İşletme Fakültesi, Turizm ve Otel Yöneticiliği (İngilizce Destekli) Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    The hotel site selection: Determining locational factors by fuzzy TOPSIS
    (Sciendo, 2020) Ulucan, Ebru
    Abstract: Just like in other industries, it is very important to choose the best possible location in hotel investments. As there are too many alternatives and changing touristic demands, there is serious competition within the hospitality sector. Therefore, all the investors want their properties located at the most profitable and competitive sites. To do so, they should decide the hotel location site by doing a well-analysed feasibility study. The hotel location selection can be influenced by some elements such as natural, economical, socio-cultural, legal, psychological factors and agglomeration effects. All of these factors have important roles of a hotel’s business success. However, especially in the last few years, the increasing numbers of hotel investments call in doubt that these factors are not considered properly. With this doubt, the main problems of this research have been revealed: what main factors do the investors consider in their investment decisions, and how do they decide the best site to locate the hotel? These problems also create the aims of this paper, which are to determine the factors that are important for investors and to find out where the most selected investment zones are. To achieve this goal, Istanbul has been divided into five agglomeration (investment) zones such as Historical Peninsula, Taksim-Besiktas-Sisli, Sarıyer-Maslak-Levent, Airport Area and Anatolian Side, according to their agglomeration effects. Then, interviews were completed with six hotel investors from these areas in order to get their opinions about the investment decisions. The gathered information has been analysed by the fuzyy TOPSIS method, which helps to calculate the subjective thoughts of the investors in a quantitative way. Then, the order of preference within the investment zones was calculated to determine the most popular site among the investors. The results showed that the most important factors for hotel location selection are agglomeration effects and economical factors. According to the order of preference, the most preferred location site has been determined as the Historical Peninsula, which includes Fatih, Eminönü, Sultanahmet and Topkapı zones.
  • Öğe
    Post-dijital ekosistemde işsizlik ve ekonomik tedbirler
    (Hiper Yayın, 2020) Civelek, Mustafa Emre
    Özellikle son yirmi yılda teknolojide benzeri görülmemiş gelişmelerin ortaya çıkmasıyla birlikte dijital ekonomi tüm dünyada etkisini arttırmıştır. Dijitalleşme ve otomasyondaki gelişmeler sonucunda teknoloji kaynaklı işsizlik tüm dünyaya yayılmış, tüm iş kollarında insana olan ihtiyacı azaltmıştır. Dijital ekonomi üretim yöntemlerini değiştirmenin yanında insanların yaşam tarzlarını da değiştirmektedir. Bu nedenle yeni ekosistem olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Fakat yeni ekosistemin ötesinde insanlık, post-dijital ekosistem olarak isimlendirilen yeni bir döneme girmektedir. Büyük olasılıkla bu geçiş acı verici olarak gerçekleşecektir. Post-dijital ekosistemde üretim yöntemleri kökten değişecektir. Günümüzde yapay zekâ teknolojisindeki son gelişmeler nedeniyle, makineler giderek daha fazla insanın işini üstlenmektedir (Öz, 2020). İşsizlikteki istikrarlı artış eğilimi ekonomik eşitsizliği toplumda kronik bir problem haline getirmiştir. COVID-19 Pandemisi, dijital ekonominin yıkıcı etkilerinin ortaya çıkmasını hızlandıran ve bu etkileri artıran bir katalizör rolüne sahiptir. Salgından sonra, post-dijital ekosistem çökmekte olan kapitalist sistemin yıkıntılarından doğacaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı gelecekteki ekonomik sorunlara dikkat çekmektir. Çalışmanın dayandığı temel varsayım, dijitalleşmenin insanlık becerilerini yok edeceği ve artan işsizliğin ekonomik eşitsizliği arttıracağı yönündedir. Gelecekteki insanların çoğu, makinelerin tüm işleri üstlenmesi sonucunda amaçsız varlıklara dönüşebilir. Yaygın işsizlik için yatıştırıcı bir tedbir olan temel vatandaşlık geliri aynı zamanda bu sorunu kronik hale getirecek bir uygulamadır. Dahası, post-dijital ekosistemin dinamiklerinden kaynaklanan eşitsizlik için kesin çözüm değildir. Bu çalışmada önerilen beş ekonomik tedbirden biri olan temel vatandaşlık geliri uygulaması, kapitalist sistemin bir süre hayatta kalmasını sağlayacaktır, ancak kısır döngüyü kırabilmek için devletin üretime müdahalesi kaçınılmaz olacaktır.
