Tabiatta biyotik zararlıya ekolojik müdahale sorumluluğu
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Tabii kaynakları kullanılması sırasında tabiata ekonomik kaygılarla yapılan teknik müdahaleler çoğu zaman ekosistemin canlı unsurlarına zarar vererek ekolojik dengeyi olumsuz etkileyebilmektedir. Halbuki, biyotik zararlılardan kaynaklanan problemleri yine biyotik-biyoteknik-ekolojik yöntemler, araçlar ve ajanlarla ekolojik yoldan çözmeye çalışmak gerekmektedir. Bu sebeple, tabiata ve canlı varlıklara yapılacak müdahalenin ekolojik karakterde ve tarzda olmasına, bu yönde yaklaşım ve konsept geliştirilmesine ve yine bu konsepte uygun yöntem ve tekniklerin ortaya konulmasına ihtiyaç vardır. Bu çalışmada, ormanların biyotik karakterdeki zarar unsurlarına karşı ekolojik tarzda müdahale etmenin gereği-önemi-yolları üzerinde, konu etikle de ilişkilendirmek suretiyle durulmakta, zararlılarla mücadele politikalarının belirlenmesinde dayanacağımız etik altyapı ile, karar vericiye düşen etik yükümlülüklere işaret edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada ayrıca biyotik zararlılarla mücadelede ortak zemini kurgulamak adına uygulama için önerdiğimiz kültürel tedbirler ve entegre mücadeleden, hiç mücadele edilmeyecek alanları belirlemeye kadar muhtelif alternatiflerin de mütalaa edilmesi gereğine dikkat çekilmektedir.
During use of natural resources, technical interventions with economic concerns often harm the ecosystem's living components and negatively affect ecological balance. It is necessary to try to solve the problems caused by biotic pests with biotic-biotechnological-ecological methods, tools and agents. There is a need to develop new approaches, concepts and methods in order to intervention to nature and living beings which are ecological character and style. We focuses on importance of ecological intervention in pests and biotic character disturbances by pointing to the ethical obligations of foundations and decision makers that we will endure to combat harmful organisms. Although our belief was that the human being does not have the right to absolute use of nature in order to construct the common ground of controlling biotic pests, we have evaluated various alternatives such as cultural control techniques and integrated pest management as well as non-intervened areas in forests.
During use of natural resources, technical interventions with economic concerns often harm the ecosystem's living components and negatively affect ecological balance. It is necessary to try to solve the problems caused by biotic pests with biotic-biotechnological-ecological methods, tools and agents. There is a need to develop new approaches, concepts and methods in order to intervention to nature and living beings which are ecological character and style. We focuses on importance of ecological intervention in pests and biotic character disturbances by pointing to the ethical obligations of foundations and decision makers that we will endure to combat harmful organisms. Although our belief was that the human being does not have the right to absolute use of nature in order to construct the common ground of controlling biotic pests, we have evaluated various alternatives such as cultural control techniques and integrated pest management as well as non-intervened areas in forests.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ekosistem, biyotik zararlı, zararlılarla savaş, ekolojik müdahale, çevre etiği, Ecosystems, biotic hazard, harmful organisms, ecological intervention, environmental ethics
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