Baudrillard ve basın: Fraktal yaşamda gösterinin yeniden-üretimi
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İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
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Baudrillard'ın simülasyon kuramı her ne kadar kapitalist topluma dair bütünlüklü bir açıklamayı ele alsa da simülasyonun yeniden üreticisi olarak medyayı merkeze alması oldukça önemlidir. Bu bağlamda Baudrillard'ın kapitalizme, kitleye, medyaya bakışına yaslanarak yapılan bu çalışma Baudrillard'ın basına bakışını konu edinmektedir. Betimleyici yöntemin kullanıldığı çalışmada Baudrillard'ın kitaplarından yola çıkılarak haberi ve gazeteciliği nasıl yorumladığı, işlevsel açıdan toplumsal yapı içerisinde nasıl gördüğünün ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada ilk olarak Baudrillard'ın oldukça önem verdiği "tüketim" olgusu ve bunun kapitalist toplumdaki izlekleri üzerinde durulmuş, fraktal kavramı üzerinden medyaya dair düşüncelerine yer verilmiş ve sonrasında simülatif imgesellik başta olmak üzere yeniden-üretim aracı olarak basına ilişkin değerlendirmeleri paylaşılmıştır. Çalışmanın en önemli bulgusu, Baudrillard'ın kapitalist sistemi bir bütün olarak görmesi ve basını da bu kapsamda post-gerçek bir kapsamda değerlendirmesidir. Kapitalist sistem içerisinde haber, skandal gerçeklikleri deşifre ettiği ölçüde sisteme inancı arttıran bir niteliğe sahiptir. Çünkü kitleler skandalın haberler aracılığıyla su yüzüne çıkması sayesinde toplumdaki sorunların hallolduğunu düşünmektedir. Oysaki Baudrillard'a göre, tüm skandalların kaynağı kapitalist sistemdir ve haber yalnızca bütünsel (kapitalist) sorunun bir parçasını kitlelere aktarmaktadır. Dolayısıyla haber, sisteme olan edilgen katılımın yeniden üreticisidir
Extended Abstract: Media and more specifically the press constitute one of the important elements that appear in Baudrillard's reading of capitalist society / system. " An infinite interweaving that he describes as "fractal" and the system in which the part represents the whole and the whole represents the part, has a dynamism based on isolation and reproduces and reproduces things from consumption to politics, from daily life to news. Re-production, on the other hand, has a characteristic that nothing new has been introduced and aims to preserve the existing structure. Re-production reveals this feature through images that do not refer to any reality in a semiotic sense. Therefore, the virtuality in the functioning of this order, which Baudrillard called "simulacra", is a comprehension that has spread to the whole area of life and has been targeted to life / reality and has been "successful" to a great extent. The biggest producer of images with advertisements, fashion, music and news is the media. In other words, in Baudrillard's theory, media has an important function that reproduces images and ensures that images remain "valuable" and "on the agenda" in a simulative context. The focus of this study is to reveal what the press corresponds to in the imaginary sense in Baudrillard's theory and what function the news has. The descriptive method was used in the study and press, journalism and news facts were discussed and explained within the framework of Baudrillard's views / texts. The importance of the study is that, to my knowledge, it is the first study in the Turkish literature focusing on Baudrillard's views on the press. In the first part of the study, Baudrillard's view of mass culture and consumption is emphasized, in the second part the conceptualization of "fractal" and its relation with the media is tried to be revealed, and in the third and last part, how Baudrillard interprets the news and journalism in the framework of simulation. According to Baudrillard, the creation of the news simulation is based on his three conceptualizations. These are "fame, image and rings of culture". The phenomena of image and reputation inherited from advertising are reflected in journalists, namely opinion leaders, that the public trusts and values their opinions. What journalists reputed as opinion leaders re-reproduce is that they report the event and put it into context, just like an artist. Because, according to Baudrillard, there are only events in mass communication; It is the communication of the event that creates meaning. An important indicator of this is that no events and facts that are not reported by journalists are ignored by the mass. Therefore, it is the journalists who create the image of the perception of the news that make a political or daily event so "valuable" as news. In a sense, this is not only news, but also the essence of the gaze that emerges in Baudrillard's much broader theoretical approach: If the events and situations were not reproduced by journalists through the medium, the events and situations would be alone. In other words, it seems possible to evaluate it as news = mass. Consequently, it is the news that makes something important in Baudrillard's view. For example, we learn from the news that when there is a war, it is a "war" and how the war that is taking place should be imagined. All this self-targeting semiotic simulation, on the other hand, is permeated from political preferences to consumption habits, from the production of consumption behavior to practices in daily life, and reproduces itself fractally. Evaluating the scandals in the history of the press as "journalism successes" in this context, Baudrillard points out that the great news of corruption in the political field has a post-truth quality and emphasizes that the real scandal lies in the reproduction of the simulacrum. What appears to be a "journalistic feat" in sight, in fact, covers up the capitalist "scandal" that has spread to all of life and we live in all the time. Countries / masses experience a shock with the scandalous news, and the message is given that there is no scandal anymore, that everything is in order as the scandalous news deciphered the scandal. People think that "immoral politicians" are pushed out of the system, and everyone else gets a more moral outlook directly in the political sense. The published news both ensures the continuity of the system and renews the trust of the masses in the system. The scandalous news is the disclosure of only one of the parts in the fractal structure of the capitalist system. The success of the news is that it "got everyone to believe it was a scandal". In this way, the attention drawn from the whole to the part is reduced to an image in which all the problems of the system are symbolized in the scandal and that can be overcome / survived by castration of the scandal. This also constitutes the essence of Baudrillard's view of journalism as a "successful profession" within the system.