  • Öğe
    Effects of covid-19 on China and the world economy: Birth pains of the post-digital ecosystem
    (Jital, 2020) Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Xiarewana, Baikeli
    Especially with the emergence of the digital economy in the last two decades, unprecedented changes in technology have come to the fore. Technology-induced unemployment has spread all over the world because developments in digitalization and automation reduced the need for human in all business lines. Digital economy has also shown its effects as changes in the lifestyles. Therefore, it called new ecosocial system. However, beyond the new ecosocial system, humanity awaits a new system as post-digital ecosystem. Most probably this transition would occur in an agonizing way. In the post-digital ecosystem, production methods are changing radically, and thus, due to the recent advancements in artificial intelligence technology, machines increasingly take over the jobs of humans. The steady upward trend in unemployment has made economic inequality a chronic problem in the society. The pandemic has the role of a catalyst that accelerates the emergence of the destructive effects of digital economy and augments these effects. After the pandemic, the post-digital ecosystem will rise from the ruins of the collapsing capitalist system. The purpose of this article is to attract attention to the future economic problems within the context of the pandemic.
  • Öğe
    Technological unemployment anxiety scale development
    (Avrasya Bilimler Akademisi, 2020) Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Pehlivanoğlu, Çağrı
    In the post-digital ecosystem, production methods are changing radically. Thus, the need for humans dramatically decreases. Jobs in various sectors have become vulnerable due to accelerated automation. It is expected that advances in artificial intelligence technology, in particular, will cause unprecedented amount of job loss. Furthermore, unemployment would trigger other problems in economy. This can be regarded as the vicious circle of digital economy. This economical phenomenon causes anxiety in the mind of the employees, and this negative perception regarding technology may exert pernicious effect on the motivation, performance and commitment of the employees. Therefore, from the angle of management, need for measuring this perception has emerged. Within this context, the aim of this paper to develop a scale to measure the technology-induced unemployment perception of employees. As a result of the analyses, Technological Unemployment Anxiety scale was developed with the following sub-dimensions: (1) Lack of Technical Skill, (2) Incremental Technological Improvements and (3) Technological Disruption.
  • Öğe
    Kamu sektöründe dijital dönüşüm: E-devlet
    (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2020) Civelek, Mustafa Emre
    Günümüzde özellikle yapay zekâ alanında yaşanan gelişmeler dünyanın post-dijital ekosistem adı verilen yeni bir döneme girdiğini göstermektedir. Toplumların üretim ve yaşam biçimlerinin değiştiği bu yeni dönemde kamu sektöründe verimli ve etkin elektronik devlet sistemlerinin kullanılması doğrudan devletin gücüyle ilişkilidir. Bu nedenle de devletler açısından dijital dönüşüm stratejik bir zorunluluk halini almıştır. Kâğıt belgelere dayalı iş süreçlerinin ortadan kaldırılması ve devlet kurumlarının kullandıkları sistemlerin entegrasyonu doğası gereği belirli bir süreç sonunda değişik evrelerden geçerek gerçekleşmektedir. Devletin dijital dönüşümü ve etkin bir elektronik devlet altyapısına kavuşması dört aşamada gerçekleşmektedir. Bu aşamalar sırasıyla varlık gösterme, birleşme, entegrasyon ve toplumsal dönüşüm evreleridir. Varlık gösterme evresinde her bir devlet kurumu kendi web siteleri üzerinden vatandaşa belirli hizmet ve bilgileri sunmaya başlarlar. Birleşme aşamasında vatandaşlar tüm devlet kurumlarının sistemlerine tek bir kullanıcı adı ve şifre ile tek bir web sitesi üzerinden erişebilirler. Entegrasyon aşamasında, tüm devlet kurumlarının sistemleri ortak bir referans ve arşiv sistemine ve ortak veri tabanlarına bağlanır ve kâğıt belgelere dayalı iş süreçleri sona erer. Son aşama ise elektronik devlete geçişin en önemli aşamasıdır. Bu aşamada vatandaş ile devletin elektronik devlet uygulamaları aracılığıyla internet ortamında buluşmaları sağlanır. Toplum bilgi toplumuna dönüşür ve bireysel düzeyde verimlilik artar. Sonuç olarak, dünyanın en iyi elektronik devlet sistemini kurmak yeterli değildir. Devletlerin kamu sektöründe dijital dönüşüme stratejik bakış açısı ile yaklaşması ve toplumu bilgi toplumuna dönüştürmeleri gerekmektedir.
