeterlilikler çerçevesi kapsamında insan kaynaklarının gelişimi
    (Yeni Türkiye Stratejik Araştırma Merkezi, 2014) Borat, Oğuz
    Hayat boyu öğrenme kapsamında bulunan öğrenme ortamları, bunlara katılan bireyler, kazanılan yeterlilikler, Türkiye Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi, hayat boyu öğrenme kapsamında ulusal yeterlilik sistemi üzerindeki çalışmalar, ilgili yasal çalışmalar, yeterliliklerin ulusal yeterlilikler çerçevesine giriş şartları, insan kaynaklarının geliştirilmesi, hayat boyu öğrenme kapsamındaki öncelikler, AB nin Lisbon eğitim hedefleri, bireylerin yeterliliklere erişimi, şeffaflık ve tanınabilirlik, vatandaş için Türkiye Yeterlilikler Çerçevesinin araçları, öğrenme çıktısı esaslı yeterlilikler ve kredi sistemi, yeterliliklerin kalite güvencesi, Avrupa kalite güvence ilke ve sistemleri, Türkiye Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi kalite güvence ölçütleri, eğitimde kalite güvencesi sistemi konuları incelenmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Türkiye’de istihdam ve mesleki eğitim ilişkilerinin geliştirilmesi
    (Mimar ve Mühendisler Grubu, 2011) Borat, Oğuz
    Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de istihdam ve eğitim ile ilgili faaliyetler incelenmiştir. Eğitim ve istihdam ile ilgili kuruluşlar birbirindan bağımsız olarak yürüttükleri çalışmalarını son 5-6 yıldan beri birlikte ve geniş paydaş katılımı ile ele almaktadırlar. Bu çerçevede strateji planları, eylem planları, raporlar, protokoller, tedbirler gibi bir çok çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı koordinasyonunda başlatılan geniş katılımlı toplantılarda bu belgeler değerlendirilmiş ve "İstihdam ve Mesleki Eğitim İlişkisinin Güçlendirilmesi Eylem Planını" hazırlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda yapılan ve yapılabilecek konular incelenmiş ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
  • Öğe
    Bolonya ve Kopenhag sürecleri, AB’de mesleki ve teknik eğitimin akreditasyonu
    (Mimar ve Mühendisler Grubu, 2015) Borat, Oğuz
    Bu çalışmada ülkelerin eğitim sistemlerini uluslararası, ulusal ve kurumsal seviyede ele almayı sağlayan “Bolonya ve Kopenhag Süreçleri”, bunların sonunda ortaya çıkan “Avrupa Yeterlilikler Çerçevesi, Kalite Güvencesi ve Akreditasyon kavramları” incelenmiştir. Avrupa’ da yükseköğretim, ilköğretim, ilköğretim seviyesinde mesleki eğitim ve sürekli mesleki eğitimde Kalite Güvencesi yaklaşımları ele alınmış; kurumsal ve/veya program akreditasyonu, iç değerlendirme, dış değerlendirme, kalite çevrimi tanımları sunulmuştur. Ayrıca Türkiye’de bu gelişmelere uyum kronolojik olarak verilmiş; merkez teşkilatındaki mevzuat gelişmelerinin yanında tabandaki birimlerin kalite güvencesi çalışmalarının başlatılması vurgulanmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Analytic hierarchy process while choosing authentication with radio frequency identification (rfid) systems
    (Jital, 2016) Çağlayan, Mehmed Cihad; Köksal, Mustafa
    Nowadays, it cannot be thought that companies carry out their activities stand away from technology. Especially, with Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Industry 4.0) smart technologies has started to play big role in factories. One of the innovation of industry 4.0 is RFI technology, today used by various industries in multiple areas, and there are widespread researches about this subject thus aims that to improve these technologies one step further. Besides that, management of technology becomes more crucial from many points of view of companies. Inaccurate technology investment usually might cause loss for companies. In this context, in order to choose best RFID option with defined criteria, at a company in automotive sector where technological development is followed and implemented, hierarchical model is established and from based on this model analytical hierarchy process used and an application is carried out.
