Sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında inovatif yaklaşımlar ve modüler giyim tasarımı
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Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giyim, insan ya?amının büyük bir bölümünü kapsayan ve günümüz moda sisteminin yönlendirdiği en geni? endüstrilerden biri olma niteliğine sahiptir. Teknolojinin geli?mesi veinovatif (yenilikçi) yakla?ımların ya?antımızda daha fazla yer alması, kaçınılmaz olarak giyim ve tekstil ürünlerinde de kendini göstermektedir. Biomühendislik katkılarıyla hazırlanmı? lifler, 3D teknolojisi ve geri dönü?türülebilir malzemelerin kullanımı gibi yenilikçi yakla?ımlarla, giyim tasarımına materyal olarak yön veren birçok çalı?ma gerçekle?tirilmektedir. Bu yenilikçi yakla?ımlarda teknolojinin ve yapay malzemelerin kullanımındaki artı?, aynı zamanda “doğal olana” yönelimi de etkilemektedir. Giyim endüstrisi ve moda kavramları birbiri ile ili?kili olduklarından,ilgili çalı?mada tasarım giysilerin, hızlı modaya dâhil edilmesi ve tüketici talebinin artı?ı sonucu üreticilerin kâr amacının yükseldiği günümüzde, “sürdürülebilirlik” kavramı ile “giyim modası” arasındaki ili?ki incelenmi?tir. Tüketimin inovasyona etkileri ele alınırken, Fletcher?ın sürdürülebilirlik üzerineolan çalı?maları kaynak olarak değerlendirilmi?tir. Fletcher?ın çalı?malarına ek olarak, Rahman O. ve Gong M.?nin Çin?deki profesyoneller ve tüketicilerle yapmı? oldukları modüler ve deği?tirilebilir tasarıma yönelik makale çalı?maları baz alınarak,bu çalı?ma dahilinde “Giyim Modasında Tüketim ve Sürdürülebilirlik” ba?lığı altında interaktif bir anket çalı?ması hazırlanmı?tır. Bu anket ile tüketicilerin giyim ürünü alırken çevre ve insan sağlığı hakkındaki bilinçleri ve modüler tasarıma yönelik bakı? açıları, internet üzerinden alınan istatiksel verilerle desteklenmi?tir. Çalı?mada, inovatif tekstil materyalleri bağlamında, yenilikçi lif ve boya gibi materyaller, malzemeler üreten, endüstrinin önde gelen tasarımcı ve firmaları kendi kaynakları doğrultusunda irdelenmi? (web sitesi, vb.); teknolojinin inovasyon açısından sağladığı olumlu ve olumsuz yönler çe?itli makale ve akademik yayınlardan ara?tırılmı?tır. Teknolojik ve doğal malzeme ili?kisi üzerinden, yenilikçitekstil materyallerinin modüler tasarım yakla?ımına uyarlanabilirliği irdelenmi?tir. Sürdürülebilir inovatif yakla?ımlar ve modüler giyim tasarımı ili?kisi, bir tasarım stratejisi olarak ele alınmı?, sağlık ve çevre bilincine katkı sunmak amaçlanmı?tır.
Clothing is one of the largest industries that cover most of human life and is driven by today's fashion system. The development of technology, and the fact that innovative approaches take more place in our lives from day to day inevitably manifest themselves in clothing and textile products. Technology has many contributions in clothing and textiles, with innovative approaches such as fibers prepared with bioengineering contributions, 3D technology and the use of recyclable materials, thus many studies and researches have been ongoing on this subject that directing clothing design in terms of materials. In these innovative approaches, the increase in the use of technology and artificial materials also affects the orientation towards the “natural”. As the clothing industry and fashion concepts are interrelated, the relationship between “sustainability” and “fashion of clothing design” are dealt in this context, with while the profit purpose of the manufacturers increases as a result of the inclusion of designer clothes in fast fashion, thus the increases in customers? demands. Nevertheless, discussing the effects of consumption on innovation, Fletcher?s studies on sustainability were evaluated as a resource. In addition, an interactive survey study under the heading “Fashion Consumption and Sustainability” was prepared by examining the modular and modifiable design article and studies of Rahman O. and Gong M. with professionals and consumers in China. With this questionnaire, consumers' awareness of the environment and human health and their perspectives towards modular design were supported by statistical data received over the internet while buying clothing. In this study, the industry?s leading designers and companies that produce innovative materials such as fibers, and garment dye were examined in line with their own recources (websites, etc.) regarding innovative textile materials. Also, the positive and negative aspects of technology in the clothing and textile industry in terms of innovation were investigated from various articles and academic publications. The adaptability of innovative textile materials to the modular design approach was examined through the relationship between technological and natural materials. The relationship between sustainable innovative approaches and modular design was considered as a design strategy, and it was aimed to contribute to health and environmental awareness.
Clothing is one of the largest industries that cover most of human life and is driven by today's fashion system. The development of technology, and the fact that innovative approaches take more place in our lives from day to day inevitably manifest themselves in clothing and textile products. Technology has many contributions in clothing and textiles, with innovative approaches such as fibers prepared with bioengineering contributions, 3D technology and the use of recyclable materials, thus many studies and researches have been ongoing on this subject that directing clothing design in terms of materials. In these innovative approaches, the increase in the use of technology and artificial materials also affects the orientation towards the “natural”. As the clothing industry and fashion concepts are interrelated, the relationship between “sustainability” and “fashion of clothing design” are dealt in this context, with while the profit purpose of the manufacturers increases as a result of the inclusion of designer clothes in fast fashion, thus the increases in customers? demands. Nevertheless, discussing the effects of consumption on innovation, Fletcher?s studies on sustainability were evaluated as a resource. In addition, an interactive survey study under the heading “Fashion Consumption and Sustainability” was prepared by examining the modular and modifiable design article and studies of Rahman O. and Gong M. with professionals and consumers in China. With this questionnaire, consumers' awareness of the environment and human health and their perspectives towards modular design were supported by statistical data received over the internet while buying clothing. In this study, the industry?s leading designers and companies that produce innovative materials such as fibers, and garment dye were examined in line with their own recources (websites, etc.) regarding innovative textile materials. Also, the positive and negative aspects of technology in the clothing and textile industry in terms of innovation were investigated from various articles and academic publications. The adaptability of innovative textile materials to the modular design approach was examined through the relationship between technological and natural materials. The relationship between sustainable innovative approaches and modular design was considered as a design strategy, and it was aimed to contribute to health and environmental awareness.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sürdürülebilirlik, Geri Dönüşüm,, Yenilenebilirlik, Materyal, Sıfır Atık, Modüler Tasarım, Giyim Endüstrisi, Moda, Sustainability, Recycling, Renewable, Material, Zero Waste, Modular Design, Apparel Industry, Fashion
Yıldız Journal of Art and Design
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri