Dijital pazarlama süreçlerine kurum çalışanlarının katılımı: Trendyol tech podcast serisi üzerine bir değerlendirme
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Dijital pazarlama hem üreten hem de tüketenlerin karşılıklı fayda elde ettiği, geleneksel yöntemlere nazaran daha esnek, hızlı, detaycı ve en önemlisi bilgi toplumunun gerekliliklerine cevap verebilen bir pazarlama anlayışı olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Dijital pazarlama her gün güçlenerek çoğalan, farklı algı ve anlayışlara, tercihlere ve yönelimlere cevap verebilen yöntemler geliştirmeye, uygulamalar tasarlamaya ve büyük verinin kullanımına olanak sağlamaya devam etmektedir. Bu nedenle kurumlar dijital pazarlama yöntemlerinden daha çok faydalanmaya ve pazarlama stratejilerinde bu yöntemlere daha çok yer vermeye başlamıştır. Son zamanlarda bireylerin ilgisini cezbeden podcast yayınları ise pazarlama faaliyetleri içerisinde popüler bir mecra olmaya başlamış, öyle ki literatüre “podcast pazarlama” kavramı ile giriş yapmayı başarmıştır. Yapılan incelemeler sonucu bu başarının sebepleri arasında kurum çalışanlarının sürece katılımının önemli bir kriter olduğu düşünülmüş ve bu düşünceden haraketle; yeni sayılabilecek bir dijital mecrada kurum çalışanlarının dijital pazarlama süreçlerindeki katılımının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada “Trendyol Tech Podcasts” serisi inceleme sahası olarak seçilmiştir. Bu kapsamda içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak iletişim arşiv kayıtlarından elde edilen veriler, Cangialosi vd.’nin (2008) işletmelerde podcasting kullanım alanları olarak belirlediği ‘içsel iletişim’, ‘markalama, pazarlama ve reklam’, ‘eğitim ve sosyal hizmetler’, ‘halkla ilişkiler ’ve ‘işletmeden işletmeye, işletmeden tüketiciye’ kategorilerine göre yorumlanmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde kurum çalışanlarının dijital pazarlama faaliyetlerinde yer almasının hem kurum içi hem de kurum dışı paydaşlarla olan ilişki ve iletişime katma değer kazandırdığı görülmüştür.
Digital marketing emerges as a marketing approach where both producers and consumers gain mutual benefit, more flexible, faster, more detailed than traditional methods, and most importantly, that can respond to the requirements of the information society. Digital marketing continues to develop methods that grow stronger every day, respond to different perceptions and understandings, preferences and orientations, design applications and enable the maximum use of big data. For this reason, institutions have started to benefit more from digital marketing methods and include these methods more in their marketing strategies. Podcasts, which have recently attracted the attention of individuals, have started to become a popular medium within marketing activities, so much so that they have managed to enter the literature with the concept of “podcast marketing”. As a result of the examinations, it was thought that the participation of the employees of the institution was an important criterion among the reasons for this success. It is aimed to evaluate the participation of corporate employees in digital marketing processes in a digital medium that can be considered new. In the study, the “Trendyol Tech Podcasts” series was chosen as the field of study. In this context, using content analysis method, the data obtained from communication archive records were interpreted according to the categories of ‘internal communication’, ‘branding, marketing and advertising’, ‘education and social services’, ‘public relations’ and ‘business-to-business, business-to-consumer’, which Cangialosi et al. (2008) identified as areas of podcasting use in businesses. When the findings obtained from the study were evaluated, it was seen that the participation of the employees of the institution in digital marketing activities added value to the relationship and communication with both internal and external stakeholders.
Digital marketing emerges as a marketing approach where both producers and consumers gain mutual benefit, more flexible, faster, more detailed than traditional methods, and most importantly, that can respond to the requirements of the information society. Digital marketing continues to develop methods that grow stronger every day, respond to different perceptions and understandings, preferences and orientations, design applications and enable the maximum use of big data. For this reason, institutions have started to benefit more from digital marketing methods and include these methods more in their marketing strategies. Podcasts, which have recently attracted the attention of individuals, have started to become a popular medium within marketing activities, so much so that they have managed to enter the literature with the concept of “podcast marketing”. As a result of the examinations, it was thought that the participation of the employees of the institution was an important criterion among the reasons for this success. It is aimed to evaluate the participation of corporate employees in digital marketing processes in a digital medium that can be considered new. In the study, the “Trendyol Tech Podcasts” series was chosen as the field of study. In this context, using content analysis method, the data obtained from communication archive records were interpreted according to the categories of ‘internal communication’, ‘branding, marketing and advertising’, ‘education and social services’, ‘public relations’ and ‘business-to-business, business-to-consumer’, which Cangialosi et al. (2008) identified as areas of podcasting use in businesses. When the findings obtained from the study were evaluated, it was seen that the participation of the employees of the institution in digital marketing activities added value to the relationship and communication with both internal and external stakeholders.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dijital Pazarlama, Podcast Pazarlama, Kurum Çalışanları, Digital Marketing, Podcast Marketing, Corporate Employees
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