  • Öğe
    Weibull distribution for determination of wind analysis and energy production
    (Emerald Publishing, 2015) Oral, Faruk; Ekmekçi, İsmail; Onat, Nevzat
    In recent years, decreasing reserves and environmental problems related with fossil fuels have increased the demand for clean and renewable energy sources, as with all over the world and also in Turkey. Wind energy is the one of the most rapidly growing among the renewable energy sources in terms of technological and utilization. Turkey is one of the rich countries in Europe in respect to wind energy potential. Productive and effective use of this potential is very important for Turkey that is depended on foreign countries especially in respect to fossil energy sources. Wind speed values are the most important data in calculation of electrical energy from wind turbines. In this study, latest developments and energy-power equations related to wind turbines are investigated. Using of the data obtained from the wind measurement station installed in Sakarya-Esentepe region, annual electrical energy production of an example wind plant is predicted.
  • Öğe
    The generation of typical meteorological year and climatic database of Turkey for the energy analysis of buildings
    (David Publishing, 2017) Ekmekçi, İsmail; Yılmaz, Serpil
    For sustainable development, a reduction in energy demand is essential. This could be achieved through improving energy efficiency, effective energy conservation and management. The weather conditions of a given region are the most important consideration for the proper design of space AC (Air Conditioning) systems. In this study, the typical meteorological year and climatic database of Turkey for the energy analysis of buildings were generated by SQL (Structured Query Language) database programmimg language. The Finkelstein-Schafer statistical method was applied to analyze the hourly measured weather data of a 23-year period (1989-2012) and select representative TMMs (Typical Meteorological Months). The selection criteria were based on 13 meteorological parameters. These parameters are the daily mean, maximum and minimum values and ranges of temperature, dew-point and wind velocity and the daily values of global solar radiation. According to results of TMY (Typical Meteorological Year), climatic database of Turkey including daily or hourly climate variables was created in SQL data tables.
  • Öğe
    Service quality measurement model in urban public transportation: The case of IETT
    (Jital, 2017) Ekmekçi, İsmail; Kaynarca, Özüm Asya
    IETT, which manages land public transportation of Istanbul, serves to the customers in a broad area. So, measurement and assessment of its services is vital for urban transportation and life quality in Istanbul. For such reasons, it is necessary to evaluate its performance, determine level of quality and find areas for improvement. For such purposes, Service Quality Measurement Model (SQMM) is established and implemented by IETT in 2012. SQMM defines service quality and its boundaries, and determines methods to measure service quality at every contact point with customers according to eight main categories, which are availability, accessibility, information, time, customer care, comfort, security, and environmental impact, of EN 13816 Standard. EN 13816 Standard is based on service quality loop and evaluation of services from customer and operator perspective. All contact points are inspected implicitly and explicitly according to EN 13816 Standard. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to assign weights of main criteria in each contact point and weights of each contact point with respect to total score. In this study, scope, criteria and methodology of SQMM, audit mechanism produced as an outcome of the model, and gains are put forward in this study.
  • Öğe
    Performance-based task appointment model in urban public transportation: The case of IETT
    (Jital, 2017) Taşdemir, Ahmet Fuat; Ekmekçi, İsmail
    Provision of quality services in urban public transportation has become a significant field of research to be analysed separately, particularly for metropolitan cities where population and other components of traffic are rapidly increasing. Quality of public transportation operators can be figured out with the help of various parameters. Among those, human resources undoubtedly have a significant role. Fulfilment of operators’ strategic aims and targets is in direct proportion to performance and satisfaction of employees. With an innovative approach, this study aims to suppose a new, performance-based task assignment model that grounds on the target to achieve a fair work distribution by analysing General Directorate of IETT’s current “task assignment process for drivers”, which manages urban public transportation of Istanbul Metropolitan City. This model identifies specific performance indicators and gives points to the drivers according to competency. New software has been developed with an algorithm to allow drivers to choose the routes they will work on, depending on their competency points. With 184 drivers, 22 routes and 135 buses, IETT Sarigazi Bus Terminal has been chosen as the pilot area of this new idea of “self-appointment”.
