IJCF, Cilt 8, Sayı 2, Makale Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Mediating effect of financial self-control in the relationship between financial behavior and financial wellbeing
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2022) Odetayo, Tajudeen Adewale; Adeyemi, Adewumi Zaid; Oyedele, Oloruntoba; Sajuyigbe, Ademola Samuel
    This study examines the mediating effect of financial self-control in the relationship between financial behavior and financial well-being. Current research conceptualizes financial behavior in terms of credit discipline, savings and investment, and financial awareness. The data from this study came from a survey of 550 employees who have worked with the Osun government for at least 10 years. The structural equation model (SEM) using STATA version 15 was used to analyze the data. This study establishes a positive and significant relationship between financial behavioral parameters and financial self-control and financial wellbeing. It also showed that financial self-control is a powerful predictor of financial well-being. Given this, civil servants must be rational in their financial behavior in order to provide post-retirement financial stability and long-term financial well-being. In addition, the results of the survey provide relevant data for governments and educators to hold seminars and workshops on the importance of financial behavior and self-regulation. This greatly contributes to ensuring that civil servants are financially safe after retirement and well cared for in the long run.
  • Öğe
    A study of green human resources management (ghrm) practices in the strategic management perspective
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2022) Karabulut, Ahu Tuğba; Aksakal, Nihan Yavuz
    The recent increase in environmental problems has made it necessary for organizations to create environmental strategies. “Green culture” becomes even more important, especially if the raw materials used, the production process and the product itself can harm the environment. As environmental awareness, sustainability and environmental responsibilities become more and more important, organizations include environmental elements in their strategies. The effective and efficient carry out of environmental strategies in the organization is possible with the support of managers and the participation of employees. Green human resources management (GHRM) takes an active role in the environmental and sustainability goals of organizations and the HR department turns into a key strategic unit. It’s important for the whole organization that human resources management and practices gain a “green” dimension. This study aims to reveal the relation between strategic management and GHRM and its practices. The research was designed with qualitative features. In-depth interviews were used in the research. The results of the study have revealed that green human resources management practices are carried out even if green human resources management are not directly involved in the strategic management process. In addition, it has revealed which green human resources management practices are used in the organizations.
  • Öğe
    The roles of unique product development and global technological competence in the effect of international entrepreneurial orientation on company performance in international markets: A study on born global companies
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2022) Karabulut, Ahu Tuğba; Civelek, Mustafa Emre; Çelik, Merve
    The purpose of this study is to search the mediator roles of unique product development and global technological competence in the effect of international entrepreneurial orientation on company performance in international markets for born global companies. The study was conducted on born global companies which started its international activities in its first 7 years and operate in technoparks in Turkey. Data was collected by a questionnaire from 158 born global companies. According to the method proposed by Baron and Kenny, three models were created and compared with each other. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method was applied because it is more appropriate for complex models. According to the findings of the study, unique product development and global technological competence do not have mediator roles in the effect of international entrepreneurial orientation on company performance in international markets. However, there is a direct effect of international entrepreneurial orientation on company performance in international markets. Global technological competence has a direct effect on performance in international markets. On the other hand, unique product development does not have a direct effect on performance in international markets but unique product development has a direct effect on global technological competence.
  • Öğe
    The role of Zakat in national economic transformation through regional economic growth in South Sulawesi province
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2022) Karim, Abdul; Jumarding, Ahmad; Ahmad, Amrullah
    This study aims to determine the contribution of Zakat to economic growth in South Sulawesi Province. The economy of South Sulawesi in the second quarter grew significantly by 7.66 percent, higher than the first quarter of 2021 which recorded a contraction of 0.21 percent. The economic recovery was mainly supported by domestic consumption, which rebounded in line with the increasing mobility of the people. The regional income of South Sulawesi Province was IDR 4.19 trillion, dominated by transfer income. Regional revenue and expenditure budget expenditures were realized at IDR 3.44 trillion in the second quarter of 2021 (31.28% of the 2021 ceiling). Lower than the second quarter of 2020 which reached 41.39%? Most of the budget absorption was realized for operational expenditures (58.79% share) and capital expenditures (25.34%). The business sector, transportation, warehousing, trade, and construction are the main contributors to economic improvement in South Sulawesi Province, which experienced growth during the national economic recovery period of 73.95 percent.