Extended Abstract: Media and more specifically the press constitute one of the important elements that appear in Baudrillard's reading of capitalist society / system. " An infinite interweaving that he describes as "fractal" and the system in which the part represents the whole and the whole represents the part, has a dynamism based on isolation and reproduces and reproduces things from consumption to politics, from daily life to news. Re-production, on the other hand, has a characteristic that nothing new has been introduced and aims to preserve the existing structure. Re-production reveals this feature through images that do not refer to any reality in a semiotic sense. Therefore, the virtuality in the functioning of this order, which Baudrillard called "simulacra", is a comprehension that has spread to the whole area of life and has been targeted to life / reality and has been "successful" to a great extent. The biggest producer of images with advertisements, fashion, music and news is the media. In other words, in Baudrillard's theory, media has an important function that reproduces images and ensures that images remain "valuable" and "on the agenda" in a simulative context. The focus of this study is to reveal what the press corresponds to in the imaginary sense in Baudrillard's theory and what function the news has. The descriptive method was used in the study and press, journalism and news facts were discussed and explained within the framework of Baudrillard's views / texts. The importance of the study is that, to my knowledge, it is the first study in the Turkish literature focusing on Baudrillard's views on the press. In the first part of the study, Baudrillard's view of mass culture and consumption is emphasized, in the second part the conceptualization of "fractal" and its relation with the media is tried to be revealed, and in the third and last part, how Baudrillard interprets the news and journalism in the framework of simulation. According to Baudrillard, the creation of the news simulation is based on his three conceptualizations. These are "fame, image and rings of culture". The phenomena of image and reputation inherited from advertising are reflected in journalists, namely opinion leaders, that the public trusts and values their opinions. What journalists reputed as opinion leaders re-reproduce is that they report the event and put it into context, just like an artist. Because, according to Baudrillard, there are only events in mass communication; It is the communication of the event that creates meaning. An important indicator of this is that no events and facts that are not reported by journalists are ignored by the mass. Therefore, it is the journalists who create the image of the perception of the news that make a political or daily event so "valuable" as news. In a sense, this is not only news, but also the essence of the gaze that emerges in Baudrillard's much broader theoretical approach: If the events and situations were not reproduced by journalists through the medium, the events and situations would be alone. In other words, it seems possible to evaluate it as news = mass. Consequently, it is the news that makes something important in Baudrillard's view. For example, we learn from the news that when there is a war, it is a "war" and how the war that is taking place should be imagined. All this self-targeting semiotic simulation, on the other hand, is permeated from political preferences to consumption habits, from the production of consumption behavior to practices in daily life, and reproduces itself fractally. Evaluating the scandals in the history of the press as "journalism successes" in this context, Baudrillard points out that the great news of corruption in the political field has a post-truth quality and emphasizes that the real scandal lies in the reproduction of the simulacrum. What appears to be a "journalistic feat" in sight, in fact, covers up the capitalist "scandal" that has spread to all of life and we live in all the time. Countries / masses experience a shock with the scandalous news, and the message is given that there is no scandal anymore, that everything is in order as the scandalous news deciphered the scandal. People think that "immoral politicians" are pushed out of the system, and everyone else gets a more moral outlook directly in the political sense. The published news both ensures the continuity of the system and renews the trust of the masses in the system. The scandalous news is the disclosure of only one of the parts in the fractal structure of the capitalist system. The success of the news is that it "got everyone to believe it was a scandal". In this way, the attention drawn from the whole to the part is reduced to an image in which all the problems of the system are symbolized in the scandal and that can be overcome / survived by castration of the scandal. This also constitutes the essence of Baudrillard's view of journalism as a "successful profession" within the system.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Baudrillard, Simülasyon, Medya, Basın, Post-gerçeklik, Baudrillard, Simulation, Media, Press, Post-truth
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