Covid 19 pandemisi’nde Türkiye’de turizm reklamlarında mesaj stratejileri: Türkiye’de güvenli turizm reklam kampanyasının göstergebilimsel analizi
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Istanbul Commerce University
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma kriz dönemlerinde, turizm reklamlarının mesaj stratejilerini anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Ulusal ve uluslararası krizler turistlerin belli bir destinasyona yönelik olumsuz imaj edinmelerine neden olabilmektedir. Covid 19 pandemisi özellikle turist hareketliliği bakımından bir turizm krizi yaratmıştır. Çünkü turistler, destinasyonlar hakkında ciddi bir güvenilirlik şüphesi içerisine girmişlerdir. Bu sebeple ülkeler bu olumsuz imajı önlemek için çeşitli stratejiler geliştirmektedir. Reklamlar özellikle kriz dönemlerinde, hızlı enformasyon sağlama bakımından en avantajlı iletişim araçlarındandır. Bu sebeple Covid19 pandemisi sonrası turizm destinasyonlarının yaşadığı kriz pek çok ülke tarafından uluslararası reklamlar yoluyla aşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Özellikle uluslararası seyahatlerin mümkün hale geldiği 2020 yazı, turizm destinasyonları açısından çok önemlidir. Bu dönemde Türkiye de Covid 19 döneminde yaşanan krizi aşmak için reklam kampanyalarından yoğun olarak yararlanmıştır. Bu sebeple 2020 yazında “Türkiye’de güvenli turizm” reklam kampanyası yayınlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada bu reklam kampanyasının 3 adet reklamı göstergebilimsel analiz yoluyla çözümlenmektedir. Bu kapsamda göstergebilimsel anlatıda kullanılan araçlar olan metaforlar, metonimler, mitler ve kapsayıcı işaretler çalışma kapsamında analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak reklamlarda, güvenli turizm destinasyonu mesajının verilmesinde metafor, metonim ve mitlerin yoğun olarak kullanıldığı görülmüştür. Kapsayıcı işaretler ise daha sınırlı olsa da reklamlarda kullanılmaktadır.
The purpose of this study is to analyze information transport strategies in tourism advertisements during the Covid-19 pandemic, which is seen as an important crisis period for tourism. The Covid-19 pandemic has become a crisis period for global tourism due to the global unsafety issues it has caused. For this reason, each country had to develop international strategies to give positive messages about their tourism destinations. Turkey, as an important international tourism destination, also had to develop important strategies in this period. An important part of these strategies is tourism advertisements. Because tourism advertisements can reach many people globally and have an impact on the preferences of tourists.Hence the aim of the study is to perform a semiotic analysis of the message strategies in the “safe tourism in Turkey” advertising campaign organized by Turkey during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, which aims to perform a semiotic analysis of the “safe tourism in Turkey” advertising campaign, an important advertising campaign organized by Turkey during the Covid-19 pandemic, the answers to the following two basic research questions are sought: 1- Which audio/visual signs are used for information transfer in tourism advertisements during the Covid-19 period? 2- To what extent are metaphors, metonyms, synecdoches, and myths used to give the information in the advertisements during the Covid-19 period? Tourists seek information before choosing touristic destinations. Because choosing a touristic destination primarily means purchasing a product. However, unlike marketing, tourists are also looking for an experience that is suitable for tourist needs, safe and will add meaning to their life.The tourist’s access to information that will cover all the mentioned features requires the use of communication tools. Tourism advertising is an important tool for transferring this information to tourists. Because the target destination can be visualized for tourists through tourism advertising. Thus, it is aimed to make a significant effect on the preferences of tourists. Perhaps one of the periods, when we need tourism advertising the most as an information transfer tool are the times of crisis. As in times of crisis, the existing images of touristic destinations are in danger of being tarnished. For this reason, rapid information transfer is very important in preserving or renewing the image of a destination for tourists. Tourism advertising is an important tool because this information transfer can be carried out directly and quickly. The Covid-19 pandemic has been an important global crisis for tourism. Various tourism advertising campaigns have been organized all over the world to diminish the negative effects of this crisis. An important example of these campaigns is the “Safe tourism in Turkey” advertising campaign, which aims to announce that people can have a safe holiday in Turkey during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, 3 commercials included in this campaign were analyzed semiotically. In this study, semiotic analysis was used. Because semiotic analysis is an important tool that can be used to read different communication products as a text. In this respect, semiotic analysis is important for advertising, which uses many elements such as sound and image together. While using semiotic analysis in the study, an analysis was performed in terms of metaphor, metonymy, myth, and synecdoche. In this context, 3 commercials shared under the title of “safe tourism in Turkey” advertising campaign on the Youtube Video portal were analyzed semiotically. As a result of the study, it was revealed that a significant amount of information was transferred in the analyzed advertisements to give the message to the tourists that Turkey is a safe place. The basic message given in the advertisements is that tourism is safe in Turkey. In this context, one of the basic semiotic elements used in the advertisements has been the intense use of metonyms. It has been observed that signs such as masks and safe tourism certificates are used as important metonyms in all advertisements. The tourists themselves were also sometimes used as metonymy elements. Another element used in all advertisements is myths. It was observed that historical architectural structures are used as important myths, especially in the promotion of tourism in Turkey. Another semiotic element used in advertisements is metaphors. Metaphors were used in two of the 3 advertisements analyzed. Various metaphors were used in the advertisements, such as a family or feeding the fish from the ferries. An underused semiotic element in advertisements is synecdoche. As a result, important strategies have been developed in advertisements for conveying information to tourists. It is important to conduct different studies on the messages conveyed through advertisements during the touristic crisis periods in Turkey for the improvement of knowledge on the subject.