  • Öğe
    The effects of trust and capability in supply chain on firm performance through supply chain agility and collaborative advantage
    (İad, 2020) Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Çemberci, Murat
    Purpose – In this research, an integrated model is proposed to explore the effects of trust, agility, collaborative advantage and capability dimensions on firm performance and how they interact with one another. In some of the research in the literature, the effect of the dimensions that are trust in supply chain, supply chain agility, collaborative advantage in supply chain and supply chain capability on firm performance has been empirically proven. Yet, no research exists in the literature that explains the indirect effects of these dimensions through one another. Consequently, this study aims to close this gap in the extant literature. Design/methodology/approach – Structural equation modelling method was utilised to test the hypotheses of this study. Quantitative data was obtained by means of survey in a five-point Likert scale. Initially, confirmatory faction analyses and reliability analysis were performed respectively to determine the validity and reliability of the scale. The analyses were performed with SPSS and AMOS statistics programs. Findings – As a result of the data analyses and tests of hypotheses conducted in this study, it has been empirically proven that supply chain agility and collaborative advantage in supply chain are indirectly and directly influenced by trust in the supply chain. These results are in accordance with the extant literature. Discussion – Knowing the expectations of the customers is crucial for firms in today's business environment. The reason for this is that firms need to manage external business processes in order not to be affected by uncertainty in customers’ needs. Therefore, the effects of supply chain management on firm performance have begun to be studied more in recent years. In other words, transformation of the agility into the capability or transformation of the trust into the collaborative advantage can help to explain the effects of these dimensions on the firm performance.
  • Öğe
    The role of commitment to learning in the effect of evaluation and rewards on project success in R&D teams
    (IJOESS, 2020) Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Aşçı, Mehmet Saim; Çemberci, Murat
    In enterprises, Research and Development (R&D) activities are carried out on the basis of projects. R&D projects are conducted by teams of employees from the different departments in an enterprise. Members of R&D teams have different competencies, and the most prominent features are that they are creative and learning-oriented. Despite the competencies of the employees, it is very difficult to manage such teams successfully. Keeping the motivation of team members high and managing the team in a success-oriented way require important managerial skills since such teams have many different sources of motivation. Therefore, team leaders need to identify the factors that will lead their R&D teams to success. Accordingly, this paper attempts to explain the role of commitment to learning on the relationship between evaluation-rewards and project success. The mediator analyses were conducted according to the methodology suggested by Baron and Kenny. As a result of the hypothesis tests, it has been found out that commitment to learning has a mediator effect on the relationship between evaluation and reward and project success. In R&D teams, team members' commitment to learning is critical to the impact of reward and evaluation on project success. Therefore, the leaders who will lead these teams need to consider the nature of an adhocratic organization while taking into account the factors that will influence team success.
  • Öğe
    Hybrid-paperless adoption & integration in foreign trade: evaluation of the current situation in Turkey
    (Avrasya Bilimler Akademisi, 2019) Karabulut, Cansu; Civelek, Mustafa Emre
    Unprecedented technological changes are taking place in the extremely chaotic business environment of today. Removing paper-based processes and increasing integration have become a strategic priority in all business lines. Nevertheless, foreign trade area can still be regarded as relatively conservative. Traditional paper-oriented process still continues to be widely used in the field of foreign trade. Therefore, there is a need for a radical and comprehensive shift from paper-based approach to full integration by means of electronic documents. Foreign trade transactions are currently performed in a mixed way, which varies between digital and traditional. This phenomenon is called hybrid-paperless solutions. The main purpose of this paper is to clarify the current situation of hybrid-paperless adoption and the level of integration in Turkey by conducting qualitative analysis. For this purpose, interviews have been performed to understand the prevailing perceptions of foreign trade practitioners.