  • Öğe
    A study on solar radiation calculation for Istanbul with measured data
    (Jser, 2016) Ekmekçi, İsmail; Şen, Y.
    In this study, horizontal global solar radiation estimation models and estimated values are reviewed and compared with measured national database for Istanbul. The mathematical models used are based on the sunshine duration data as common in the world. For comparisons, the most common statistical methods (MBE, MPE and RMSE) are also used. It can be briefly said that solar energy measurements in our country are not perfect and also are not reliable for any feasibility study then the results show that measurements cannot be used directly for any analysis. Those measurements also include wrong and missing data parts. Investors should have their own measurement station at the best location for the planned action, and the measured data also should be analyzed by specialists.
  • Öğe
    Hospital air handling unit selection with ahp method in Turkey
    (IJSR, 2019) Yazıcıoğlu, Osman; Yazıcıoğlu, M. Benan; Borat, Oğuz
    The paper deals with choosing of AHU for hospitals with multi-criteria decision making method in Turkey. The hospitals require heating, cooling, or both, depending on climate zones, to keep ambient conditions within a reasonable range. In hospitals, heating, cooling or both according to climate zones are required to keep the ambient conditions in an appropriate range. The provision of hygienic environments in hospitals for human health has become very important. Hygienic AHU should be used for the air conditioning and ventilation of hygienic environments. The air handling unit used in hygienic systems must have additional features compared to comfort AHU. The weights of cost, flow rate, mass, power, and noise were determined. According to the criteria AHP method was applied to obtain the most appropriate AHU for hospital.
  • Öğe
    Power consumption estimation using artificial neural networks: The case of Turkey
    (Jital, 2018) Metin, Havva Hilal; Kaçtıoğlu, Sibkat
    A significant proportion of the world energy consumption is by developing countries. As a developing country, Turkey is one of the leading countries in terms of the increase in energy demand. According to the data from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Turkey is the country with the greatest increase in demand after China in electricity and natural gas consumption since 2000. In 1970, the ratio of total energy production to consumption in Turkey was 76%. In year 2000, this ratio dropped down to 35%, in year 2010 to 26% and predicted to come down to 23% by year 2020. This situation indicates an increase in Turkey’s energy dependency every passing year and the need to implement solutions to reduce this dependency. Today, electric energy has become a very critical and indispensable part of the development of technology. Production and consumption of electrical energy, which facilitates human life and increases labour productivity, are increasing every year. Electricity is a versatile and easily controlled form of energy. Electricity is practically non-existent and non-polluting at the point of use. Electricity can be cleanly produced by completely renewable methods such as wind, water and sunlight at the production point. Electricity market has a unique feature compared to other commodities. This feature requires the consumption of electricity when it is produced. Forecasting the future consumption of electricity in Turkey is crucial in making strategic plans for the future and taking the necessary measures. In Turkey, the consumption of electricity in the estimation studies were generally observed that the use of long-term electricity consumption prediction method of neural networks. In some studies, the results obtained by artificial neural network method are compared with Box-Jenkins models and regression technique. As a result of comparison, artificial neural networks seem to be a good predictor of electricity consumption. In this study, electrical consumption is modelled by using artificial neural network method and the results are discussed. In the application, the four main factors that affect the electricity consumption in Turkey is considered as independent variables. These independent variables are; Population, Imports, Exports, Gross Domestic Product (GDP). How these independent variables affect the electricity consumption in the country was found as the result of the tests made and the results were evaluated.
  • Öğe
    Routing of mobile resources with pso using chaotic randomness (chaotic-pso) for unexpected delivery failures in manufacturing
    (Marmara Üniversitesi, 2016) Özpınar, Alper; Küçükaşçı, Emel Şeyma
    Dealing with short term and long term production planning and scheduling has already been solved with different optimization and artificial methods and approaches. Under normal manufacturing conditions supply and demand progress controlled and supported by decision support systems, ERP and MRP software packages aiming maximum utilization of resources and minimizing the stocks aiming for JIT. These software packages becoming even more intelligent and proactive based on the data in the database systems. However all these systems start with initial assumption of under normal conditions of flow time ordering to delivering. In case of unplanned stops, failures, malfunctions, shortages of unplanned inventory levels alter these initial conditions and progress to a diverging outcomes and consequences. This paper aiming a dynamic allocation and routing of mobile resources in a manufacturing plant by reallocating them by using a modified Particle Swarm Optimization using Chaotic Randomness.
  • Öğe
    Alışveriş merkezleri için yeşil bina performans ölçüm model önerisi
    (Gazi Publishing, 2018) Nebati, Emine Elif; Ekmekçi, İsmail
    Sosyal hayatımızda önemli yeri olan alışveriş merkezlerinde rekabet, her geçen gün daha da artmaktadır. Böyle bir ortamda alışveriş merkezlerinin ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel açısından performans değerlendirmesi de büyük önem taşımaktadır. Literatürde, bu faktörler açısından alışveriş merkezlerinin performansını ölçen bir model bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, alışveriş merkezlerinin yeşil bina performans indeksini ölçen 2 aşamalı bir model önerisinde bulunulmuştur. Modelin ilk aşamasında, gerek literatür, gerekse alışveriş merkezleri sektöründeki uzmanlar ile yapılan mülakatlar neticesinde alışveriş merkezleri için yeşil performans indeksi ölçüm kriterleri belirlenmiştir. Bu şekilde,7 ana kriter (Verimlilik ve etkinlik, yenilikçilik, arazi ve çevre, malzeme kullanımı, iç mekan yaşam kalitesi, atık ve geri dönüşüm, bina yönetim) olmak üzere toplamda 30 alt kriter belirlenmiştir. Analitik Hiyerarşi Proses yöntemi kullanılarak,bu kriterlerin ağırlıkları tespit edilmiştir.Çalışmanın 2.aşamasında, Promethee yöntemi kullanılarak,İstabul’da faaliyet gösteren 4 alışveriş merkezinin performans ölçümü yapılmıştır.Bu çalışma, alışveriş merkezleri sektörü için yeni performans modeli geliştiren ilk çalışma olması açısından önemlidir. Bu alanda firmalara,yeşil performans açısından eksik noktaların belirlenmesini sağlayarak,yöneticilere performans geliştirmeyi sağlayacak bir araç olması umulmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    A proposal of novel performance criterias development for shopping malls
    (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2019) Ekmekçi, İsmail; Nebati, Emine Elif
    Shopping malls are not only perceived as a place for shopping by customers; but also a place for resting, having fun, and socializing. Given the increase in the number of shopping malls and the necessity in order to meet the expectation of customers, innovative studies are needed. In this study, a novel model is developed by setting shopping malls performance criteria to contribute to the progress and performance measurement of shopping malls, which have a significant place in our daily lives. Each criterion is set after interviews with experts who are outstanding in their fields and have management experience in the mall sector. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first in the literature in terms of presenting a novel model to evaluate performance of shopping malls. Also, this study aims to fill the gap in the literature in this field and make a positive contribution to the shopping mall sector by its original and comprehensive (for all areas in this sector) criterias.
  • Öğe
    Electricity consumption forecasting for Turkey with nonhomogeneous discrete grey model
    (Taylor & Francis, 2017) Ayvaz, Berk; Kuşakcı, Ali Osman
    The accuracy of forecasting is an essential issue for decision makers in terms of energy planning. During the recent years, several techniques have been used for electricity consumption forecasting in order to accurately predict the future demand. Although there are several forecasting techniques, selection of the most appropriate one is of paramount importance. In this study, three different grey forecasting models are built and used for modeling and predicting yearly net electricity consumption in Turkey. Additionally, these three models are compared to find the best model by using performance criteria. The best approach, Nonhomogeneous Discrete Grey Model (NDGM), is employed to forecast electricity consumption from 2014 to 2030. In addition, a comparison is made with recent studies proving the grey model (GM) proposed by this study delivers better forecasting performance.