Tüketim karşıtı eğilimlerin sürdürülebilirlik iletişimi kapsamında değerlendirilmesi: Girişim örnekleri üzerine bir inceleme
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Tüketim, tüketici tarafından belirli bir ihtiyacın tatmin edilmesi için bir ürünü ya da hizmetisatın alma,sahiplenme, kullanma ya da yok etme olarak tanımlanan eylemdir. Ancak özellikle küreselleşme ve dijitalleşmenin de katkılarıyla, tüketimin her geçen gün yol açtığı sorunların artması sonucunda tüketim kültürüne direnç gösteren bir tüketici grubu ve tüketim karşıtlığı kavramı ortaya çıkmıştır. Kotler (2020) tüketim karşıtı bu eğilimleri beş gruba ayırmaktadır. Buna göre ilk grup sade tüketim grubudur, ikinci grup küçülmeyi seçen minimalizmi temsil eden grup üçüncü grup iklim aktivistleri, dördüncü grup vegan ve vejeteryan eğilimleri benimseyenler ve son grup ise doğal yaşamı seçenlerden oluşan gruptur. Tüketim karşıtlığı daha çok bireysel tüketicilerin tercihi olarak ele alınmaktadır. Ancak günümüzde sorumluluk üstlenen bazı işletmelerin tüketimi artırmak yerine sorumlu üretim ve tüketim ilkesini benimsemeye başladıkları görülmektedir. Çalışmada, Kotler’in tüketim karşıtı eğilimlerine örnek oluşturabilecek beş girişim seçilmiş ve incelenmiştir. Çalışmada yöntem olarak örnek olay kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, incelenen markaların dördünün (Martı dışında) doğrudan sürdürülebilirlik kaygısı ile kurulmuş olan markalar olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca incelenen girişimlerin paylaşım ekonomisi temeline oturdukları görülmektedir Örneklemde yer alan girişimlerin üreticiler ve tüketiciler arasında bir topluluk yaratma çabasında oldukları da tespit edilmiştir.
Consumption is the action defined by the consumer as buying, owning, using or destroying a product or service to satisfy a specific need. However, as a result of the increasing problems caused by consumption, especially with the contributions of globalization and digitalization, a consumer group that resists consumption culture and the concept of anti-consumption have emerged. Kotler (2020) divides these anti-consumption trends into five groups. Accordingly, the first group is the simple consumption group that goes to simplification as a lifestyle, the second group is the group representing minimalism, the third group is climate activists, the fourth group is those who adopt vegan and vegetarian tendencies, and the last group is the group consisting of those who choose natural life. Anti-consumption is handled more as the preference of individual consumers. However, today, it is seen that some enterprises that take responsibility have started to adopt the principle of responsible production and consumption instead of increasing consumption. In this study, five startups that can serve as examples of Kotler’s anti consumption groups were selected and examined. Case study was used as a method in the study. As a result, it was seen that four of the brands (except Martı) were established with directly sustainability concerns. In addition, it is seen that the examined startups are based on the sharing economy. It has also been determined that the sample stratups are trying to create a community between producers and consumers.
Consumption is the action defined by the consumer as buying, owning, using or destroying a product or service to satisfy a specific need. However, as a result of the increasing problems caused by consumption, especially with the contributions of globalization and digitalization, a consumer group that resists consumption culture and the concept of anti-consumption have emerged. Kotler (2020) divides these anti-consumption trends into five groups. Accordingly, the first group is the simple consumption group that goes to simplification as a lifestyle, the second group is the group representing minimalism, the third group is climate activists, the fourth group is those who adopt vegan and vegetarian tendencies, and the last group is the group consisting of those who choose natural life. Anti-consumption is handled more as the preference of individual consumers. However, today, it is seen that some enterprises that take responsibility have started to adopt the principle of responsible production and consumption instead of increasing consumption. In this study, five startups that can serve as examples of Kotler’s anti consumption groups were selected and examined. Case study was used as a method in the study. As a result, it was seen that four of the brands (except Martı) were established with directly sustainability concerns. In addition, it is seen that the examined startups are based on the sharing economy. It has also been determined that the sample stratups are trying to create a community between producers and consumers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tüketim Karşıtlığı, Sürdürülebilirlik, Marka, Anti- Consumption, Sustainability, Brand
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