  • Öğe
    The effect of workaholism and work-family conflict on burnout in hospitality enterprises
    (Asos Yayınları, 2019) Ulucan, Ebru; Yavuz, Nihan
    The aim of this researchis to measure hotel employees’ perception of workaholism and work-family conflict, and the relationship between this perception and burn-out. With this aim; a four sectioned survey has been implied to 235 mid-level and senior managers chosen by Convenient Sampling Method from 4 and 5 star hotels located different areas of Istanbul. The first section of the survey includes socio-demografic questions; the second section includes Workaholism Questionnaire de-veloped by Spence and Robbins (1992) in order to measure the workaholism level. The third section includes the Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire developed by Netemeyer, Boles and McMurrian (1996) in order to measure work-family conflict levels, and the fourth section includes the Maslach Burn-out Questionnaire develo-ped by Maslach and Jackson (1981) in order to measure burn-out levels of the emp-loyees. In the research; frequency analysis, reliability test, and regression analysis for determining the relationship between workaholism, work-family conflict and burn-out have been used. According to the findings, it has been found that hotel employees’ work-family conflict levels increase as their workaholism levels incre-ase and their burn-out levels increase as their work-family conflict levels increase. In addition, it has been concluded that employees’ workaholism and work-family conflict levels are effective on their burn-out levels.
  • Öğe
    Marka şehirlerin tanıtım sitelerinin karşılaştırmalı analizi: Sostac® modeli kapsamında İstanbul için bir site önerisi
    (JRTR, 2017) Ulucan, Ebru; Demirkol, Şehnaz
    Gelişen teknolojiyle beraber yaygınlaşan internet kullanımı, diğer sektörlerde olduğu gibi, turizm sektöründe de kendisini göstermiş ve bireyler seyahatlerini internet üzerinden planlar hale gelmiştir. Bu durum, destinasyon pazarlamasında internetin bir araç olarak kullanılmasını sağlamış ve dünya çapında markalaşmış şehirler kendilerine özel tanıtım siteleri oluşturmuşlardır. Marka şehirlerin web sitelerinin performans ve fonksiyonelliğini karşılaştırmak amacıyla yapılan bu araştırmada metrik web analiz yönetimi ile tanıtım siteleri analiz edilmiş ve sonuçlar doğrultusunda İstanbul’un tanıtım sitesini iyileştirmeye yönelik öneriler getirilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Konaklama işletmelerinde talep tahmin yöntemleri: Yapay sinir ağları ile ilgili bir araştırma
    (Sidas Medya Ajans Tanıtım Danışmanlık, 2018) Ulucan, Ebru; Kızılırmak, İsmail
    Günümüzde birçok sektörde olduğu gibi turizm sektöründe de en doğru stratejileri belirlemek için önemli olan talep tahminleme, hem nitel hem de nicel birçok farklı yöntemle yapılmaktadır. Son dönemlerde bu yöntemlere alternatif olarak geliştirilen yapay sinir ağları modelleri, en düşük hata yüzdesi ile gerçeğe en yakın tahmin değerlerini vermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, konaklama işletmelerinin talep tahminleme yaparken yapay sinir ağları modellerini alternatif bir yöntem olarak kullanabileceklerini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, İstanbul’daki beş yıldızlı bir otelin 2013-2016 yılları arasında satılan oda sayıları kullanılarak testler yapılmış ve yapay sinir ağı modeli ile elde edilen verilerin gerçek değerlere en yakın sonuçları verdiği görülmüştür. Bunun üzerine 2017-2018 yılları için satılan oda sayılarına yönelik tahminlemeler yapılmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Development phases of e-government
    (ADAMOR Toplum Araştırmaları Merkezi, 2019) Civelek, Mustafa Emre
    In post-digital ecosystem, the implementation of effective electronic government systems comes to the fore as a strategic priority. Removing paper based processes and increasing integration of the systems used by different departments and agencies are directly related to the power of a government. e-Transformation of the government from traditional to electronic takes place in four stages, namely the phase of initial presence, unification, integration and social transformation. In the initial presence phase, each government institution separately provides services to citizens through its own site. In the unification phase, citizens will be able to access all government agencies' systems through a single website with a single username and password. In the integration phase, the systems of all government agencies will be linked to a common reference and archive system as well as common databases. Finally, in the last phase, the most important phase of electronic government applications, it will be ensured that citizens and the government will meet on the internet through electronic government applications. In this phase, the society will become an information society, and thus increase its productivity at individual level. Therefore, e-government projects have strategic importance for governments. In this context, the study emphasizes the importance of the involvement of the society to electronic government projects and suggests a new classification for the development phases of e-government.
