Haksız fiil nedeniyle meydana gelen maddi zarar ve çeşitleri
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İnsanların bir topluluk halinde yaşamaya başladığı zamanlardan bu yana insanlar arası etkileşim sürekli olarak artmış ve buna bağlı olarak haksız fiilden kaynaklanan maddi zararlar meydana gelmiştir. Meydana gelen bu maddi zararların ne şekilde belirleneceği tarihsel sürecin başından beri tartışma konusu olmuş ve günümüze dek bu konuda çeşitli çözüm önerileri sunulmuştur. İnsan nüfusunun ve etkileşimimin giderek arttığı günümüzde maddi zarar meydana getiren haksız fiiller de aynı oranda artmakta ve çeşitlenmektedir. Dolayısıyla maddi zarar kavramının her geçen gün önemi ve çeşitleri artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, haksız fiilden kaynaklanan maddi zarar kavramı ile türleri açıklanmış, bu konularda doktrinde ve uygulamada ileri sürülen fikirlere yer verilmiştir. Maddi zarar kavramı, haksız fiil sorumluluğunun kurucu unsuru olmasının yanında ileride hükmedilecek maddi tazminatın üst sınırı olması nedeniyle oldukça önemli bir kavramdır. Maddi zarar türleri de gerek nitelik farkları gerek ileride bu türlere uygulanacak kuralların farklılaşması nedeniyle üzerinde durulması gereken bir konudur. Bu nedenle çalışmada maddi zarar kavramı ile maddi zarar türleri karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir.
Ever since people started living as a community, interaction between people has increased steadily, and accordingly, material damages arising from tortious act have occurred. How to determine these material damages has been a matter of debate since the beginning of the historical process and various solutions have been proposed on this issue. Today, as human population and interaction are increasing, tortious acts that cause material damage also increase and diversify. Therefore, the importance and types of the concept of material damage are increasing day by day. In this study, the concept of material damage caused by tortious act and its types are explained, and the ideas put forward in the doctrine and practice on these issues are included. The concept of material damage is a very important, as it is the founding element of tortious action liability as well as the upper limit of material indemnity to be ruled in the future. The types of material damage are also an issue that needs to be addressed due to the differences in their qualities and the differences in the rules to be applied to these types in the future. For this reason, the concept of material damage and types of material damage are compared in this study.
Ever since people started living as a community, interaction between people has increased steadily, and accordingly, material damages arising from tortious act have occurred. How to determine these material damages has been a matter of debate since the beginning of the historical process and various solutions have been proposed on this issue. Today, as human population and interaction are increasing, tortious acts that cause material damage also increase and diversify. Therefore, the importance and types of the concept of material damage are increasing day by day. In this study, the concept of material damage caused by tortious act and its types are explained, and the ideas put forward in the doctrine and practice on these issues are included. The concept of material damage is a very important, as it is the founding element of tortious action liability as well as the upper limit of material indemnity to be ruled in the future. The types of material damage are also an issue that needs to be addressed due to the differences in their qualities and the differences in the rules to be applied to these types in the future. For this reason, the concept of material damage and types of material damage are compared in this study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Maddi zarar, Haksız Fiil, Maddi zarar türleri, Material damage, Tortious action, Types of material damage
Working Paper Series
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri