Covid-19’un gölgesinde dijital pazarlama ve yeni yaklaşımlar
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Dijitalleşen dünyanın insan yaşamında meydana getirdiği köklü değişimler, pazarlama alanında yeni yaklaşımların doğmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. Dijital çağa ayak uydurmak için bir yandan mental efor sarf edilirken, öte yandan dijital çağın kazanımlarından en iyi şekilde yararlanmanın yolları aranmaktadır. Covid-19 pandemisi gibi tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan global faktörler, söz konusu değişim sürecini hızlandırarak insanoğlunun üretim, tüketim, alışveriş gibi günlük yaşam alışkanlıklarının farklılaşmasını tetiklemektedir. İnsanoğlu için bir çeşit oryantasyon sürecine dönüşen mevcut konjonktürle birlikte, pazarlamaya dâir sadece klasik alışkanlıkların değil modern Kabul edilen teori, model ve uygulamaların da önemli ölçüde revizyona uğrayacağı değerlendirilmektedir. Böyle bir tabloda en başarılı pazarlamayı ortaya koyabilmek için dijital çağla en barışık ama insan psikolojisini de en iyi anlayan atılımları gerçekleştirmenin ne denli kritik bir öneme sahip olduğu tartışmasızdır. Bu sebeple firmaların temel felsefelerinde, kurumsal kültürlerinde ve yönetsel politikalarında marjinal değişimlere her an açık tutum sergilemeleri gereklilikten öte mecburi bir hâl almıştır. Bu çalışmada, Covid-19 pandemisi gibi güncel dinamikler dikkate alınarak pazarlama alanındaki yeni yaklaşımlara mercek tutulacaktır. Özellikle pandemi ile birlikte zorlaşan koşulların, dijital çağın sunduğu imkânlar sayesinde nasıl avantaja çevrilebileceği somut örneklerle açıklanarak yeni nesil girişimcilerin ufkunun açılmasına katkı sağlanacaktır.
The radical changes caused by digitalization have necessitated introduction of new approaches to marketing strategies. While brands strive to adapt to the digital revolution, they also aspire to take advantage of the possibilities presented by the digital age. Global factors that affect the whole world, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, accelerate the process of change and trigger changes in daily practices of human beings such as production, consumption and shopping. It is evaluated that not only the classical habits but also the modern theory, model and practices will undergo significant revision, along with the current conjuncture which resembles to a kind of orientation process for consumers beings. In such a case, it is undisputable how critical it is to make the breakthroughs that are most compatible with the digital age, but also understand the human psychology in order to reveal a successful marketing. For this reason, it has become obligatory for companies to be open to marginal changes in their basic philosophies, corporate culture and managerial policies at all times. In this study, considering the current dynamics such as the Covid-19 pandemic, new approaches based digital in the field of marketing will be researched. In this paper, it will be explained with concrete examples how a seemingly disadvantageous situation can be turned into an advantage in these pandemic times by looking at the utilization of the opportunities presented by the digital age. In this way, contribution will be made to the development of new generation entrepreneurs.
The radical changes caused by digitalization have necessitated introduction of new approaches to marketing strategies. While brands strive to adapt to the digital revolution, they also aspire to take advantage of the possibilities presented by the digital age. Global factors that affect the whole world, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, accelerate the process of change and trigger changes in daily practices of human beings such as production, consumption and shopping. It is evaluated that not only the classical habits but also the modern theory, model and practices will undergo significant revision, along with the current conjuncture which resembles to a kind of orientation process for consumers beings. In such a case, it is undisputable how critical it is to make the breakthroughs that are most compatible with the digital age, but also understand the human psychology in order to reveal a successful marketing. For this reason, it has become obligatory for companies to be open to marginal changes in their basic philosophies, corporate culture and managerial policies at all times. In this study, considering the current dynamics such as the Covid-19 pandemic, new approaches based digital in the field of marketing will be researched. In this paper, it will be explained with concrete examples how a seemingly disadvantageous situation can be turned into an advantage in these pandemic times by looking at the utilization of the opportunities presented by the digital age. In this way, contribution will be made to the development of new generation entrepreneurs.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pazarlama, Dijitalleşme, Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Covid-19, Marketing, Digitalization, New Approaches, Covid-19
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