  • Öğe
    The effect of self-direction action on identification with supervisor and affirmative commitment
    (BMIJ, 2019) Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Taşova, Murat
    Identification with supervisor and affirmative commitment are some of the emotional behaviors of employees. Self-direction action value is one of the ten basic values of Schwartz value classification. Self-direction action is related to autonomy of thought and represents the cognitive behaviors of employees. This research aims to demystify the effect of self-direction action on identification with supervisor and affirmative commitment. The importance of this study is to reveal the mechanism behind the relationship between cognitive and emotional behaviors. The research hypotheses put forward a negative relation between self-direction action and identification with supervisor and affirmative commitment. The hypotheses have been supported based on the results of the analyses. Self-Direction Action (SDA) has a negative effect on Identification with Supervisor (IDS) and on Affirmative Commitment (AFC).
  • Öğe
    The effect of mobile phone subscription rate on export-import coverage ratio
    (Avrasya Bilimler Akademisi, 2019) Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Aykaç, Selim
    In this research, the relationship between the mobile phone subscription and the import coverage ratio by export is examined. The main objective of this research is to examine the impact of the mobile phone subscription on the import coverage rate by exports. The research question inquires the effect of mobile phone penetration in a country on foreign trade. In this paper, the development of internet technology is mentioned. The concept of foreign trade has been examined. The import coverage rate by exports has been examined. The concept of globalization has been addressed as a factor affecting the concept of mobile phone penetration and foreign trade. A significant relation was found between the mobile phone usage and foreign trade as a result of analyses in this study. The hypothesis of the reseach is supported. This means that the effect of mobile phone subsciptions on export-import coverage ratio is statistically significant.
  • Öğe
    Blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies for balanced foreign trade: replacing exchange function of money
    (European Scientific Institute, 2019) Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Artar, Okşan Kibritçi
    Today, the capitalist economy has entered into a dead end. Unemployment is expected to reach an unprecedented level due to the rise of automation and artificial intelligence technologies. The creation of excess fiat money will not be a remedy for the collapse of the capitalist economy. In the future, a new economic model open to government intervention will be needed. Moreover, if global monetary system collapses, government should find a solution to continue foreign trade in order to meet the needs of their citizens. Trade unions are classical means that increase trade among the member countries, but they cause imbalance in mutual trade volumes. The advent of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies will bring an end to the obsolete and outdated foreign trade methods. These technologies will also lead to the emergence of balanced trade unions across countries. This paper focuses on defining a new system known as intelligent trade matrix, suggesting that this system will allow barter transactions between two countries without imposing any customs duty.
  • Öğe
    The Effects of Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization on Personal Accomplishment in Pharmaceutical Industry
    (Adamor Toplum Araştırmaları Merkezi, 2019) Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Pehlivanoğlu, Çağrı
    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the personal accomplishment of the sales depart-ment employees working in pharmaceutical industry is affected by emotional exhaustion and deper-sonalization or not. Based on the internal dynamics of burnout syndrome, the mechanism that builds personal accomplishment feeling of employees is the research question of this study. In the extant literature, the relationship among the internal dimensions of burnout has not attained a consensus. This research provides an important contribution to the existing literature by explaining the statisti-cally significant relationships among personal accomplishment, emotional exhaustion and depersonal-ization. This research is a quantitative study. Research data were gathered from the sales employees working at pharmaceutical companies, by means of a questionnaire. All of the items are collected on a Likert-type 5-level measurement tool. Test of hypotheses was performed by means of partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method. The findings designate a negative and significant relationship between emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment, and between depersonalization and personal accomplishment. In conclusion, this study recommends some practical managerial implications to increase the personal accomplishment feeling of employees.
