Televizyon reklamlarındaki marka maskotların nöropazarlama yöntemlerinden galvanik deri iletkenliği ve yüz (ifade) kodlama analizi aracılığıyla incelenmesi

dc.contributor.authorDağlı, Özgül
dc.contributor.authorAkboz Uluç, Tuğba
dc.departmentİstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractYeni pazarlama paradigmaları, projektif analizler ve etnografi, netnografi, nöropazarlama ve diğer tüm yorumlayıcı yöntemler gibi pazarlama iletişimi araştırma araçları, diğer geleneksel araştırma yöntemleriyle ulaşılamayan, tüketicilerin zihinlerinin derinliklerine ulaşmak için kullanılır ve bireyin satın alma davranışında açık olmayan tepkilerini de sıklıkla betimleyebilmektedir. Reklam sektörü de diğer pazarlama iletişimi araçlarında olduğu gibi, bu yeniliklere kayıtsız kalmayıp nöropazarlama ölçümleme yöntemlerine başvurmaktadır. Tüm bu sayılan nedenlerden kaynaklı olarak bu araştırmada, televizyon reklamlarında görsel unsur olarak karşımıza çıkan marka maskotların tüketicide oluşturduğu duygu durumları nöropazarlama araştırma yöntemleri ile ölçümlenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Nöropazarlama araştırma yöntemlerinden “Galvanik Deri İletkenliği” ve “Yüz İfade Kodlama Analizi” ölçümleme teknikleri aracılığıyla televizyon reklamlarındaki marka maskotlara yönelik tüketicide gerçekleşen duygu durumlarının ölçümlenmesi ve buna ek olarak yüz yüze görüşmede yöneltilen sorular ile katılımcıların satın alma davranışı yönelimleri ilgili bilgi sağlamaktır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular bu bağlamda; televizyon reklamı ve marka maskotların reklamlardaki kullanımına ilişkin olarak duygu durum verilerini elde ederek derlemektedir ve söz konusu çalışmanın alanda gerçekleştirilecek diğer çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.en_US
dc.description.abstractExtended Abstract: When we look briefly at the historical development of the contents of the advertising texts and visual elements, we can easily see that the first advertisements used the words and words intensely, addressing the logic completely, emphasizing the physical connections of the product. When it comes to today, it is striking that the understanding of advertising has changed and the use of visual designs and brand mascots has become widespread. Neuromarketing draws attention as an area that starts a new era in the analysis and evaluation of these presentations. Neuromarketing has made a new contribution to advertising by filling the gaps of traditional marketing. According to Pop and Lorga (2012); traditional research methods can identify visible stimuli in consumer purchasing behavior, but neuromarketing research is now approaching the invisible side of the consumer. To be able to promote an effective product to the target audience, to touch their emotions, to increase brand awareness and motivation by Combining neuroscience and marketing in the common field has created the experimental marketing field, neuromarketing. Neuromarketing questions what the target audience takes into account when making their purchasing behavior decision and how the decision-making processes work. It should not be forgotten that consumers do not buy products only by looking at their concrete characteristics such as being expensive or cheap. Moreover, the brain does not always make rational decisions. Sometimes, instead of the low-priced product, it can choose the more expensive one. When making this choice, irrational decisions affect the brain. The concept of neuromarketing deals with this part. In summary, neuromarketing tries to reach the purchasing behavior of the target audience, the underlying reasons for these behaviors, and makes measurements using various techniques in the field of marketing. Considering that today, consumers behave more consciously and that there is an intense competitive environment for businesses, they have to develop different strategies; The importance of neuromarketing is revealed (Demirtürk & Yücel, 2017). Neuromarketing, together with the understanding of marketing 4.0, supports the consumer-centered understanding and emphasizes the importance of emotions. According to neuromarketing researchers; The relationship between our brain and our purchasing decisions is completely different from traditional models. According to this understanding, the new brain thinks, the midbrain feels, and the old brain makes decisions (Renvoise & Morin, 2010, p.5). In summary, it can be said that emotional reactions come into play very quickly in the purchase decision. In neuromarketing researches, issues such as attention, product loyalty, and memorability are also measured in order to understand consumer behavior. For example, when the consumer looks at the product packaging, he can observe which feature of the packaging he pays attention to, how he experiences emotional changes while examining this packaging, and the part of the packaging that remains in mind. In this context, companies will use visuals created in the minds of consumers for effective packaging designs (Ceylan & Ceylan 2015). In neuromarketing studies, technical devices mostly used in medicine are used and the data obtained from these devices are blended with marketing field experts. Studies on neuromarketing research include studies in which physical responses of participant groups are measured under laboratory conditions. In these studies; With techniques such as Galvanic Skin Conductivity (GSR), Facial Coding, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Electroencephalography (EEG), and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), it is observed what reactions the consumer gives to creative items by following the brain functions (Salman & Perker, 2016, p.13). The aim of this study is to measure the effect of brand mascots on driving thinking through Galvanic skin conductivity and face coding analysis methods, which aim to accurately reveal the emotional reactions of consumers and the orientation patterns of these reactions among neuromarketing methods. Mascots are important advertising elements that include personal characteristics. By creating an emotional bond with the target audience, it can contribute to the recognition of the brand and thus the preference of the brand's products/ services (Özcan, 2014, p.55). Brand mascots are an ad format frequently used in marketing literature. It is aimed to establish an emotional connection between the consumer and the brand mascot. The purpose of this bond established with the brand mascot is to encourage the consumer to buy behavior. The research examines the emotional bond established by mascot characters and their orientation towards the purchasing tendency of the target audience. In the research, five pieces with mascot character in their content were selected by random sampling for advertising purposes. The research was carried out with 30 participants in accordance with the experimental research methods. Galvanic skin conductivity, which is included in the biometric measurement class, which is one of the neuromarketing research techniques, and the facial expression coding method were carried out in the laboratory. In addition to neuromarketing methods, the research was supported with face-to-face interview questions from qualitative research methods. First of all, in the laboratory environment, in order to measure the emotional responses of the participants, the facial expression recognition algorithm collected data via the high-resolution camera on the Affectiva Affdex monitor, and galvanic skin conductivity was measured with the Shimmer device. In the second stage; The purchasing intentions of the participants were questioned for the said advertisement and a qualitative analysis was performed. The data collection process of the research covers a period of four months. This 4-month process includes the evaluations made in terms of suitability and ethics for the research participants, the applications made in the laboratory environment with 30 participants and the process of interpreting the findings.en_US
dc.publisherİstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.ispartofIntermedia Uluslararası Hakemli İletişim Bilimleri E-Dergisien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarıen_US
dc.subjectTelevizyon Reklamlarıen_US
dc.subjectMarka Maskotlarıen_US
dc.subjectGalvanik Deri İletkenliğien_US
dc.subjectYüz İfade Kodlama Analizien_US
dc.subjectTV Advertisingen_US
dc.subjectBrand Mascotsen_US
dc.subjectGalvanic Skin Responseen_US
dc.subjectFacial Coding Analysisen_US
dc.titleTelevizyon reklamlarındaki marka maskotların nöropazarlama yöntemlerinden galvanik deri iletkenliği ve yüz (ifade) kodlama analizi aracılığıyla incelenmesien_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalyzing Brand Mascots In TV Commercials Using Neuromarketing Galvanic Skin Response and Facial Coding Analysis Techniquesen_US


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