  • Öğe
    Moderated mediation model of the effect of managerial ownership on financial performance
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2022) Muslichah, Muslichah; Usry, Abdul Kadir; Arniati, Tutik
    This research examines the impact of managerial ownership on financial performance with earning management as an intervening variable and audit quality as a moderating variable. This study's population included all manufacturing enterprises in the basic industrial and chemical industries listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2016 and 2018. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling, which yielded 60 observations from 20 companies. The results indicated that (1) Managerial ownership has a positive impact on financial performance, (2) Audit quality has a positive impact on financial performance,(3) The relationship between managerial ownership and financial performance is not mediated by earning management, (4) Audit quality moderates the impact of managerial ownership on financial performance.
  • Öğe
    Determinants of Islamic performance ratio in Islamic banks with return on assets as moderating factor
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2022) Nugroho, Lucky; Maryanti, Tatik; Ismal, Rifki; Mahfudz, Akhmad Affandi
    The plan of the Indonesian government that wants to make Indonesia the center of the world's Islamic economy and finance must be supported by all stakeholders. Therefore, as one of the vital elements in the Islamic financial ecosystem, Islamic banks need to have an excellent performance to increase the trust of the national and international community. In addition, Islamic banks with different operational principles from conventional banks should have different performance measurements compared to performance measurements from conventional banks. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that can potentially affect the Islamic Performance Ratio (IPR). These factors include independent variables consisting of financing, the distribution ratio (Financing to Deposit Ratio-FDR), labor cost ratio (LCR), promotion cost ratio (PCR), financing quality ratio (Non-Performing Financing-NPF), ratio distribution of financing to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and Return on Assets (ROA). Furthermore, to determine the relationship between financial performance indicators in conventional banks (ROA) with financial performance indicators and social performance in Islamic banks (IPR), ROA becomes a moderating variable. The results of this study show that FDR has a positive and significant effect on IPR, LCR has a negative and insignificant effect on IPR, PCR has a positive and significant effect on IPR, NPF has a negative and significant effect on IPR, MSMEs have a positive and significant effect on IPR, ROA has a positive and significant effect on IPR, and ROA has a positive and significant effect on IPR. Significant to the IPR. Whereas the ROA variable as a variable that moderates the relationship of these independent variables to IPR results in that ROA moderates the effect of ROA positively and significantly on IPR, ROA moderates the effect of LCR negatively and significantly on IPR, ROA moderates the effect of PCR positively and significantly on IPR. Also, ROA positively and significantly moderates the effect of MSMEs on IPR.
  • Öğe
    Debt financing and growth of quoted manufacturing firms in Nigeria
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2022) Ebenezer, Ariyibi Mayoma; Williams, Oyakhilamo Tolulope; Oludare, Asogba Israel
    The study examined the impact of debt financing on the growth of manufacturing companies in Nigeria within 2011 to 2018. The study employed the ex-post facto research design. Panel regression technique was employed for the analysis, but Hausman test was used determine which model is actually accurate for inference drawing among fixed and random models. The findings based on the random effect revealed that LTD (Long-term debt) has a negative significant effect on SG (Sales growth) at (?= -3.37, P<0.05), STD (Short-term debt) has a positive significant effect on SG (Sales growth) at (?= -0.08, P<0.05) and ROE (Return on equity) has a negative insignificant effect on SG (Sales growth) at (?= -0.24, P>0.05). The study recommended that firm can mix the periodic debt components of short-term and long-term debt in its capital structure, because of the benefit of tax shield inherent in the postulation of the static-trade off theory, but must also make the sure interest payment on debt does not affect the profitability status and growth of the company. Business enterprises can use debt, as it offers the potential to increase the volume of their operations and increase the average return on their equity. Few studies have been able to investigate the influence of sales growth on the debt exposure of the manufacturing companies, knowing full well that sales in directly proportional to increase in revenue.