  • Öğe
    Threats Beyond the Digital Divide in the Post-Digital Ecosystem
    (University of Social Sciences, 2018) Civelek, Mustafa Emre
    Today there are unprecedented changes in technology. Robots replace the humans and take over the jobs continuously and increasingly. Unemployment is inevitably spreading into the world. Despite the developments in technology, digital divide continues its existence especially in developing countries, and beyond the digital divide economical and biological divides take place. Within this new ecosystem, there are numerous threats. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to these emerging threats.
  • Öğe
    Dijital Ekonomi Ve Dinamikleri
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2019) Civelek, Mustafa Emre
    Dijital ekonomi kısaca dijitalleşme ile değişen üretim faktörleri ve iş süreçleri sonucunda ortaya çıkan yeni ekonomik sistem ve üretim biçimi olarak tanımlanabilir. Dijital ekonomide en önemli üretim faktörü bilgidir. Dijital ekonomi üretim biçimini değiştirmekte ve sanayi toplumundan bilgi toplumuna geçişi ifade etmektedir. Üretim biçiminin değişmesi Sosyal yapıyı da değiştirmektedir. Bu nedenle ortaya çıkan yeni sisteme yeni ekososyal sistem adı verilmektedir. Yeni ekososyal sistem dijitalleşme sonucu ortaya çıkan, yeni iletişim, iş, ticaret ve yaşam biçimlerini kapsayan ve sürekli yenilenen ekonomik ve sosyal sistemdir. Dijital ekonominin temel yıkıcı teknolojisi internettir. Ayrıca blockchain, nesnelerin İnterneti, 3D yazıcılar, yapay zekâ, makine öğrenmesi, kuantum bilgisayarlar başlıca yıkıcı teknolojiler olarak öne çıkmaktadır. İnsana ihtiyacın azalması sırasıyla verimlilik artışı, işsizlik, talep belirsizliğine sebep olmaktadır. Bu dijital ekonominin en önemli çıkmazıdır. Bu çalışmada dijital ekonomi ile ilgili olumlu ve olumsuz görüşler ele alınmış. Gelecek bilimcilerin görüşlerine yer verilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    From Artificial Intelligence To Artificial Consciousness: Possible Legal Bases For The Human-Robot Relatıonships In The Future.
    (2019) Oleksiewicz, Izabela; Civelek, Mustafa Emre
    In the future, robots will increasingly resemble human beings and people will engage in social interaction with them. Accordingly, this paper aims to pave the way for analyse the research problem in the case of social robots, the probable legal status of artificial intelligence in the future. The article will discuss the differences between artificial intelligence versus artificial consciousness because AI poses societal challenges so it is currently undergoing a number of important developments and the law must be rapidly changed in society so that firstly, the difference between artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness is attempted to be demystified. Subsequently, the analysis will be subjected to a current legal status of Artificial Intelligence in EU with particular emphasis on case-law in matters of intellectual property. Also possible future scenarios will be discussed in this article The starting point of the research were source queries and literature studies aimed at jointly defining competence profiles of robot-human and key from the point of view of cybersecurity challenges 4.0. Next, the most important legal and political EU programming documents were analysed and assessed in terms of their vision of society 4.0. Next, a decision-making method was used to see the impact of particular instruments applied by the union in the framework of the policy of cyberspace protection and the phenomenon of robot-human relations. In connection with this, the following basic questions arise: firstly, the direction in which contemporary policy of combating cyber-terrorism should be aimed at institutional and legal matters, and secondly, to what extent well-guided cyber-security policy is able to influence the security of relations robot-human?
  • Öğe
    A Brand-New Definition of Management under the Rule of Robots
    (Avrasya Bilimler Akademisi, 2019) Civelek, Mustafa Emre
    Do you want your fate to be determined by a person who moves with the feeling, probably makes irrational decisions or is self-interested; or by an artificial intelligence that will always give priority to the common interests of the stakeholders in their decisions? The artificial intelligence applications developed to manifest human-like behaviours are expected to reach above the human level. It is only a matter of time. Therefore, the definition of management will eventually evolve. This paper discusses and suggests the elements that are required to be included in the new definition of management. Since the definition of future management is a challenging and disputed task, this paper aims to pave the way for a perfect definition of management that belongs to the age of artificial intelligence. As a result, in the perspective of evolution of human