The purpose of this study is to analyze information transport strategies in tourism advertisements during the Covid-19 pandemic, which is seen as an important crisis period for tourism. The Covid-19 pandemic has become a crisis period for global tourism due to the global unsafety issues it has caused. For this reason, each country had to develop international strategies to give positive messages about their tourism destinations. Turkey, as an important international tourism destination, also had to develop important strategies in this period. An important part of these strategies is tourism advertisements. Because tourism advertisements can reach many people globally and have an impact on the preferences of tourists.Hence the aim of the study is to perform a semiotic analysis of the message strategies in the “safe tourism in Turkey” advertising campaign organized by Turkey during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, which aims to perform a semiotic analysis of the “safe tourism in Turkey” advertising campaign, an important advertising campaign organized by Turkey during the Covid-19 pandemic, the answers to the following two basic research questions are sought: 1- Which audio/visual signs are used for information transfer in tourism advertisements during the Covid-19 period? 2- To what extent are metaphors, metonyms, synecdoches, and myths used to give the information in the advertisements during the Covid-19 period? Tourists seek information before choosing touristic destinations. Because choosing a touristic destination primarily means purchasing a product. However, unlike marketing, tourists are also looking for an experience that is suitable for tourist needs, safe and will add meaning to their life.The tourist’s access to information that will cover all the mentioned features requires the use of communication tools. Tourism advertising is an important tool for transferring this information to tourists. Because the target destination can be visualized for tourists through tourism advertising. Thus, it is aimed to make a significant effect on the preferences of tourists. Perhaps one of the periods, when we need tourism advertising the most as an information transfer tool are the times of crisis. As in times of crisis, the existing images of touristic destinations are in danger of being tarnished. For this reason, rapid information transfer is very important in preserving or renewing the image of a destination for tourists. Tourism advertising is an important tool because this information transfer can be carried out directly and quickly. The Covid-19 pandemic has been an important global crisis for tourism. Various tourism advertising campaigns have been organized all over the world to diminish the negative effects of this crisis. An important example of these campaigns is the “Safe tourism in Turkey” advertising campaign, which aims to announce that people can have a safe holiday in Turkey during the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, 3 commercials included in this campaign were analyzed semiotically. In this study, semiotic analysis was used. Because semiotic analysis is an important tool that can be used to read different communication products as a text. In this respect, semiotic analysis is important for advertising, which uses many elements such as sound and image together. While using semiotic analysis in the study, an analysis was performed in terms of metaphor, metonymy, myth, and synecdoche. In this context, 3 commercials shared under the title of “safe tourism in Turkey” advertising campaign on the Youtube Video portal were analyzed semiotically. As a result of the study, it was revealed that a significant amount of information was transferred in the analyzed advertisements to give the message to the tourists that Turkey is a safe place. The basic message given in the advertisements is that tourism is safe in Turkey. In this context, one of the basic semiotic elements used in the advertisements has been the intense use of metonyms. It has been observed that signs such as masks and safe tourism certificates are used as important metonyms in all advertisements. The tourists themselves were also sometimes used as metonymy elements. Another element used in all advertisements is myths. It was observed that historical architectural structures are used as important myths, especially in the promotion of tourism in Turkey. Another semiotic element used in advertisements is metaphors. Metaphors were used in two of the 3 advertisements analyzed. Various metaphors were used in the advertisements, such as a family or feeding the fish from the ferries. An underused semiotic element in advertisements is synecdoche. As a result, important strategies have been developed in advertisements for conveying information to tourists. It is important to conduct different studies on the messages conveyed through advertisements during the touristic crisis periods in Turkey for the improvement of knowledge on the subject.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turizm, Turizm Reklamları, Covid 19 Döneminde Reklam, Göstergebilim, Reklam Mesajları, Tourism, Tourism Advertisements, Advertisement in the Time of Covid 19, Semiotics, Advertising Messages
Intermedia International E-journal
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri